7 C’s of communication introduction (6th)

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7 C’s of Communication

Mansoor Ahmed Memon


• Communication means to share or convey information

through experience, speech or behavior.
• a great skill
• 7 C’s of communication is one of those famous strategy to
develop good communication skills.
• They are called 7 C’s because each of these principles
begins with the alphabet “C”.

• You write emails, facilitate meetings, participate in conference

calls, create reports, devise presentations, debate with your
colleagues… the list goes on.
• We can spend almost our entire day communicating. So, it stands to
reason that communicating clearly and effectively can boost
• This is why the 7 Cs of communication are helpful. The 7 Cs provide
a checklist for making sure that your meetings, emails, conference
calls, reports and presentations are well constructed and clear. This
help your audience to understand your message clearly.
7 C’s of communication

• Conciseness
• Correctness
• Concreteness
• Completeness
• Consideration
• Clarity
• Courtesy
CONCISENESS (Brief, use of few words)
Conciseness means to clear the point of view in fewest possible words.

• It keeps the reader interested.

• Provide only the relevant information
• Avoid repeating the words and sentences.
• Avoid wordy expressions

• Irrelevant information and repetition give readers a view that you are not well researched
about the topic and just filling the pages.

Concreteness refers to the element of being strong and

authoritative. Inclusion of facts and figures boost up the limit
of belief and faith on your writing.

• Use facts and figures

• Use active voice
• Avoid from grammatical errors
• Avoid from pronunciation errors
• Language should be understandable
Concreteness: (being specific)

• Be specific, to the point, focus on topic

• Necessary for effective communication
• Avoid irrelevant talk

• Completeness is a very demanding characteristic.

• In order to impress your audience you need to give a brief
information about the topic.
• The sense of Completeness of an article satisfies its readers
fully and clear their doubts. Moreover Completeness also
demands that you yourself should answer those questions
which you think can arise in the mind of readers.
Consideration: think about others too

• Focus on you instead of I

• Emphasize positive and pleasant facts
• Think about audience, who and what are they? Their knowledge
• Select relevant context for audience level.

Consideration means writing every message with message receivers in mind. In

other words it can be said that bring ‘You attitude” in your writing. Show a sense
of warmth and sincerity to your readers, this will bring a belief on you and your
readers will trust you. Try to emphasize on the positive aspects. It will surely
motivate the readers and will urge them to work more and harder.

• Clarity in thought
• Clarity of expression should be there.
• Whatever is in your mind and saying there should be no

• Be sincere and appreciative

• Respectful expressions
• Being polite, humble
• Participative communication
• Participant easily communicate- easily understand, take
• Get opportunity to ask questions

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