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After completing his students
in Madrid,Rizal went to Paris
and Germany to specialize in
He particularly chose this
branch of medicine because
he wanted to cure his
mother’s ailment.
He served as an assistant to
the famous oculist of
In Berlin, capital of then
unified Germany,

he met and befriended

several top German

scientist, Dr. Feodor

Jagor, Dr. Adolph B.
Meyer , Dr. Hans Meyer,
and Rudolf Virchow.
In Gay Paris (1885-86)
Maximo Viola
A medical student from Sam Miguel, Bulacan.
Senoir Eusebio Corominas
The editor in chief of the newspaper La Publicadad.
Don Miguel Morayta
The owner of La Publicidad.
November 1885
Rizal was living in Paris, where he sojourned foe about for
Dr. Louis de Weckert (1852-1906)
Leading French ophthalmologist where Rizal worked as an
Outside of his working hours, Rizal relaxed by visiting
his friends, such as the family of the Pardo de Taveras
( Trinidad, Felix and Paz), Juan Luna and Felix
Resureccion Higaldo.
Juan Luna
The great master of brush; Rizal helped him by posing as
model in several paintings.

1. “The Death of Cleopatrs”

Rizal posed as an
Egyptian priest.

2, “The Blood Compact”

He posed as Sikatuna.
Rizal as Musician
Rizal has no natural aptitude for music , and this he
He only studied music because many of his schoolmates at
Ateneo were taking music lessons.
In a letter dated November 27, 1878, he told Enrique Lete
that he “learned the solfeggio, piano and voice culture in
one month and a half”.
He was fluist in various impromptu reunions of Filipinos in
Some of his compositions are:
“Aling mang Lahi”( Any Race)
“La Deportacion” (Deportation)
“ To the Flower of Heidelberg”
In the spring of 1886, Rizal was fascinated by the blooming
flowers fascinated by the blooming flowers along the cool
banks of the Necker River.
His favorite flower- the light blue “forget-me-not”.
“ On April 22, 1886, he wrote a fine poem. “A Las Flores De
With Pastor Ulmer at Wilhelmsfeld
•Rizal spent three-months in Wilhelmsfeld, a mountains
village near Heidelberg.
•Dr. Karl Ulmer - a kind Protestant pastor.

First Letter to Blumentritt

• July 31,1886 Rizal wrote his first letter in German to

Professor of Ferdinand Blumentritt, Director of the
Ateneo of Leitmeritz, Austria .
• Rizal sent the book entitled Aritmetrica .
• Bluementritt , the Austrian , became the best friend ,
the FIlipino
In Leipzig and Dresden

• August 9, 1886- he boarded a train, visited various

cities of Germany.
•Auguts 14, 1886 - he arrived in Leipzig.
He attended some lectures at the
University of Leipzig on History and Psychology.
•Professor Friedrich Ratzel- a famous German
•Dr. Hans Meyer -German anthropologist.
In Leipzig
In Leipzig
•He stayed two months and a half in this German
•Rizal translate Schiller's William Tell from German
into Filipino. He also translated Hans Christian
Andersen's Fairy Tales.
• He worked as proof - reader in a publisher's firm.
October 29
•He lest Leipzig for Dresden
•He met Dr.Adolph B.Meyer , Director of the
Anthropological and Ethnological Museum.
Rizal's Life in Berlin
He live in the famous capital of unified Germany for five
1. To gain further knowledge of ophtamology
2. To further his studies of sciences and languages.
3. To obserb the economic had political conditions of
German nations.
4. To associate with famous German scientist and
5. To publish his novel , Noli Me Tangere. He took
private lessons under Madame Lucie Cerdole,
professor of French.
German Customs
• He was delighted of the Germnas' Yuletide
- people take pine trees from the bushes and
adorned it with lanterns, paper, lights, dolls,
candies and fruits.
• Self- introduction to strangers in a social
- according to German code of etquette, it is bad
manners for a guest to remain aloof, and wait
for his host to make the proper introduction.
Rizal's Darkest Winter
•The winter of 1886 was
his darkest winter.
• He lived in poverty.
•Rizal starved in Berlin and
shivered with cold.

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