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Block chain Course

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What is NFT?
● NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token.
● NFT is a unique digital asset
representing ownership or proof of
authenticity on the blockchain.
● The uniqueness and needs of NFTs
make them particularly valuable in the
digital world.
History of NFT
● NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) were first
introduced on the Ethereum blockchain
in 2017 with the ERC-721 standard.
● This standard allowed developers to
create and manage unique digital
tokens on the Ethereum network.
● The first NFT project to gain significant
attention and traction was
History of NFT
● CryptoKitties allowed users to
collect, breed, and trade virtual cats,
each represented by a unique ERC-
721 token.
● Artists, musicians, game developers,
and other creators began embracing
NFTs as a way to tokenize and sell
their digital content directly to
collectors and fans.
History of NFT
● In 2020 and 2021, NFTs
experienced explosive growth and
mainstream attention.
● High-profile NFT sales, such as
digital art pieces selling for millions
of dollars and celebrities launching
their own NFT collections,
contributed to the rise in interest.
History of NFT
● NFT marketplaces, such as
OpenSea, Rarible, and Foundation,
became popular platforms for
trading and minting NFTs.
● Despite the success, the NFT market
also faced challenges, including
concerns about environmental
impact due to the energy-intensive
nature of some blockchain networks.
What are Some Examples of NFT’s?
● There are numerous examples of NFTs across various industries.
Here are some popular and noteworthy ones:
1. Digital Art
2. Virtual Real Estate
3. Collectibles
4. Music
5. Virtual Items in Games
6. Domain Names
What are Some Examples of NFT’s?
7. Virtual Identities
8. Digital Fashion
9. Ticketing
10. Virtual Artifacts and Assets
● These examples illustrate the diverse applications of NFTs, where
unique digital assets are created, bought, sold, and owned with the
help of blockchain technology.
Internet of Assets(The World in Web3)
● The concept of the "Internet of Assets"
or "The World in Web3" is closely
related to the development and
implementation of blockchain
technology and decentralized systems.
● It visualie a decentralized future
where assets, both digital and
physical, are represented as
blockchain-based tokens (NFTs and
fungible tokens).
Internet of Assets(The World in Web3)
● In the traditional web (Web 2.0), the
internet primarily serves as a platform
for information exchange and
● Digital content like text, images, and
videos can be easily shared.
● The ownership and transfer of assets
require centralized intermediate, such
as banks, marketplaces,etc.
Internet of Assets(The World in Web3)
● Web3 aims to create a more
decentralized and trustless
infrastructure, enabled by
blockchain technology and
smart contracts.
● In the World of Web3, assets are
represented as unique and non-
fungible tokens (NFTs) or as
programmable and divisible
tokens (fungible tokens).
Internet of Assets(The World in Web3)
These tokens can represent a wide range of assets, including:
1. Digital Assets
2. Physical Assets
3. Financial Assets
4. Identity and Reputation
5. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
6. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs):
Internet of Assets(The World in Web3)
● The Internet of Assets, through Web3
technologies, promises increased
transparency, security, and accessibility
for asset ownership and transfer,
eliminating many of the traditional

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