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MDM Company June 1, 2021

The integration of industry4.0 in lean

MDM Company June 1, 2021

1 L’Integration d’industrie 4.0 et le lean 2 Production process evaluation


3 Etude de cas 4 Conclusion

MDM Company June 1, 2021

lean manufacturing and Industry 4.0, two
key paradigms shaping the future of
manufacturing. As technology continues to
revolutionize the way we produce goods
and services, it is essential for companies to
embrace lean principles and Industry 4.0
technologies to stay competitive, efficient,
and innovative.
In this presentation, we will delve into:
• Dd
• Dd
• D
MDM Company June 1, 2021

What is lean manufacturing and how does it differ

from traditional manufacturing methods?

Are you ready?


It’s a systematic approach to involve large inventories,

production that focuses on batch production, and excess
eliminating waste, improving resources.
efficiency, and continuously
optimizing processes.

Action 1
aims to streamline
operations and deliver
value to customers By implementing lean principles such
with minimal waste. as identifying and eliminating
Exemple: inefficiencies, empowering employees
Imagine a kitchen where you are preparing a meal. In to make improvements, and
traditional manufacturing, you might buy all the focusing on customer value,
ingredients in bulk, prepare a large batch of food, and companies can achieve greater
store leftovers in the fridge. This approach can lead to productivity, quality, and flexibility
waste, as some ingredients may spoil or go unused. In in their operations. This lean
contrast, lean manufacturing is like cooking a meal just in mindset not only helps companies
time, using only the necessary ingredients and tools to reduce costs and lead times but
minimize waste and ensure freshness. also fosters a culture of continuous
improvement and innovation."
MDM Company June 1, 2021

How can lean principles such as waste reduction,

continuous improvement, and just-in-time
production benefit manufacturing processes?
Are you ready?
1.Waste Reduction: By identifying and eliminating waste, companies
can operate more efficiently, save costs, and deliver products faster to
2.Continuous Improvement: In manufacturing, this means constantly
looking for ways to make processes better, faster, and more effective.
By encouraging employees to suggest improvements and implement
changes, companies can stay ahead of the competition and adapt to
evolving market needs.
3.Just-in-Time Production This approach ensures that
products are made only when needed, reducing excess
inventory and storage costs. By producing goods in
response to customer demand, companies can improve cash
flow, minimize waste, and deliver products more efficiently.
MDM Company June 1, 2021

What are the key technologies and concepts associated with Industry 4.0, and how are
they transforming the manufacturing industry?
1.Internet of Things (IoT): In manufacturing, IoT enables machines, sensors, and
systems to communicate and share data in real-time, leading to increased automation,
predictive maintenance, and improved decision-making.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI algorithms can optimize production processes, detect

anomalies, and enhance quality control, leading to greater efficiency and productivity .

3. Big Data Analytics: In manufacturing, analyzing large volumes of data generated by

machines and systems can provide valuable insights for process optimization, demand
forecasting, and resource allocation.

4. Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing): In manufacturing, 3D printing technology

allows for rapid prototyping, customization, and on-demand production of complex
parts, reducing lead times and costs.

5. Cyber-Physical Systems: By integrating sensors, actuators, and control systems with

digital technologies, manufacturing processes become more interconnected,
autonomous, and responsive to changing conditions.
MDM Company June 1, 2021

How can companies integrate lean manufacturing

with Industry 4.0 technologies to improve
operational efficiency and competitiveness?
Are you ready?
1.Streamlined Processes: Lean manufacturing focuses on eliminating waste and optimizing processes, while Industry 4.0
technologies such as IoT and AI provide real-time data and insights for decision-making. By combining lean principles with
smart technologies, companies can streamline operations, reduce downtime, and improve overall efficiency.
2. Predictive Maintenance: Lean manufacturing emphasizes preventive measures to avoid breakdowns and
delays, while Industry 4.0 technologies enable predictive maintenance through sensors and data analytics. By
leveraging predictive maintenance tools, companies can anticipate equipment failures, schedule maintenance
proactively, and minimize production disruptions.
1.Data-Driven Decision-Making: Lean manufacturing encourages data-driven decision-making to drive continuous
improvement, while Industry 4.0 technologies offer advanced analytics and visualization tools. By integrating lean
practices with big data analytics, companies can gain deeper insights into their operations, identify optimization
opportunities, and make informed decisions to enhance competitiveness.
4. Agile Manufacturing: Lean manufacturing promotes flexibility and responsiveness to customer demands, while
Industry 4.0 technologies support agile manufacturing through automation and customization capabilities. By
adopting agile manufacturing strategies enabled by Industry 4.0 technologies, companies can adapt quickly to market
changes, customize products efficiently, and stay ahead of competitors .
5. Employee Empowerment: Lean manufacturing emphasizes employee involvement and empowerment in process
improvement, while Industry 4.0 technologies enhance collaboration and communication through digital platforms.
By fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration, companies can engage employees in leveraging Industry 4.0
technologies to drive operational excellence and sustain competitiveness.
What are the challenges and barriers that
companies may face when adopting lean
manufacturing, Industry 4.0, and
integrating Industry 5.0 technologies?
Human-Machine Collaboration



Cultural Resistance

Integration complexity
MDM Company June 1, 2021

What are the challenges and barriers that companies

may face when adopting lean manufacturing and
Industry 4.0 technologies?
Are you ready?
Resistance to Change

Technology Integration

Data Management and Privacy

Skill Gaps and Training

Cost and ROI Concerns

What are the future trends and opportunities in lean manufacturing and Industry 4.0 that
companies should be prepared for?
Digital Transformation

Automation and Robotics

Supply Chain Resilience

Sustainability and Circular Economy

Skills Development and Workforce Transformation

what are the before and after integrating industry 4.0 in lean manufacturing ?
Enhanced Connectivity Before integration, manufacturing processes may operate in After integrating Industry 4.0, companies can achieve enhanced
isolation, leading to limited communication and collaboration connectivity through IoT devices, cloud platforms, and digital twins,
between systems. enabling real-time data sharing and seamless integration across the
production chain.

Data-Driven Insights Before integration, decision-making may rely on manual analysis After integration, Industry 4.0 technologies enable companies to harness
and historical data, limiting visibility into real-time performance big data analytics, AI algorithms, and machine learning to gain
and predictive analytics. actionable insights, optimize processes, and drive continuous
improvement based on data-driven decisions.

Automation and Efficiency Before integration, manual tasks and repetitive processes may After integration, automation technologies such as robotics, AI-driven
slow down production and increase the risk of errors. automation, and smart sensors can streamline operations, reduce human
intervention, and enhance operational efficiency, leading to increased
productivity and cost savings.

Flexibility and Adaptability Before integration, rigid production systems may struggle to After integration, companies can achieve greater flexibility and
adapt to changing market demands and customer preferences. adaptability through agile manufacturing practices, digital twinning, and
dynamic production scheduling, allowing for rapid adjustments,
customization, and responsiveness to market shifts.

Innovation and Competitiveness Before integration, companies may lag behind in innovation and After integration, leveraging Industry 4.0 technologies in lean
struggle to stay competitive in a fast-paced market. manufacturing can drive innovation, foster a culture of continuous
improvement, and position companies as industry leaders by offering
innovative products, services, and customer experiences.
What are the Differences between Lean Manufacturing and Six
Sigma ??
Focus on Focus on Lean simplifies and streamlines
 eliminating waste  reducing defects processes, while Six Sigma uses
 continuous improvement  improving quality through statistical methods for quality control.
 efficiency data-driven analysis.
Real Case Study

Comparison of Operational Performance

Before and After the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technologies with Lean
Manufacturing and Six Sigma
Company Overview and Context


Company: bosch
Industry: Manufacturing of electronic and electrical
Location: Amberg, Germany
D Improvement through LM and Six Sigma Principles

Identified Problems:

• Issues with coordinating and synchronizing

different stages of production.
• Decisions based on historical data, slowing
down responsiveness(réactivité).
• Bottlenecks in the production line leading
to delays and inefficiencies.
M Process evaluation using Lean and Six Sigma

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) :

Value Stream Mapping(VSM ):

• Key Metrics: Process times, wait

times, inventory levels, and defect
• OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness): rates.
70% • Identified Issues: High levels of
• Average Cycle Time: 50 minutes work-in-progress inventory, long
• Defect Rate: 4% wait times between processes,
• Unplanned Downtime: 8 hours per week bottlenecks in certain production
stages, and high defect rates.
A Strategies for Integrating Industry 4.0
Deployed Technologies:

Internet of Things Big-Data Analytics: Automation and

I Internet of Things (IoT)
sensors a
connecte d

•Inventory Management: Predictive Maintenance:

LM: Reduces 6σ : reduce LM: 6σ : Uses

waste by variability in Minimizes accurate
maintaining inventory unplanned data to
optimized management downtime,. reduce
inventory levels processes. defects

Big Data and Analytics:

I •Process Optimization:
Big Data Analytics:

• Quality Control:
and mach
learning ine

6σ : Uses LM: 6σ : Prevents

LM: eliminates
statistical Continuously defects
data analysis. improves through real-
product time data
quality analysi

Automation and
I • Workflow Automation: :
Automation and Robotics:

•Material Handling

LM: 6σ : Reduces
errors and LM: 6σ :
variability. Optimizes Improves
material efficiency
flow, and reduces
repetitive tasks.
reducing variability in
delays and material
unnecessary handling
C Results After the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technologies
C Results After the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technologies

Overall Impact:

•Operational Efficiency: Faster processes,

less downtime = higher productivity.
•Product Quality: Fewer defects and
consistent quality.
•Flexibility: Ability to quickly adapt to
changing customer needs.
•Data-Driven Decisions: Real-time data
analysis for better decision making.

Adopting and integrating new 4.0 technologies is crucial to remain

competitive. Process improvement through these technologies
optimizes performance and addresses challenges of an evolving
industrial environment. Investing in technological innovation
maintains a competitive edge and ensures sustainable growth.
Thank you

for your attention

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