Promoting Justice Through Mathematics

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Promoting Justice Through

Made By Ishaan Kumar
Table of content
• Introduction to SDG 16
• Social issues and Maths
• Case study
• Data collection and analysis
• Mathematical solutions and recommendations
• Conclusion
Introduction to SDG-16
Sustainable development goal 16 is one of the 17 goals set by the United Nations to
ensure a better and more sustainable future for all. SDG-16 focuses on promoting peace,
justice and strong institutions. Its main aim is to create peaceful and inclusive societies
where everyone feels safe and can trust the systems that govern them.
SDG 16, also known as Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, is a crucial goal set by the
United Nations to promote peaceful and inclusive societies, access to justice, and
effective and accountable institutions. The significance of SDG 16 lies in its ability to
address the root causes of conflict, inequality, and instability, which are major obstacles
to sustainable development.
Goal 16 aims to reduce violence, promote the rule of law, and ensure equal access to
justice for all. It also seeks to strengthen institutions, including governments, parliaments,
and the judiciary, to make them more transparent, accountable, and responsive to the
needs of citizens. By achieving SDG 16, countries can create an environment conducive
to economic growth, social cohesion, and human well-being.
Moreover, SDG 16 is closely linked to other SDGs, such as SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 4
(Quality Education), and SDG 5 (Gender Equality), as it provides a foundation for
Social Issues and Maths
In this section, we will conduct a mathematical analysis of social issues
related to justice and strong institutions, focusing on Uttar Pradesh and
Arunachal Pradesh. We will use statistical methods to analyse specific
issues such as access to education, inequality and crime rates, aiming to
identify underlying pattern or trend.
Access to education
We can analyze access to education by comparing key educational indicators such as literacy
rate enrollment rates and school Infrastructures between Uttar Pradesh and Arunachal
Pradesh. The given data is of the year 2022
literacy rate
Uttar Pradesh 67.6%
Arunachal Pradesh 66.9%
gross enrollment ratio in primary education
Uttar Pradesh 98.2%
Arunachal Pradesh 94.7

Comparing literacy rates in enrollment ratio between Uttar Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh
reveals that both States have almost same literacy rate but Uttar Pradesh slightly higher and
rolling ratios in primary education full stop however both States still face challenges in
Crime Rates
Analyzing crime rate involves examining data on various types of crimes such as theft, violence and
corruption date of a crime rates
Chart Title
Uttar Pradesh (per 100,000 population)
theft 348 350
violence 267 300
corruption 124 200
Arunachal Pradesh (per 100,000 population) 150
theft 145 50
violence 110 0
theft voilence corruption
corruption 78 Uttar Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Column1

Analysis of crime rates shows that Uttar Pradesh higher incidence of theft violence at corruptions
compared to Arunachal Pradesh this underscores the importance of strengthening law enforcement and
judicial institution in Uttar Pradesh to address these issues effectively security and trust institutions
To analyse inequality, we can use measure such as Gini coefficient or income
distribution data. Data for Gini coefficient
Uttar Pradesh- 0.368 0.4 Arunachal Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Column1

Arunachal Pradesh- 0.298 0.35


The Gini coefficient indicates that Uttar 0.2

Pradesh has higher income inequality 0.15

compared to Arunachal Pradesh. This 0.05

suggest that there is a great disparity in 0 Gini coefficient

income distribution within Uttar Pradesh,

highlighting the needs for targeted interventions to address economic equalities and
Case Study
Predictive policy
Predictive policy is a method that uses a mathematical algorithm to analyze
historical crime data and predict where and when crimes are likely to occur one
notable case study is the loss Angeles police department (LAPD). Use of predictive
policy software by analyzing data on past crimes such as location, time and type of
crime the LAPD can allocate resources more effectively prioritize patrol and prevent
crimes before they happen
Mathematical analysis
Data on historical crime incidents along with demographic and environmental
factors are inputted into machine learning algorithm. These algorithms analyze
patterns and trends to generate predictive models the effectiveness of predictive
policies can be evaluated using Matrix such as the accuracy of crime predictions
the reduction in climate and the allocation of police resources
Mathematical solutions and recommendations
• Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 16, which focuses on peace, justice, and strong
institutions, can be supported through the application of mathematics in several ways:
• 1. Data Analysis and Statistics
• Crime Data Analysis: Using statistical methods to analyze crime data can help identify
patterns and hotspots, enabling law enforcement agencies to allocate resources more effectively.
• Survey Analysis: Surveys on public perceptions of justice and institutions can be analyzed
statistically to understand and address concerns.
• Predictive Modeling: Mathematical models can predict potential areas of conflict or unrest,
allowing for preemptive action.
• 2. Operations Research
• Resource Allocation: Optimization techniques can be used to allocate resources such as police,
healthcare, and educational services more efficiently, ensuring better coverage and service.
• Scheduling: Mathematical algorithms can optimize scheduling for court cases, reducing delays
and improving the efficiency of the justice system.
Solutions and Recommendation
3. Cryptography and Security
• Secure Communications: Cryptographic techniques ensure secure communication channels for
sensitive information related to justice and governance.
• Blockchain Technology: Mathematics underpins blockchain, which can be used for transparent
and tamper-proof record-keeping in voting systems and public administration.
4. Social Network Analysis
• Understanding Influences: Analyzing social networks can help identify influential individuals
or groups who can promote peace and justice.
• Disinformation Detection: Mathematical algorithms can detect patterns of disinformation,
helping to maintain trust in institutions.
5. Simulation and Modeling
• Policy Impact Simulation: Simulation models can predict the outcomes of different policies on
peace and justice, helping policymakers make informed decisions.
• Disaster Response: Mathematical models can optimize disaster response, ensuring timely and
effective aid delivery, which is crucial for maintaining stability.
Mathematical models and data driven strategies offer powerful tools to
address social issues related to justice and strong institution by
leveraging these tools we can develop effective solutions to achieve
sustainable development goal 16 through predictive polishing fair
resource collection and targeted economic policies we can build safe
more equitable and inclusive society

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