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The Activity Diagram Symbols

Solid circle. Start of the process in an activity diagram

Rounded rectangle. Event, activity, or trigger

Continues line. Sequence from one event or activity to the next Dotted line. Flow of information between events Document. Represents a source document or report Diamond. A branch Table. A computer file from which data may be read from or recorded during business events Bulls eye. End of Process

Preparing Overview Activity Diagrams

Preparing the Activity Diagram Steps Step 3 Step 1 Step 4 Step 1 Step 5

Preliminary Steps

Step 6

Step 1
Read the narrative and identify key Events. Before overview activity Diagram, must recognize events.

Step 2
Annotate the narrative to clearly show event Boundaries and event names.
Use broad names that reflect the purpose of the event Avoid names that focus on detailed steps in the event Be specific Start event names with a verb Do Not include employee or departement names in event names


Step 3
Represent people or devices participating in the business process using swimlanes
Create a swilane for each person or departement responsible for various events in the narrative Create a swimlane for entities outside the organization that initiate events in the process Create a swimlane for the computer system Write the name of the appropriate person or departement in the swimlane

Step 4

Diagram each event, and show the sequence of events in the business process
a. Draw a solid circle to represent the start of the process b. If the event is triggered by an agent outside the organization, show a rounded rectangle for the trigger. c. Set up a rounded rectangle for the event in the swimlane of the person or department within the organization who is responsible for the event d. It the event is triggered by an agent outside the organization, connect the trigger (see step b) to the event with a continuous line e. Otherwise, connect the previous to the current event with a continuous line Repeat steps b through e for each subsequent event f. Draw a bulls eye to represent the end of the process


Error in documenting events and sequences of events


c. d. e.

All the events identified in Step 1 and 2 are not shown on the activity diagram. Additional events not identified in Step 1 and 2 are shown on the activity diagram Continuous lines connecting events are not shown Events are labeled with agent names Event names are not consistent with the names identified in step 2.

Step 5

Draw documents created and used in the business process

a. b. Draw a document symbol below the event that creates or modifies a document Draw dotted lines to connect events and documents as follows: Draw a flow from an event to a document to show that a document is prepared or modified by the event Draw a dotted line from a document to an event to show that information on a document is being reviewed or used by the event or activity It a document appears multiple times during the process, add status information showing how the object changes during the business process Note that we focus on events that use, create, or modify documents


Error in representing documents and document flows

a. b.

Verbs are mistakenly used in naming documents Documents are not connected to events.

Step 6
Draw tables (files) created and used in the business process
a. b. Show computer tables in the computer column Draw a flow from a table to an event to represent the fact that information in a table is being reviewed or used by the event Include status information to show how the object changes during the business process


Error in representing tables and flow of information to and from tables include the following

a. b. c.

Tables are named with verbs Table attributes are listed instead of table names All flows between events and tables are not shown

Preparing Detailed Activity Diagrams

Step 1
Annotate the narrative to show activities

Step 2
Prepared a workflow table

Step 3
Identify necessary detailed diagrams

Step 4
For each detailed diagram, perform the following steps

Step 4.a
Step 4.b

Step 4.c
Step 4.d

Step 4.e
Step 4.f Step 4.g

Step 4 Step 4.a Step 4.b Step 4.c Step 4.d Step 4.e Step 4.f Step 4.g

For each detailed diagram, perform the following substeps

Set up swimlanes for the agents participating in the event or events represented in the detailed diagram

Add a rounded rectangle for each activity in the event(s) being documented in that detailed diagram Use continuous lines to show the sequence of the activities Set up any docuemnts created or used by the activities in that diagram Use dotted lines to connect activities and documents Document any tables created, modified, or used by the activities in the diagram in the computer column Use dotted lines to connect activities and tables

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