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Recruiting & Selecting Human Resources-
• Sourcing of candidates, Recruitment, Factors governing
• Strategic Management & Recruitment- Centralised & Decentralised
Modern Sources and Techniques of Recruitment.
• Selection- concept, Selection Process, use of Psychological tests,
Types of tests, Psychometric tests, online test, Importance of tests,
• Interviews- interviewing skills, Evaluation of Selection Programs,
Recent Trends in Selection.
• Barriers to effective selection,
• Ancillary Topics- Induction, Placement,
• Employer branding
• Whenever there is a vacancy in the organization,
generally it is to be filled. To make the candidate
avail­able for filling those vacancies, their
selection procedure and placement on a proper
job comes under the purview of recruitment.
• As soon as the available vacancies are known,
they are advertised through different media and
accordingly the applications are collected for the
vacant posts. A group of candidates interested in
doing the job and are eligible to do, it is created
through recruitment.
Sources of Recruitment:
Benefits of Internal Sources of Recruitment:

• 1. The existing employees get motivated.

• 2. Cost is saved as there is no need to give
advertisements about the vacancy.
• 3. It builds loyalty among employees towards
the organization.
• 4. Training cost is saved as the employees
already know about the nature of job to be
• 5. It is a reliable and easy process.
Limitations of Internal Sources of
1. Young people with the knowledge of modem
technology and innovative ideas do not get
the chance.
2. The performance of the existing employees
may not be as efficient as before.
3. It brings the morale down of employees who
do not get promotion or selected.
Benefits of External Sources of
• 1. New talents get the opportunity.
2. The best selection is possible as a large
number of candidates apply for the job.
• 3. In case of unavailability of suitable
candidates within the organization, it is better
to select them from outside sources.
Limitations of External Sources of
1. Skilled and ambitious employees may switch the
job more frequently.
2. It gives a sense of insecurity among the existing
3. It increases the cost as advertisement is to be
given through press and training facilities to be
provided for new candidates.
• 4. It may leads to encouragement to favouritism.
• 5. It may not be always in the good interest of
the organization.
The modern sources of Recruitment
• 1. Employee Referrals: Present employees are well
aware of the qualifications, attitudes, experience and
emotions of their friends and relatives. They are also
aware of the job requirements and organizational
culture of their company. As such they can make
preliminary judgment regarding the match between
the job and their friends and relatives.

• 2. Campus Recruitment: These candidates are
directly recruited by the Co; from their
college/educational institution. They are inexperienced
as far as work experience is concerned.
• 3 Private Employment Agencies/Consultants: Public employment
agencies or consultants like ABC Consultants inIndia perform
recruitment functions on behalf of a client company by charging
fees. Line managers are relieved from recruitment functions and
can concentrate on operational activities.

• 4 Public Employment Exchanges: The Government set up Public
Employment Exchanges in the country to provide information
about vacancies to the candidates and to help the organization in
finding out suitable candidates. As per the Employment Exchange
act 1959, makes it obligatory for public sector and private sector
enterprises inIndia to fill certain types of vacancies through public
employment exchanges.
• 5. Professional Organizations: Professional
organizations or associations maintain complete bio-
data of their members and provide the same to various
organizations on requisition. They act as an exchange
between their members and recruiting firm.

• 6 Data Banks: The management can collect the bio-
data of the candidates from different sources like
Employment Exchange, Educational Training Institutes,
candidates etc and feed them in the computer. It will
become another source and the co can get the
particulars as and when required.
• 7 Casual Applicants: Depending on the image
of the organization its prompt response
participation of the organization in the local
activities, level of unemployment, candidates
apply casually for jobs through mail or
handover the application in the Personnel
dept. This would be a suitable source for
temporary and lower level jobs.
• 8 Similar Organizations: Generally experienced candidates are
available in organizations producing similar products or are
engaged in similar business. The Management can get potential
candidates from this source.

• 9. Trade Unions: Generally unemployed or underemployed persons
or employees seeking change in employment put a word to the
trade union leaders with a view to getting suitable employment due
to latter rapport with the management.

• 10.Walk In: The busy organization and rapid changing companies
do not find time to perform various functions of recruitment.
Therefore they advise the potential candidates to attend for an
interview directly and without a prior application on a specified
date, time and at a specified place.
• 11.Consult In: the busy and dynamic companies encourage the
potential job seekers to approach them personally and consult
them regarding the jobs. The companies select the suitable
candidates and advise the company regarding the filling up of the
positions. Head hunters are also called search consultants.

• 12.Body Shopping: Professional organizations and the hi-tech
training develop the pool of human resource for the possible
employment. The prospective employers contact these
organizations to recruit the candidates. Otherwise the
organizations themselves approach the prospective employers to
place their human resources. These professional and training
institutions are called body shoppers and these activities are known
as body shopping. The body shopping is used mostly for computer
professionals. Body shopping is also known as employee leasing
• 13.Mergers and Acquisitions: Business alliances like acquisitions, mergers
and take over help in getting human resources. In addition the companies
do also alliances in sharing their human resource on adhoc basis.

• 14.E_recruitment: The technological revolution in telecommunications
helped the organizations to use internet as a source of recruitment.
Organizations advertise the job vacancies through the world wide wed
(www). The job seekers send their applications through e-mail using the

• 15.Outsourcing: Some organizations recently started developing human
resource pool by employing the candidates for them. These organizations
do not utilize the human resources; instead they supply HRs to various
companies based on their needs on temporary or ad-hoc basis.
Centralized recruitment

• In a centralized recruitment model, all hiring decisions

and recruitment responsibilities fall on a single unit for
the entire company. That means one corporate human
resources (HR) department has sole decision-making
authority regarding recruiting.
• For organizations with centralized recruitment, this
group is exclusively responsible for standardizing and
overseeing the whole recruitment and hiring process.
Decentralized recruitment

• On the other hand, with a decentralized recruiting process, each

manager — or a dedicated recruiter dispersed to each business unit
based on department or geography — is solely responsible for
making recruitment decisions within their unit and can choose their
own employees based on different criteria.
• Decentralized recruitment processes vary from unit to unit and
allow for a lot of freedom in recruiting strategy. Additionally, some
companies take a hybrid approach by having both centralized and
decentralized recruiting functions, with some decisions and policies
deployed across the organization while others are implemented
Employer Branding

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