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Preparation Interview Questions Mock Session

• First, tour the scholarship or university’s website. Click and click and click. Read the
mission statement. You’ll learn what the scholarship and/or the university stand for.
Knowing what is important to the scholarship committee/university will help you
communicate that you’re a good match and a worthy recipient of the scholarship funds.

• Next, prepare a response to “Tell me about yourself.” That’s probably the first thing an
interviewer will say to you in an individual interview. Begin with where you’re from.
Then go on to make a statement or two about your family. You might add why you want
to attend the university. Then share information about yourself that is not in your
scholarship application. What have you enjoyed about high school? What do you do for
fun? What part of college life are you looking forward to?
• Prepare a written response then run it by your favorite teacher. Ask for honest
feedback. Then, convert the paragraph to bullet points with simple words and
brief phrases you can remember without memorizing them. Limit your response
to two minutes. Practice, practice, practice until you are comfortable talking
about yourself

• Search online for typical scholarship interview questions. There are thousands! Have
your parents or a friend ask you question after question. It’s not enough to just look at
and think about questions. You need to hear yourself giving answers.

At least a week ahead of Arrive at least 20 minutes

The day of the interview:
early. Locate the building
time, plan what you’re Wake up in plenty of time.
where the interviews will take
going to wear. Ladies, Eat breakfast. Include
place. Talk to the student
interviews call for protein. You don’t want to
waiting to interview after
dressing professionally crash from a coffee and
you. Drink water. Take deep
which doesn’t necessarily carbs start to the day.
breaths. Do something to
mean “dressing up.” This
is not the time to add keep from adding to your
Talk to somebody! Your
extra jewelry or lace, anxiety while you wait.
mom or dad, the clerk at
wear higher than usual . If it is online, then plan to
the convenience store,
heels, or polish your nails set up your laptop or 3
anybody will do. Just don’t
smartphone 20 minutes
with a bright color. A let the interview be the first
before the interview and have
clean and well-pressed time you’ve made a sound
another hotspot ready in case
suit or dress is fine. that day.
your internet stops working.
Interview Questions
Be yourself. Be honest and be yourself. They want to get to know you. If you’re
from a tiny town or rural area, they don’t expect you to have the same high
school experiences that the student from a city has. Don’t just say what you
THINK the interviewer WANTS to hear.
“Yes” or “no” answers are rarely appropriate, but rambling answers make
interviewers uncomfortable. I can’t think of any answer that should take more
than 30 seconds. Avoid typical responses. If human trafficking is the trending
answer to “what social cause concerns you?” you should mention climate
change, water quality, or the foster system – anything other than human
trafficking. You don’t want your answers to be a “ditto” to the answers the
interviewers have already heard.
Think of responses to typical questions that will set you apart from other
applicants. Draw your responses from your personal experiences. This
takes reflection on your part and is the main reason you should prepare
responses several days before the interview. Some students are
reflective by nature. Even if you aren’t, you can develop the reflective
way of thinking. “Why have you decided to major in American History?”
“History’s always been easy for me” is a quick answer. A more thoughtful
response that tells the interviewer something about you is: “I
volunteered in the local museum last summer. I enjoyed learning more
details about my town’s history, and I found out I was pretty good at
communicating my passion for history to others.”
Interview Questions
• Why did you apply for this scholarship? but hope to leave college with?
• What makes you stand out from other candidates? • Tell me about a personal achievement that makes
• How will you contribute to your community? you proud?
• Tell us about one event or person in your life that • Tell me about a mistake you made and what you
shaped you? learned from it?
• Talk about your academic achievements/aspirations? • Who has influenced your life and why?
• Talk about your community involvement? • Why do you think you're an excellent candidate for
this scholarship?
• Tell us about yourself.
• What are characteristics of a good leader?
• Tell us about your current educational and career 5
goals? • Is there a leader that you are influenced by, why?
• Where do you see yourself in five years? • Could you talk about the essay you wrote?
• How do you spend your free time outside of class?
• What is a skill or experience you don't possess now
Interview Questions
• 1. What extracurricular activities or community service
involvement have you participated in? • 3. What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest
• Much like, “Tell me about yourself,” this question is almost weakness?
guaranteed to come up in your interview. The interviewer is • This is another question that allows the interviewer to gauge your
looking for a well-rounded applicant who will be active in and out level of self-awareness. You should discuss a strength that you can
of the classroom. Discuss a meaningful activity you take part in demonstrate via a story or past activity. For instance, stating that
outside of academics. Then share what drew you to it and how it your strength is perseverance and then discussing how you rose
adds fullness to your life and impacts others. above many challenges and maintained a high GPA is powerful.
• 2. Discuss a time when you made a mistake. • When it comes to weaknesses, don’t pretend to be perfect. Select
• Life is full of challenges. Sometimes, you make mistakes. This a real weakness, then discuss how you’re addressing this
question analyzes how you deal with personal shortcomings. Are weakness. For more tips on discussing strengths and weaknesses,
you self aware, or do you deny responsibility? To impress the search common scholarship interview questions.
interviewer, discuss when you messed up and share how you 6
• 4. How would earning this scholarship impact your college
solved the problem or made amends. Then, talk about what you experience?
learned from it.
• Discuss why you are a deserving candidate for this scholarship.
• Make sure you choose a mistake that is not too personal. For Would this award allow you to pursue leadership positions on
instance, mentioning your failure to ask for help when taking on a campus rather than taking on a job to pay for school? Is there a
large project is more appropriate than talking about a mistake you unique reason that you deserve this scholarship? Share an honest
made in a romantic relationship. and compelling answer with the interviewer.
Interview Questions
• 1. What is your proudest accomplishment? plans. The point of this question is to determine whether you have
• Many students feel the need to be modest about what they’ve a forward-looking mindset. Are you the type of person who floats
achieved. While you don’t want to come across as cocky, it’s okay along in life or formulates goals and takes action?
to talk about your accomplishments and discuss why you are proud
of them. The interviewer wants to know about your work ethic and • 4. Why do you deserve this scholarship?
how you view success. Be sure to discuss why this achievement
means a lot to you and how you could reach it. • There’s a very high probability you’ll be asked this question. So why
not formulate a great answer ahead of time? In your answer:
• 2. Tell me about a person who you look up to. Why do they inspire
you? • Include a reason that’s different from what others will likely say. For
example, “I am a hard worker” might be accurate, but it’s
• Who you look up to says a lot about what you value in life. unoriginal.
Showcase who inspires you and provides clear examples of actions
this person has taken that you appreciate. This type of question is a • Explain how you connect to or embody the values of the award.
great opportunity to tell a story that sticks in the interviewer’s Pick one specific trait that you possess and demonstrate how it 7
mind. If you select someone well-known, be sure that the person is aligns with the mission of the college.
not in conflict with the college’s values or organization you’re • Discuss a challenge or hardship that you have overcome and how
interviewing with. that has prepared you for upcoming challenges.
• 3. Imagine yourself five years from now. What are you doing? • These are just a few of the ways you can approach this question.
• This question might cause your heart rate to increase. Take a deep Feel free to tailor your answer to showcase your unique points of
breath. Interviewers understand that students are still figuring out differentiation.
Interview Questions Total Points
Interview Questions 80 80
Poise (comfortable, composed, confident, 5
eye contact)

Ability to communicate (clarity of thought, 5

articulation, and engaging to panel)

Appearance (neat, clean, well-groomed, 5 8

appropriately dressed)
Attitude (greets panel, no interruptions, says 5
"thank-you", interested, enthusiastic)
Dear [insert name],

I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for the

opportunity to interview for [insert scholarship name]
yesterday. It was wonderful hearing more about the scholarship
and organization [or school]. Discussing my goal [insert goal]
made me really enthusiastic and I look forward to hearing [the
panel’s] decision.

[Optional: write something personal that you connected on]

All the best,

[Your name]
Relax! Enjoy! You
belong here! You’ve been
invited to interview
because you have the
characteristics and
accomplishments the
committee wants to 10
acknowledge and honor.
Mock Session

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