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Project Title :- Cost effective automated wheel
health monitoring system
Sparkle ID –SP21C004305

Mentor:- Jayesh Ruikar

Team members:-Shubhankar Sanjay Hiswankar
Shivam Marotrao Yesansure
Shraddha Namdeo Suryawanshi
Vedanti Dinesh Khode
Surbhi Sanjiv Ambade
Description of prototype/simulation

Issues handled-
• Temperature of tyre
• Overloading of vehicle
• Speed of vehicle
• Worn out tyres(wear and tear)
• Life of tyres
Background and problem statement
• Accident occurred due to bursting of tyres is 9,748 out which more than 3000 peoples lost
lives and more than 9,000 peoples were injured.
• Need to find out causes of tyre burst :
 Increase in temperature of tyre
 Overloading of vehicle
 Speed of vehicle
 Worn out tyres(wear and tears)
 Durability of tyre.

• How bursting of tyre can be avoided ? Or Prevent by monitoring

• The system should be global and not specifically burdered to vehicle
 We propose a low-cost automatic wheel health monitoring and alert system which will help to
prevent tyre burst and thus reduce accidents.
 This system can be installed at all the toll plazas , as vehicle will arrive its details will be collected .
 Temperature of tyre will be measured and given to the owner.
 Weight of the vehicle will be measured(mostly the heavy commercial vehicle) is measured and
overloading is calculated and then the user will be notified.
 Speed of vehicle will also be notified to the user.
 To get the information related of worn-out tyre, image is taken and based on image processing, it will
decide the condition of tyre and then notified the user accordingly.
 All the data will be logged in the cloud for specific customer related to tyre health.
 The details will be seen in the display in the toll plaza and in the mobile phone of the user.
• In this project, we are proposing an effective automated system which will measure
the temperature of tyre, load of vehicle , speed and exact tyre condition.

• To monitor the condition of tyre, the system can be installed at all the toll plazas ,the
measured parameters will be displayed on toll plaza and will be sent to the owner of
the vehicle through a notification along with its registered vehicle number.

• This proposed system will be a part of toll plaza and can be integrated with existing
toll system to collect tyre health details in cloud storage.

 IR sensor :- This sensor detects the presence of moving object in IR region . It transmitts the infrared
waves through a transmitter that stirkes the object and after strikng the object they are recieved by an
 It will alert the other components to start the process.

 Temperature sensor :-Temperature of tyre will be measured by using a non-contact temeperature

measuring sensor (MLX90614) ,which uses the IR rays to detect the temperaure of body, that will
communicate with the microcontroller using the 12C protocol .
 This sensor measures the temperaure , ranging from -20 degree C to 120 degree C at the distance of
object from 2cm to 5cm.

 Load cell sensor:-Load cell sensor measures the load of the object ,if the vehicle is carrying load beyond
its specified limit then the owner will be notified.
 Load sensor will be placed parallel or in the level of ground.

 GSM SIM900A Module:- All the details of the tyre will be sent to the owner in the form of SMS by
using GSM module .
 RFID :- It will reads the digital data encoded in RFID tags or smart labels are captured
by RFID reader.

 VL3L0X sensor:- This sensor will help to identify the condition of tyre , it will
sense the depth of ridges comparing with the surface of the tyre then the
information will be given to the user.

Current status
 The current status of the project is between TRL4-TRL5.
 4 months required for completion of innovation to be completely developed for prototype / field testing
with intended end –user.
 Influencers: Govt schemes




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