1. You are What you Think and Feel

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You are What you

Think and Feel

• How do you feel when you have a scheduled test and
you are not prepared?
• What about when a classmates mother surprisingly
brought cake and ice cream for everyone in your class
to eat to celebrate the birthday of her son?
• How important are your feelings or emotions to your
everyday activities?
The story of Henry was well-known in
Barangay Bayabas. When he was a baby, his father,
mother, brother and sisters were all lost at sea. They
were on their way to attend a birthday celebration on
an uncle in another town when their boat turned
upside down by accident while on water.
On that day, Henry, who was then a baby, had been left behind with his
grandmother. After an accident, Henry grow up as a special orphan of
Barangay Bayabas. He would call any woman in the barangay his aunt and
any man his uncle. Few years later, his grandmother passed away and his
school teacher who had only one child, took care of him. Henry was happy
that he had a new family, but deep inside, he could not help but feel sad
because he missed his grandmother, father, mother, brother, and sisters.
What is mental health?
Mental health refers to how a person thinks, feels, and
acts to cope with stresses of life. It includes the ability to bounce
back after experiencing difficulties in life. People who are
considered in good mental health can still continue to study and
work in spite of the problems they encounter in life.
For example in Henry’s story, if Henry would always think that
his life is sad because he has no family of his own, then he would
feel sad, and act sadly. This means he would stay in one corner,
avoid talking and playing with his classmates.
Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person
1. Posses high self-esteem
2. Accept imperfections in themselves and to others.
3. Altuistic – (showing disinteresting and selfless concern
for the well-being of others)
4. Have a sense of control over their lives.
5. Demonstrate self competence in relationship
6. Able to rely on others
7. Not overwhelmed by emotions
8. Try to maintain a positive outlook in life.
9. Capable of intimacy; no fear of commitment
10. Show creativity
11. Persevere and take on challenges
12. Take reasonable risks in order to grow
13. Can bounce back from adversity
What is emotional health?
Emotional health is the ability to manage your
emotions and feelings.
For example, Henry could talk nicely to his teachers and
friends despite being an orphan. If Henry feels sad sometimes,
it doesn’t mean he is not emotionally healthy.
Sadness and worries are normal emotions and this is
What is unhealthy is when Henry would always feel sad
that his everyday activities would be affected. He would cut
classes and would just hang out with other dropped out kids.
Who are the mentally and emotionally healthy children?
Children who are mentally and emotionally healthy are
able to do the regular activities that children do like playing
and studying in spite of the problems at home or in school.
Thus, they could be in a better position to have friends in
Children who are mentally and emotionally healthy
should also be in good physical health. Thus, they should
learn to practice personal hygiene, good grooming, correct
posture, and dental health. In this way, they can be in a better
position to develop self-confidence.
How is loneliness overcome?
Loneliness – is a feeling of sadness and unpleasant response. You
felt lonely when your friend was sick; or your parents did not allow you
to join a birthday party, or ypu failed one of your periodical test.
Here are several ways to overcome loneliness:
1. Think of happy thoughts and stay active.
Always remember that you are not along. Play with your
friends or do interesting things together. Get busy by reading a book or
magazine, making your assignment, assisting in your family business,
or doing anything you love to do. Go for a walk or bike ride. Listen to
music and joion a special program in your school. Help your mom and
dad to do household chores.
2. Take of a pet.
Pets are our companions at home. A pet
can be your friend and source of happiness.
For example: the dog greets you at the
door by wagging its tail. When you are alone, you
can talk to your pet. You can play with them. Be a
responsible pet owner by taking good care of them.
3. Learn new skills
Every child has unique talents and skills.
Some are good in sports, drama, and musical
instruments. Loneliness can be diverted into
something else so a person becomes more
productive. It also helps to make the most of one’s
time by discovering skills such as playing musical
instruments, learning to paint and draw, and learning
to dance.
Read Online and Learn
With the help of parents and
guardians at home, go online and read stories
of children your age who experienced deep
loneliness. Find out who overcame their
loneliness. You may also read the advice
given by teachers and guidance counselor.
Activity 1: Thinking About your Feelings
Read situation describing the continuing story of Henry.
Henry is an orphan boy yet he loves to study. He always
get good grades in Science, Math and MAPEH. He is a good
leader. He spends time with friends in playing the guitar, drawing
and playing basketball. He lives with his grandmother who is very
proud of him.
However, when his grandmother passed away, Henry
started to skip classes . He would prefer staying alone. He
avoided talking to his friends. He would rather stay at home,
watching TV, listening to music, or sleeping all day long.
Try tracing the cause of Henry’s change of behaviour by doing this
activity. Supposing your Henry, what would be your answer to the
following questions.
1. What’s going on inside your mind?
2. What are your feelings? Are you afraid because of your
grandmother is gone? Are
you angry, sad or lonely?
3. What do you feel that way? It is because you think you
are alone?
4. Are you really alone? Are there no other people who truly
care for you. Do you think that your fears are

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