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Introduction to Equity,

Diversity, and
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) are essential for creating a workplace
where everyone feels valued, respected, and able to contribute. By embracing
these principles, organizations can foster innovation, enhance employee
engagement, and better serve their diverse customer base.
The Business Case for EDI
Improved Financial Performance Enhanced Creativity and Stronger Talent Attraction and
Problem Solving Retention

Studies show that diverse and inclusive Diverse teams bring a wider range of Employees want to work for
companies are more profitable and have perspectives, leading to more innovative organizations that value diversity and
higher market valuations. solutions. inclusion.
Unconscious Bias in the
1 What is Unconscious 2 Common Types of Bias
Affinity bias, confirmation
Unconscious biases are the bias, and gender bias are a
implicit attitudes or few examples of unconscious
stereotypes that influence our biases that can affect hiring,
decisions and actions without promotions, and team
our awareness. dynamics.

3 Mitigating Unconscious Bias

Training, awareness, and implementing inclusive policies and practices
can help organizations address unconscious bias.
Inclusive Hiring and Promotion
Job Descriptions Diverse Candidate Pools
Use inclusive language and Actively recruit from a variety
focus on the essential job of sources to reach a diverse
functions, not unnecessary range of qualified applicants.

Structured Interviews Promotion Criteria

Use consistent, skills-based Clearly define the criteria for
questions to evaluate candidates promotions and ensure they are
fairly and objectively. applied equitably.
Fostering a Culture of Belonging

Leadership Commitment
Visible commitment from leadership is crucial for creating an
inclusive culture.

Employee Engagement
Encourage employee feedback and actively involve them in EDI

Inclusive Policies
Implement policies that address the needs of diverse employees,
such as flexible work arrangements.
Addressing Microaggressions and

Open Communication
Encourage employees to speak up and address microaggressions in a constructive manner.

Training and Education

Provide training to help employees recognize and respond to microaggressions and discrimination.

Establish clear policies and procedures for reporting and addressing incidents of discrimination.
Employee Resource Groups and
Mentorship Programs
1 Employee Resource Groups
ERGs provide a supportive community for employees with shared
identities or experiences.

2 Mentorship Programs
Mentorship programs help develop and retain diverse talent by
providing guidance and support.

3 Allyship and Collaboration

Encourage cross-collaboration between ERGs and all employees
to promote inclusion.
Measuring Progress and Continuous Improvement
Metric Importance Key Indicators

Representation Understand the diversity of the workforce Employee demographics, hiring and
promotion rates

Inclusion Assess employee sense of belonging and Employee satisfaction surveys, turnover
engagement rates

Impact Evaluate the business impact of EDI Financial performance, customer

initiatives satisfaction, innovation

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