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Readings in

MWF 5:30 TO 6:30 P.M.
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#ay sya
Now for our lesson
Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural
Issues of the Philippines

Constitution and Laws

Land issues and ownership


- These issues are intertwined in the study of our gistory and we can
understand our history more if we consider these things.

The Highest Law

of the Land

Nation of Laws not

of Men.
Biak na Bato Constitution

Written in Spanish by Isabello Wartime Constitution

Artachio and Felix Ferrer
Headed by President and 4 secretaries
Patterned after the Constitution of
Cuba Interior
Foreign affairs

Was not fully implemented because of the Treaty

Malolos Constitution

Nosotros, los Representantes del
Pueblo Filipino, convocados We, the Representatives of the
legítimamente para establecer la Filipino People, legally convened to
justicia, proveer a la defense establish justice, provide for the
común, promover el bien general y common defense, promote the
asegurar los beneficios de la general welfare and ensure the
libertad, implorando el auxilio del blessings of liberty, imploring the
Soberano Legislador del Universo aid of the Sovereign Lawgiver of the
para alcanzar estos fines, hemos Universe in order to obtain these
votado, decretado y sancionado la objectives, have voted, decreed and
siguiente: approved the following:

1899 – Drafted by the Malolos Congress, was the guiding principle aspired for by the early Republic

Drafted by several men, patterned after Spanish Constitution of 1812 with influences from Belgium, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala and also with influence of the French Constitution
1935 Constitution

Sergio Osmena and Manuel Roxas

lobbied for Independence which was “I rather have the Philippines run like
granted under Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act hell by Filipinos than be a heaven run by
of 1932 Americans”
1934 Tydings-McDuffie Act was passed wherein the Philippines will be
a Commonwealth under the American rule for 10 years only. After that,
Oppossed by the Philippine Congress Philippines will have its Independence
by the leadership of Manuel Quezon
because it was a promise to give The 1935 Constitution was patterned after the Americasn Constitution
Independence Little by Little and if we
cannot govern ourselves properly, we
shall revert to American control
1971 Constitution vs 1987 Constitution

Was supposed to be an entry to

Parliamentary System Mostly a reaction to the abuses suffered by the Filipino nation under
21 years of Marcos dictatorship
Became marcos tool to govern in an
authoritarian manner Focus on human and individual rights.

Executive and Legislative power was

consolidated in one person
“ There is a need for you to study the claims
before you jump into a conclusion. Just like
an opinion, both are only good as the
information they are based upon

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