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Chapter 23

Gauss’ Law
Electric flux
Electric flux is the measure of the electric field
passing through a given area. Mathematically it can
be written as

Where is the angle between electric field and vector area.

Unit of electric flux is Nm2/C.
Dependance of flux on angle between E and A

Maximum flux Zero flux

Direction of Area

 Direction of the area

is always taken
normal to the surface
as shown in figure

 In case of closed
surface, area of each
part is directed along
the outward normal
Flux through a closed surface

Electric filed lines entering a

closed surface produce
negative flux and the electric
filed lines leaving the surface
produce positive flux.
Therefore, the total flux
produced due to the external
field will be equal to zero.
Gauss’ Law
Gauss’ law states that the net flux
through any closed surface is equal
to times the net charge enclosed by
that surface, mathematically it can
be written as

This shows that net flux is

independent of shape and size of
the closed surface, it just depends
on the amount of charge enclosed.
Question 1: Consider a shell of radius R, which contains a positive charge
Q uniformly distributed on its surface. Derive the expression for the
electric field at distance r from its center. Both inside and outside the
Outside the shell
Consider a gaussian surface in the shape of a shell of radius r, such that the point at which we must find electric field lies
on its surface (shell in the figure). In this case gaussian surface is larger than the given charged shell. From Gauss’ law,
the net flux through the gaussian surface can be written as

Flux can also be written as , and from the figure, angle between area of the gaussian surface and electric field passing
through it is , therefore

Since all the charge is enclosed inside the gaussian surface, therefore, =Q

In above equation A is the area of the gaussian surface which can be written as therefore

Which is same as that of a point charge.

Inside the shell
Consider a gaussian surface in the shape of a shell of radius r, such that the point at which we must find electric field lies
on its surface (Shell in the figure). In this case gaussian surface is smaller than the given charged shell. From Gauss’ law,
the net flux through the gaussian surface can be written as

Flux can also be written as , and from the figure, angle between area of the gaussian surface and electric field passing
through it is , therefore

Here the charge enclosed inside the gaussian surface is zero, =0

This equation shows that the product of these three quantities is equal to zero but from figure, area of the gaussian
surface is not equal to zero . Moreover, , therefore,

This result shows that the electric field inside a charged shell is equal to zero.
Question 2: Consider a sphere of radius R, which contains a positive
charge Q uniformly distributed throughout its volume. Derive the
expression for the electric field at distance r from its center. Both inside
and outside the sphere.
Outside the sphere
Consider a gaussian surface in the shape of a shell of radius r, such that the point at which we must find electric field lies
on its surface (shell in the figure). In this case gaussian surface is larger than the given charged sphere. From Gauss’ law,
the net flux through the gaussian surface can be written as

Flux can also be written as , and from the figure, angle between area of the gaussian surface and electric field passing
through it is , therefore

Since all the charge is enclosed inside the gaussian surface, therefore, =Q

In above equation A is the area of the gaussian surface which can be written as therefore

Which is same as that of a point charge.

Inside the sphere
Consider a gaussian surface in the shape of a shell of radius r, such that the point at which we must find electric field lies on its surface.
In this case gaussian surface is smaller than the given charged sphere. From Gauss’ law, the net flux through the gaussian surface can be
written as

Flux can also be written as , and from the figure, angle between area of the gaussian surface and electric field passing through it is ,

Can be found using the ratios of charges and volumes of the gaussian surface and the given charged shell. Ratio of charges will be equal
to the ratio of volumes, that is

Putting the value of charge enclosed and the area of the gaussian surface (), and after rearranging, the electric field becomes
Question 3: Find the expression for
the electric field at distance r from +
an infinitely long line of positive +
charge with linear charge density  +
Let's consider a gaussian surface in the shape of a cylinder with height h and radius r such
that the point at which we must find electric field lies on the curved surface of the cylinder.
From Gauss’ law, we can write the total flux through the cylinder as

If , , is the flux through bottom, curved and top phase of the cylinder respectively, then we
can write above equation as

Flux can also be written as , and from the figure, the angle between area and electric field
for the top and bottom phase is and for the curved phase therefore the above equation

Since the line has a linear charge density , if we multiply charge density with a length, we
will get the charge contained in that length of the line, therefore, we can write

The flux becomes

The area A in above equation is the area of the curved phase of the cylinder and can be
written as the product of the circumference and height of the cylinder that is

Therefore, the electric field becomes

Question 4: Consider an infinitely wide sheet which has uniformly
distributed positive charge on its surface with surface charge density .
Derive the expression for the electric field produced due to the sheet.
Let's consider a gaussian surface in the shape of a cylinder with area of each flat phase equal to A. The sheet
passes through the middle of the curved phase and the point at which we must find the electric field lies on one
flat phase of the cylinder. From Gauss’ law, we can write the total flux through the cylinder as

If , , is the flux through the three phases of the cylinder, then we can write above equation as

Flux can also be written as , and from the figure, the angle between area and electric field for the flat phases is
and for the curved phase therefore the above equation becomes

Since the sheet has a surface charge density , if we multiply charge density with an area, we will get the charge
contained in that area, therefore, we can write

The flux becomes

Therefore, the electric field becomes

Electric field due to
- +
two sheets Region-1 - Region-2 + Region-3
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
𝝈 𝝈
Practice Problems of Chapter 23
• 1, 4, 5, 14, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 36, 49, 52
An isolated conducting shell of inner radius a=2cm and outer radus b=2a has a net charge of -3 nC. A point
charge of magnitude +10 nC is placed at the center. What is the charge on the
(a) Inner surface
(b) Outer surface.
What is the electric field at
(c) r=a/2
(d) r=3a
(e) r= 5a
Current (I)

Voltage (V)
An isolated conducting shell of inner radius a=2m and
outer radius b=4m has a net charge of -3 nC. A point
charge of magnitude +10 nC is placed at the center.
What is the charge on the
(a) Inner surface
(b) Outer surface.
What is the electric field at
(c) r=1m
(d) r=3m
(e) r= 5m

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