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Getting to Know

the Territory
What Indonesia is NOT

 Bali is the capital city of Indonesia

 Indonesia is an Islamic state
 Indonesia is a small country
 All Indonesians speak the same language
 Indonesia is a poor country
 Indonesians are tribal people
All food is spicy
Austronesian languages, aka Malayo-Polynesian
Affection and Love
Expressing Oneself
Shopping and Business
Talking about Language / Nationality
Food and Drink Part 2
Direction / Location 2
Addressing Peeps
Introducing yourself
Affection and Love
Emergency Expressions
Numbers 2

 Greet an Indonesian with “Selamat” (sell-a-mat), which means peace. This should be said slowly and with
Initial greetings will involve a slow handshake (always with the right hand) accompanied by a slight nod of
the head or bow.
 Only shake an Indonesian woman´s hand if she initiates the greeting.
 Hierarchical relationships are very important to Indonesians, as is respect for age, status and power. In group
introductions, always greet the eldest or most senior person first.
 Do not back slap an Indonesian, or touch their head, as this is very disrespectful.
 An Indonesian may show their approval with a pat on the shoulder.
 Avoid extended eye contact as this can be interpreted as a sign of hostility and never chew gum or yawn.
 Displays of affection between members of the opposite sex are frowned upon. However, affection between
members of the same sex is common.
 As with many Asian cultures, the left hand is considered unclean. Do not touch food, pass
or receive anything, touch anyone, or point with your left hand.
 The host and hostess are invariably the last to sit and eat. Men are usually served first.
 The guest of honour or senior person begins the meal; this is an honour. If you are called
to start the meal, you should refuse twice and then start.
 Do not refuse food or drink, but never finish it completely and compliments about the
meal are always welcome.
 Westerners are expected to be punctual for business meetings, although it is common for
Indonesians to arrive late.
 Arriving at the location of your meeting, present your business card to the receptionist;
otherwise, you may experience delays.
 It is normal for Indonesians to enter the conference room according to rank. Although you
will not be expected to do the same, behaving as such will present a good impression.
 Exchange business cards when being introduced. Present and receive the card slowly and
with interest.
 Indonesians want very much to please you. Sometimes an untruthful answer is given, so
as not to disappoint anyone.
 Never joke about race, religion, and ethnicity
 Do not drink alcohol or play card games
 Do not drink tap water
 Don’t do drugs
 Don’t forget to say thank you
 Don’t disrupt the wildlife
 Don’t ignore local customs
 ‘Loss of Face

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