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Name: Aqsa
Assignment no: 3
Subject: Pakistan Movement
Topic: wavell plan
Submitted by: Aqsa
Submitted to: Sir Hashim Khan
University of education Lahore Attock
 Lord wavell came to India as viceroy in
March (1943).
 He was reputed military commander and
had successfully commanded the British
armies in the second world war.
 Before coming to India he was the C_in_C
of British forces.
 Lord wavell declared that the British
government wanted to see India as an
independent unit.
 Lord wavell offered a scheme for the
settlement of future political problems of
1. 21 Indian leaders.
2. The wavell plan convinced to agree for
Indian self_ government.
3. Jinnah said that no non_ league Muslim
should be represented to the executive
council because only Muslim league has
right to present .
4. wavell had given place to 6 Muslims in
the executive council of 14.
I. His majesty’s Government was willing to take steps for
constitutional and political development after the conclusion
of world war 2.
II. viceroy’s executive council was to be reconstituted by adding
members from all the main communities including equal
proportions of Muslim and caste Hindus.
III. All the member of council except viceroy and commander in
chief were to be Indians.
IV. External affairs were to be placed under an Indian member of
V. Section 93 was to be abolished in favor of popular ministries
in the provinces.
Wavell plan was established to resolve the political
stalemate of existing India but the abandon the proposals
due to difference between leaders of Muslim league and
congress, and finally proposals were dissolved at the shimla


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