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Let’s Get Physically Fit

Physical Fitness: It’s Now or Never

Physical fitness may not be a big deal or an issue for you, young as
you are now. But it is possible later on, if you fail to be
conscious about your health and fitness.
It would be difficult for you to cut down your undesirable eating
habits and lack of participation in physical
activities when you are much older.
This would be the right time to start engaging in physical games
and activities for you to grow healthy, fit and
happy. As the saying goes, “It’s now or Never.”
What is Physical Activity?
A physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles
requiring extra energy that enhances or maintains physical fitness,
health and wellness.
Three groups of Physical activities:
1. light
2. moderate
3. vigorous
They all depend on the degree of intensity. It refers to how hard your body is
working during a physical activity.
Physical Activities:
1. Activities that use lots of energy are called vigorous or high.
Examples of vigorous activities are swimming, running and
2. Activities that require a medium amount of effort are called
moderate or medium.
Examples: brisk walking and doing household chores
3. Activities that require low amount of energy are called light or
Examples: writing, watching TV programs, and playing
video games
What is physical fitness?
Physical fitness - is the ability to do work or any physical
activities without getting
= It is the condition of the body that enables the
person to carry out any kind of task
= Some call it personal wellness. Doing
physical activities regularly can help
achieve physical fitness.
What are the indicators of physical fitness?
Answer the following questions with a YES or NO. By answering these
questions. You will be able to tell if you are physically fit.
1. Do you easily get tired doing a continuous physical activity?
2. Can you stretch your muscles without feeling discomfort or pain?
3. Can you move your body with little or no difficulty?
4. Can you run 1 kilometer in 8 minutes with ease?
5. Is the amount of your fat less than your weight of lean muscles?
If your answer is Yes to all the questions, you are physically fir. If you
answer is No, you have to work out for your physical fitness.
Health – and Skill – related Components of Physical Fitness
Fitness – is a condition in which an individual has sufficient
energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life.
Health-related fitness components are skills that enable one
to become and stay physically healthy.
1. Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs,
and blood vessels to supply oxygen to
the body during physical activities.
2. Healthy body composition is the normal balance of body
fat and lean body mass.
3. Flexibility – is the ability of a person to bend or stretch
without hurting oneself.
4. Muscular strength is the ability of the muscles to exert
enough force to lift weight.
5. Muscle endurance – is the ability of a muscle or a
group of muscle to exert force to
lift weight repeatedly.
Skill-related fitness components are skills that improve one’s
performance in athletics or sports events. These
components are agility, balance, coordination, power, speed
and reaction time.
1. Agility is the ability to change and control the direction and
position of the body while maintaining a
constant rapid motion.
Example: changing directions while hitting a ball
2. Balance - is the ability to keep an upright posture while standing
still or moving.
Example: skating
3. Coordination – is the ability to use the senses together with body parts
during movement.
Example: dribbling a basketball
4. Speed – is the ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a
short period of time.
Example: a basketball player making a fast break to perform a lay-
5. Reaction time - is the ability to react or respond quickly to what you
hear, see or feel.
Example: a player starting to move as soon as she/he hears the
signal “go”
6. Power – is the ability to move the body parts swiftly while applying the
maximum force of the muscles.
=> It is a combination of both speed and muscular
Example: a basketball player swiftly dribbling while running to
make a dunk
How should one participate in physical activities?
Participating in physical activities is a major decision on your
part. This is so because your involvement to
it is challenging.
Focus and determination in every physical activity you
participate in and your main strengths
to reach your goal to be physically fit.
When you participate in physical activities, you should do it
regularly or continuously and not occasionally. Stick to your
exercise or physical activity plan until you achieve your goal.
Activity 1:
1. Do 15 seconds of jumping jacks
2. Do 15 seconds of sit-ups
3. Do 15 seconds of jogging in place bringing your knees
up high
4. Do 15 seconds of modified push-ups
5. Repeat the cycle three times.

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