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A N A L I Z A G R U S P E TA B E R D O M N S A , P h D , E d . D .
PA S U C A C C R E D I T E D P R O F E S S O R 6

1. Link learned concepts to the development of the

information age and its impact on society

2. Illustrate how the social media and the information

age have impacted our lives

JOHANNES GUTENBERG invented the printing press around 1440.

A printing press is a device that applied pressure to an inked surface lying on a print medium such as cloth
or paper, to transfer ink.

Gutenberg’s hand mold

printing press led to the The beginnings of mass
This invention was a creation of metal movable communication can be traced
result of finding a way type. back to the invention of
to improve the printing press. The
manual, tedious and Later, the two inventions development of a fast and
slow printing were combined to make easy way of disseminating
methods. printing methods faster information in print
and they drastically permanently reformed the
reduced the costs of structure of the society
printing documents
The rise of printing press
Political and religious authorities who took pride
in being learned were threatened by the sudden
r i s e o f l i t e r a c y a m o n g p e o p l e , Wi t h t h e r i s e o f t h e
printing press, the printing revolution occurred
which illustrated the tremendous social change
brought by the wide circulation of information.

The printing press made the mass production of

books possible which made books accessible not
only to the upper class.

As years progressed, calculations become involved

in communication due to the rapid developments
i n t h e t r a d e s e c t o r. B a c k t h e , p e o p l e w h o c o m p i l e d
actuarial tables and did engineering calculations
served as “computers”
Enigma was an enciphering machine that the German armed forces used to securely send

During world war ii, the allies (US, Canada, When soldiers left for war, the shortage get
Britain, France, USSR, Australia etc) countries worse so the United States addressed the
that opposed the Axis powers (Germany, Japan, problem by creating the HARVARD MARK 1,
Italy, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria) were a general purpose electromechanical computer
challenged with a serious shortage of human that was 50 feet long and capable of doing
computers for military calculations calculations in seconds that usually took people
in hours.

At the same time, Britain needed

mathematicians to track the German Navy’s
Enigma code.

An English mathematician was hired in 1936 by the British top-secret Government Code and
Cipher School at Bletchiery Park to break the Enigma Code.

His code –breaking methods became an industrial process having 12,000 people working 24/7.

Turing, working on the side of the Allies, invented BOMBE an electromechanical machine that
enabled the British to decipher encrypted messages of the German Enigma machine. This
contributions of Turing along with other cryptologists shortened the war by two years (Munro,

In his paper on Computable Numbers, with an application to the Entscheidung problem, first
published in 1937, Turing presented a theoretical machine called the Turing machine that can solve
any problem from simple instructions encoded on a paper tape.

He also demonstrated the simulations of the Tring machine to construct a single universal machine.
This became the foundation of computer science and the inventions of a machine later called
computer, that can solve any problem by performing any task from a written program (Dehaan,
Apple computer 1
In the 1970s, the generation who witnessed the drawn of the computer age was
described as the generation with “electronic brains”.

The people in this generation were the first to be introduced to personal computers
(PCs). Back then, the Homebrew Computer Club, an early computer hobbyist group,
gathered regularly to trade parts of the computer hardware and talked about how to make
computers more accessible to everyone.

Many members of the club ended up being high profile entrepreneurs, including the
founder of Apple Inc.

In 1976 STEVE WOZNIAK, co founder of the Apple Inc., developed the computer that
made him famous the Apple 1.

STEVE JOBS Wozniak’s friend , suggested to sell the Apple 1 as a fully assembled
printing circuit board.

This jumpstart their career as founders of Apple Inc.


From 1973 onward, social media platforms were introduced from

variations of multi-user chat rooms, instant-messaging applications
(AOL, Yahoo messenger, MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger).
Bulletin boards forum systems, game-based social networking sites
such as facebook, Friendster, myspace and business-oriented social
networking websites like Xing.
Messaging, video and voice calling, blogging platforms, image and
video (flicker)

Apps is a type of software that can be installed and run on a computer, tablet,
smartphone or other electronic devices. An app most frequently refers to a
mobile application or a piece of software that is installed and used on a
computer. Most apps have a specific and narrow function

Discovery and dating-oriented websites (tagged and tinder),

video sharing services (Youtube) real time social media feed
aggregator (Friendfeed), live streaming (,

Photo-video sharing websites (pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat,

Keek, Vine) and question and answer platforms (Qoura0

To date, these social media platforms enable information

exchanges at its most efficient level.

The information age, which progressed from the invention of

the printing press to the development of social media
platforms, has immensely influenced the lives of the people.
The impact of these innovations can be advantageous or
disadvantageous depending on the use of these technologies.

The next stage of the information age: building bridges in a

hybrid world we live in the age of the customer. The digital transformation (DX) economy (cloud, social,
mobile, analytics, the Internet of Things, cognitive computing and AI, etc.), has kicked off.
There is a new industrial revolution which we call Industry 4.0. We also live in a platform
economy. Let’s also not forget that with the information age we live in a knowledge
economy and even knowledge-based society. with an ongoing digitization and digitalization
and, as a consequence, a lesser importance of ‘physical’ activities and products. Music as an
online service. Books in digital formats. Automation eating away jobs and physical labor in
the world of atoms. Data as a business asset. The shift from physical to digital assets.

Report: A day without Technology (video

interview with students)
Report: Timing your Technology (video
interview with students)
Report: Technology and Past (video
interviews with elders)

Thank you


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