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222,444,888,444,555 9,2,777 Civil War

3,444,888,444,7777,444,666,66 Division

7777,555,2,888,33,777,999 Slavery
2,22,666,555,444,8,444,666,66 Abolition
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Y9 – Term 1 –
Bigger Picture:

how far
society changed
after war
Y9 – Term 1 –
Bigger Picture:

how far
society changed
after war
Why was America fighting a Civil War?
Knowledge: Explain the causes of the US Civil War

What can you recall about the lives of

enslaved people in the USA?
Write down as many facts as you can in

Bigger picture: Understanding how far American society changed after war
The background to Civil
• From April 1861 to April 1865, the US
was locked in a brutal civil war. It was
fought between the armies of the
Northern (Union) and Southern
(Confederate) states. Over 750,000
Americans died.

Task 1: Copy the key words and definitions into your

glossary in the back of your books:

Civil War = A war fought between two groups in

the same country

Abolition = to get rid of something or stop it

continuing (e.g. slavery)
The background…
Overall the Civil War was a fight
between two different ways of
running the country. Both sides were
led by formidable leaders. In the
North, President Abraham Lincoln
was for the Union army and
Jefferson Davies was for the
Southern Confederate army.
Task 2: Using a ruler and pencil draw a simple outline of Union States
the United States in your book…please use half a page.

Colour the Northern part of the US (above the line in one Confederate States
colour) and colour the Southern parts (below the line) in
another colour. This shows the two different sides in the
Civil War!

Extended thinking:

From your initial understanding what

issues would divide these different
states from wanting to work together?

Explain your reasoning in an extended

paragraph on why this would cause What Caused the Civil War
tension. - YouTube
The Northern states did not have the type of land Many businessmen in the north felt that the south
and different types of work to want to keep Slave owners had a lot of power on how the had and unfair advantage because slaves had no
slavery going. The South wanted to keep slaves to country was run because they made so much rights and no action could be taken if they did not
work the land. The north was not happy that the money for the country from slavery. like their job. Workers in the North could go on
South had more economic opportunities. strike if they were not getting paid enough.

Christian groups in the North began to speak out The south gained most of its wealth through
against slavery because the said that God had Christian groups such as the Quakers and
growing crops such as tobacco, rice and especially
‘made all men free and equal’. Methodists wanted to speak out against slavery.
cotton. This work had been done by black slaves
Many of these groups were based in the North.
from Africa and those born into slavery

Task 3: Copy out these statements - colour

Many people in the North were unhappy that the
new government were giving into the demands of code the information into one of three
Some religious groups in the South supported
Slave holders and plantation owners in the South slavery and preached that God had made black
who were making political decisions for the whole people to serve white people. They saw this as the • Political
country natural order of human life.
• Religion
• Economic (money)

Which overall cause was the most

SIGNIFICANT in starting the Civil

In your answer provide evidence

from the statements to back up
your judgement and EXPLAIN why
these caused the war.
So what happened next?

Step 1: Between 1860 – 1861 many of

the Southern states declared
‘succession’ from the United States
because of them wanting to keep

Step 2: The Confederate troops in the

South began the first fight by attacking
Fort Sumter in South Carolina, which
had Union troops inside.

Step 3: The Union States won the Civil

War in 1865 which brought all the states
under one government again and ended
slavery in the United States

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