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Meeting Title: Inspirational Speech

Date: 6/19/24
Time:1:00 p.m.
Location: Hytec Power Inc. Industrial Division Office
Attendees: CEO, Employees, OJT interns

Prepared by: Jose Miguel F. Ruiz

School: Sorsogon State University
Course: BSEE
Agendas discussed and outcomes:
Agenda 1: Introduction of Discussion
Emotional Quotient (EQ)
- How we handle yourself
- In the 21st century, this became hard
to manage
- Cellphones have a role in this matter

prison “cells” of people


To have a higher EQ, one must:

● Stay Positive
● Empathize
● Communicate Clearly
● Recognize what others feel
● Be open minded
CEO Engr. Eric Soliman wants his interns to be
better than him.
Interns are taught one thing at a time, because he
said it is hard to do two things at the same time
and may result to failure.

Agenda 2:Words of the day

● EQ ● Time management
● Optimization ● Commitment
● Innovation ● Standard

Internalize these and you will be productive

Agenda 3:Inters attending on Hytec Power Inc. are lucky

Engr. Eric Soliman is a very busy person. He is paid by several institution
for a mere 1 hour speech, and his interns receive it for free. Aside from that,
equipment and resource for academe are presently complete. Each
department is provided with the materials needed for them to learn. His
only request to us is to love these equipments as much as he loves us.

Agenda 4:Lecture on being a good employee

❖ Never be a problem/headache/misfortune of the company.
❖ Do not be like some of the HPI employees who just lax around the
❖ Always find something to do.
Takeaway on the Meeting

Prepared by: Jose Miguel F. Ruiz

School: Sorsogon State University
Course: BSEE
A Great Employee

● Posses a realistic goal

● Driven by motivation
● Utilizes teamwork above all
● Has control over his time (time management)
● Creates no excuses
● An asset to the company
● Is not a burden to his colleagues and employer

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