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Project Kickoff Template

What do I want to tell the company about a new workstream?

Template by:
🐦 @koolaidco | 👋 |
Project Summary
2-4 sentence summary description and objective of the project

2,491 6,000 96%

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amet, consectetur adipi cupidatat non proident omnis iste natus error
Problem Statement

What is the business issue are we trying to solve? What questions are we trying to answer? Why?
🚫 Out of Scope

(if relevant) What is considered out-of-scope?

⏪ Prior art

Has anything already been done in this domain? What worked or didn’t work?
📉 Measuring Impact

What are the intermediate and long-term metrics/goals you expect to achieve? (Qual/Quant). What are
the long-term outcomes you expect from the project? (Qual/Quant)
Project Goals
What does success look like? What are we signing up to deliver? What has to be
true for this project to be successfully completed? (These are binary deliverables.

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Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollit anim

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit volupta tem accusa
ntium eius modi tempora
Who Who is the audience for your work? (Can be
external or internal)

Key Insight What’s our key insight about them that will guide
the project?

Basis for key How do we know what we know? Data? Anecdotes?

insight (Ideally both!)
Project Scope

What is the timeline for completion?

1 Vision
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2 Mission
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3 Goal
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4 Strategy
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💸 Budget

How much can/should we spend on these efforts? What additional people/materials would we need?
🧱 Challenges and constraints

What are the known risks of the project? Does your work depend on the success of other work (ie-
⛔ Existing blockers

does anything need to be confronted or resolved now, before the project starts, in order for the project
to be successful?
🤝 Succession/transition plans

Does the project require a longterm owner or on going maintenance? If so, who will do that and what
is required?
Project Team and Communication

Nikola Marie
Tesla Curie
Inventor Physicist and Chemist
@ Tesla Inc. @ Radioactivity

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