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Dr. Nishigandha Chaudhari


Asso. Prof. of RSBK

Method 1-
“अहृतात् तत्क्षणाकृ ष्टाद् द्रव्यात्क्षुण्णात्समुद्धरेत् |
वस्त्रनिष्पिडितो यः सः रसः स्वरस उच्यते||
(शा. सं. म. ख.1/2)
Juice extracted from a particular substance by pressing through a
machine is called as Swaras
• Method 2-
कु डवं चूर्णितं द्रव्यं क्षिप्तं च द्विगुणे जले |
अहोरात्रं स्थितं तस्माद् भवेद् वा रसः उत्तमः ||
(शा. सं. म. ख.1/3)
One Adhak dry drug should be soaked in one Adhak
water for 24 hours, later the filtrate is used as Swaras.

• Method 3-
आदाय शुष्कद्रव्यं वा स्वरसानामसम्भवे |
जलेऽष्टगुणिते साध्यं पादशिष्टं च गृह्यते ||
(शा. सं. म. ख.1/4)
In case of very dry drug, boil it in eight times water and
reduce it to one fourth of quantity.
Method 4- In case of fibrous drugs-
पुटपाक - विधि-
“पुटपाकस्य कल्कस्य स्वरसो गृह्तेथ यतः |
अतस्तु पुटपाकानां युक्तिरत्रोच्यते मया ||
पुटपाकस्य मात्रेयं लेपस्याङ्गारवर्णता |
लेपस्य द्वयङ्गुलं स्थूलं कु र्याद्वाङ्गुष्ठमात्रकम् ||
काश्मरिवटजम्ब्वादिपत्रैर्वेष्टनमुत्तमम् |
पलमात्र् रसो ग्राह्यः कर्षमात्रं मधु क्षिपेत् ||
कल्कचुर्णद्रवाद्यास्तु देयाः स्वरसवद् बुधैः |” - शा. सं. म. ख.1/25-29
• The kalka of the drug is prepared. Wrapped with larger non
poisonous leaves (palash, vata, gambhari, jambu ect.) and
tied on all sides with cotton thread. Over this ball of kalka
and covered leaves, an angula thick mud is smeared. This
mud ball is dried in shade and baked over burning charcoal
until red hot. Later it is rolled out of Agni and allowed to
cool. Before it is completely cool the layers are removed one
by one and the Kalka is strained through a clean cloth to get
Putpaka Swaras.
• Dose – One Pala
• Anupana – Madhu or with appropriate kalka, churna drava
• Dose-
स्वरस पान मात्रा
स्वरसस्य गुरुत्वाच्च पलमर्धं प्रयोजयेत् |
निशोषितं चाग्निसिद्धं पलमात्रं रस पिबेत् || (शा. सं. म. ख.1/5)
Swaras – half pala
Agnisidha swaras – one pala

• Prakshep Dravya-
प्रक्षेप द्रव्य मान-
मधु श्र्वेता गुडं क्षाराञ्जिरकं लवणं तथा |
घृतं तैलं च चूर्णादीन् कोलमात्रान् रसे क्षिपेत् || (शा. सं. म. ख.1/6)
Madhu, Sharkara, Guda, Ghee, Kshar, Taila, Jirak, Lavana –
1 Kola each
• Patra- Tulasi Swaras,
• Kanda- Ardrak Swaras,
• Pushpa- Gulab pushpa
• Mula- Dashmul dravya mul
• Phal- Amla phal
• Putapaka swaras- Vasa patra Putpaka Swaras, Amra
patra, Jambu patra, Pakwa Dadim phala swaras,
Vibhitaki phala swaras.
• Advantages of swaras-
1.Guruta and Viryata are comparatively maximum.
2.It is readily used as anupana along with other forms of
3.Used as bhavana dravya in different preparations.
4.Used in shidhana and marana of rasa dravyas.
5.Used in preparation of medicine
• Standardization parameters-
1.Organoleptic characters
3.PH value
4.Specific gravity at 25 degree Celcius
5.Loss on drying .
Kalka Kalpana
KALKA (Messing)
• ;% fi.M® jlfi"Vkuka dYd% l ifjdhÆrr%A p lw ‡

A soft mass or paste with juice ,

prepared by pounding the drug
is known as Kalka.

 dYd® nw“kfn isf"kr%A p‐dz lw


• n~O;a vknazz] Æ'kyk fi"V'kq"de~ ok LkTkya Òo

¢Rk~ A

ç{k¢i vkoki dYdkLrs rUekUka d"kZlaÇere~ AA

• The soft mass of drug prepared by pounding either adding water or
without and make in to homogeneous substance is called as Kalka.
• Soft paste of wet drug /dry drug
Wet drug without adding water.
Dry drug by adding water(little quantity) -
•miyn'kukfnfi"VLrq dYd%A --- v‐la‐
The paste prepared by grinding a drug with te
help of stone or teeth .
Ashtang Sangraha
• A soft mass or paste with juice . - Acharya
Requirement for kalka
1 . Drug
- Adra dravya / moist form / freshly
collected drug
- Dry drug which soaked in water

• 2 Apparatus
- Shila
- Teeth
• Kalka , Prakshepa, Awap, Pinda

• Kalka - Edible

• Prakshepa -
To be added into oil,
• Awap - Avaleha, mishra
kalpana .
As per use of drugs-
• Single Drug Messing -
Single drug is used .e.g. - Nimba kalka

• Compound Drug messing -

More than one drugs are used. For e.g. Navnita
kalka .
• Wet plant / Dry plant (with water )


A soft mass /paste

• Method of Preparation of Kalka:
 The drug is washed, wiped and taken into a clean Khalva Yantra.
It is grounded well into soft paste with no fibrous part felt in it.
• J`r% DokFk% d"kk;'p fu;Zwº%% l fuXk|r¢ A
'kk la e- [k

• oUgkS rq DofFkra nzO;a J`ra

vkgq«'pfdRldk%A p- lw-
Kashaya is one among the Panchavidha
Kashaya Kalpana. In Ayurvedic classics;
prime importance is given for the
preparation of medicine. Boiling the drug in
water for a definite period of time and
reducing it to specific quantity is called
पानीयं षोडशगुणं ‌क्षुण्णे द्रव्यपले क्षिपेत् |
मृत्पात्रो क्वाथयेद्ग्राह्यमष्टमांशावशेषितम् ||
तज्जलं पाययेध्दीमान् कोष्णं मृद्वग्निसाधितम् ||” - शा. स्. म. खं. 2/1-2

• Kwath is the liquid preparation obtained by boiling 1

part of dravya in coarse powder form along with 16
parts of water which is reduced to 1/8th part and
filtered. The filtrate is taken as Kwatha.
Coarsely powdered drug
( 1 Pala )

( 16 part)


Kwath (1/8th part)

Jala Praman
According to the consistency (Hardness) of drugs
• Mrudu dravya ( Soft consistency)-
4 times water
• Madhyam dravya / kathina ( Medium
consistency)- 8times water
• Ati Kathina dravya ( Very hard consistency)- 16
times water
Jala Praman
According to the quantity of
drugs -
• 1 masha - 1 pala ( 10 gm- 48 gm)-
16 times water
• 1 pala - 1 kudava ( 48 gm- 192gm) -
8 times water
• 1 kudava above (above 192 gm)-
4 times water
Prakshepa Vata Pitta Kapha
Sita 1/4th 1/8th part 1/16th part
Madhu 1/16th 1/8th part 1/4th part
Jirak, guggul,
kshara,lavana,Shilajatu,Hingu,Trikatu – 1
Shan ( 3 gm)
• Precaution –
 Acharya Sharangadhara explains that while preparing
 Powder must be coarse.
 One should not cover the lid as it becomes heavy for digestion.
 Should not boil again once taken off the fire.
 Should consume within 24 hours of preparation.
• Acharya Harita describes-
 Stirring is avoided during the preparation
• Prepared kashaya should not be reheated
• Acharya Harita mentioned, kashaya (decoction) which has the
varna (colour) and gandha (odour) similar to that of the dravyas
used for its preparation and which is clear without any ghanatva
or picchilata is considered to be uttama (best in quality).


• Acharya Harita says kashaya which has become Krishna, Neela,
Raktavarnayukta, which has become turbid, picchila, which is
dagdha ,kunapagandha, visragandhayukta etc. such a kashaya
has to be discarded as it will not be able to reduce the disease
•क्वाथ पान विधि-

”आहाररसपाके च सञ्जाते द्विपलोन्मितम् |

वृद्धवैद्योपदेशेन पिबेतं क्वाथं सुपाचितम्||” शा. स्. म. खं. २/३

•The kwath has to be taken after food for better

digestion in Dwipala matra and it has to be used
instantly after preparation.
• 1Pala (48ml) 2 pala (98ml)

• Uttamamatra- 1 Pala (48ml)

• Madhyamamatra- 3 karsha(36ml)

• Avaramatra – ½ pala (24ml)

• Shelf life: 24hrs

• General uses of kwatha
 It is an important dosage form indicated solely in
many of the disease conditions.
 It play a major role in almost all the ophthalmic
 It is use in preparation of many the secondary
 It is a widely use bhavana draya in many of the drug
 As anupana these are indicated in vogue.
 For niruha basti these preparation are administrered.
 For vrana praksalana these are considered

Niruha Mishra
basti kalpana

Uses of

Anupan Aschotan

Rasnadi kwatha
Rasnasaptaka kwatha
Punarnavastka kwath
Hima kalpana is a simple preparation where the drug in coarse
powder form are kept soaked in water for a stipulated time period to
facilitate the transfer of water soluble active principles from drug to
the liquid media.
These preparation will usually have shitavirya and mriduguna.
Madhur amla rasa drug with volatile principles are preferred here.
These preparation are pitta shamaka, hrudya & sadyah santarpaka.
क्षुण्णं द्रव्यपलं सम्यक् षड्भिर्नीरपलैः प्लुतम् |
निशोषितं हिमः स स्यात् तथा शीतकषायकः || शा. मा ४/१

One part of drug in coarse powder form kept soaked

overnight in six part of soft and clean water. Next day the
mixture is macerated and filtered through a clean white
cloth. The filtrated is called as the hima.
- Drug should be in coarse powder (yavakuta curna) form.
- Only soft water has to be used.
- Sufficient maceration has to be caried out.
- Chemically inert vessel has to be used for keeping the
drug soaked.
- This preparation is for instant use only.
Dose and adjuvant:

तन्मानं फाण्टवज्ज्ञेयं सर्वत्रैवैष निश्चयः | शा. मा ४/२

2 pala (96ml)
It is given along with sugar or many powder of medicinal
Dhanyaka hima
Dhanyakadi hima
Sarivadi hima

Dhanyaka hima:
Dhanyaka : 1 part
Water : 6 part
Method of preparation:
General method of hima preparation.
Dosage, adjubvant and indication:
Dwipala (96 ml) is given along with sugar, honey etc. It is useful in case of daha, trsna and
other paittika vikara.
Phanta Kalpana
In phanta preparation is also water soluble extractives are brought in
to the liquid media and the liquid is use as medicament.
The line difference between hima and phanta is thin. In hima cold
water is used where as phanta hot water. In Phanta the drug is kept
until the hot water becomes luke water.
The temperature of the hot water poured into the drug help in
extraction of the active principles in better way. But use of drug with
volatile principles may not be suitable choice here.
क्षुण्णे द्रव्यपले सम्यक् जलमुष्णं विनिक्षिपेत् |
मृत्पात्रे कु डवोन्मानं ततस्तु स्त्रावयेत् पटात् || शा. म. ३/१

The liquid preparation prepared by adding 4 part of boiling water to 1

part of coarsely power drug. Later when the water is still warm the
mixture has to be macerated well and filtered. The filtered is called
This preparation is for instant use and is lightest for digestion among
five kasaya kalpanas. It is also called as churna drava. The vessel
used in the process should be non reactive.
The praksepaka dravyas, dosage and
anupana are same as that of kwatha
1. Drug should be in coarse powder (yavakuta curna)
2. Boiling water has to be poured in to the drug.
3. Only soft water has to be used.
4. Sufficient maceration has to be carried out.
5. Chemically inert vessel has to be use for keepingthe drug
6. This preparation is for instant used only.
Dose and adjuvant:
स स्याच्चूर्णद्रवः फाण्टः तन्मानं द्विपलिन्मितम् |
सितामधुगुडादींश्र्च क्वाथवत्तत्र निक्षिपेत् || शा. म. ३/२

Churnadrava is the synonym of phanta.

Dosage is same as that of decoction ie 2 pala (96 ml)
All the praksepa dravya are added same as that of decoction.
It is given along with sugar or any powder of medicinal drug.
Sudarshana phanta
Panchkola phanta
The preparation prepared by the process extraction
get the general term as galenical. It is name so after
Galen-a Greek physician. The preparation that has
the process of extraction include, decoction cold and
hot infusion, tinctures, liquid extracts, semisolid
extracts and powder extracts.
Extraction here may be defining as the process in which the herbal
or animal drug tissues are treated with specific solvent to dissolve
out the active principles. The cell tissues and most inactive and
inert component remain un-dissolved. The solvent used for the
extraction purposes is called menstruum and the residue left
after extracting the desired constituents is known as marc. The
usual solvents used are the water and the alcohol.
The extraction of active principles from an herbal drug is done by
various procedures depending on the physical nature of the drug
and chemical constituents present in it. The extraction method
1. Infusion:
Infusion is a method employed for extraction of active
principles from soft natured drugs with water soluble
active principles. Here the water molecules easily
penetrate in to the soft drug tissue. In the process the
drug to be extracted is placed at bottom of the infusion
pot (a beaker). Water is added and the contents are
stirred occasionally. The drug is allowed remain in contact
with water for about 15 min. Later the liquid is strained
and dispensed. Infusions must be freshly used.
2. Maceration:
Maceration is a process employed for extraction of active
principles from the drug with no cellular or tissue structure.
Such drug are obtained from the plant as their exudates, like
the gums, resins, and oleogum-resin etc. In this process, the
extraction of the drug is carried out by placing a weighed
amount of drug in contact with 4/5th of the menstrum in a closed
vessel for 2 to 7 hours with occasional shaking. Later the clear
liquid is filtered and dispensed.
The preparation made by this method include compound tincture
of benzoin, tincture of tolu and tincture of myrrh.
3. Percolation:
Percolation is another procedure to extract the active principles from the
drug used in the preparation of tinctures and liquid extract. Here the
suitably comminuted drug is moistened with sufficient quantity of
menstrum which is then packed in a percolator. The drug is allowed to
remain in contact with the menstrum 24 hr. Later more menstrum is
added from the top and the percolation is started. The required volume
is collected, marc is pressed and expressed liquid is added to the
percolate. The required volume is produced by adding more menstrum
and the mixed liquid is clarified by filtration or decantation.
Preparations made by percolation process are-tincture of belladonna,
compound tincture of cardamom, strong tincture of ginger etc.

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