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Classicism and

The FirstViennese School

Adora Krasniqi
11-th Grade
• XVIII Century – French Revolution
• A new style started developing in music.
• Classicist style characteristics.
I. Equilibration of musical elements.
II. Homophony
• Most important musical genres:
I. Sonata III. Quartet
II. SymphonyIV. Solistic concerto
Melody, Rythm and Harmony
• The melody is:
I. Beautiful and simple.
II. With a lyrical or dramatic character.
III. Suitable for changes while performing.
• The rythm is diverse and “alive”.
• The harmony is clear and pure.
Joseph Haydn
• Is considered to be the starter of classicism in
• Was part of the famous Children’s Choir of
• He played music for a living and in the same time
composed many pieces.
• His extraordinary talent and diligence made his
existence eknoledged by the high musical society.
• He was employed in the position of director of the
orchestra by Prince Esterhasy.
Joseph Haydn
• He is considered the creator of chamber
music and the string quartet, and he
mostly composed sonatas and
• 125 symphonies: Symphony no. 104 –
D-major, "Eye" G-major, Symphony
• 80 chamber pieces, solistic concertos for
different instruments, piano sonatas,
operas, oratorios, (“The Seasons”).
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
• He played piano and violin and started composing very
early in his childhood.
• When he was 11 years-old, he composed the opera
“Bastien and Bastiena”.
• At the age of 13 he was accepted as music director at the
court of the archbishop of Salzburg, where he worked
for 12 years.
• After two years, he started composing piano concertos.
• As a freelance artist, he lived in poverty and depended
on selling pieces, performing of concerts and teaching.
• This caused his health to weaken and send him to his
deathbed when he was 35.
• Throughout his life, Mozart, composed 600 musical
pieces .
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
• He mostly composed operas, symphonies
and concertos.
• His music is characterized by a wide
range of emotional nuances and is filled
with optimism, humor and joy.
• 19 operas ( “ Marridge of Figaro”, "Don
Giovanni", "The Magic Flute") – have
comic and satirical content.
• 25 concertos for piano and orchestra
• 49 Symphonies ( Syumphony in Es-
major, Syumphony no.40 in G-minor, • 8 concertos for violin
Syumphony no.41 in C-Major: • Solo piece ("Requiemi")
“Jupiter” ).
Ludwig van Beethoven
• He was of Flemish descent.
• He played piano, violin, flute and organ.
• He was motivated by his father to perfect
the way he played the piano in order to
use it for material income.
• He had many successful concerts at the
age of 8.
• At the age of 13, he was accepted as a
member of the orchestra at the Prince’s
court in Bonn.
• He mostly studied music independently.
• Beethnocentric lost his hearing
Ludwig van Beethoven
• At first his piecies were typical classicist, but later he started to make them
more dramatic and with add contrast.
• He freed the symphony and the
sonata from the templates ad in the
3-rd movement he replaced the miuet
with the scherzo.
• 9 Symphonies (III "Heroic", V
"Fate", VI "Pastoral" dhe IX
• Among the concertos stand out:
Concerto for piano and orchestra no.
4 in G-major and no.5 in E-flat
Ludwig van Beethoven
• He composed chamber pieces
and cantatas.
• Piano Sonatas: "Pathetique
Sonata" and "Moonlight Sonata"
• Sonatas for violin and piano:
“Spring Sonata” and “Kreuzer
• Cello Sonata: "Egmont"
• Opera: "Fidelio"
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