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MIS Concepts
W An CrganlzaLlon conslsLs of many funcLlons boLh
Lechnlcal managerlal and many people worklng
for dlfferenL deparLmenLs 1herefore an
lnformaLlon SysLem of an organlzaLlon ls noL only
wlLh respecL one deparLmenL or one funcLlonlng
buL a comblnaLlon of managemenL Lechnology
9ercepLlon of MlS
MlS for declslon maklng for low level
managemenL Lo Lop level managemenL MlS
requlred Lechnlcal supporL so lL ls
comblnaLlon of 3 componenLs
1ypes of ManagemenL SysLem
W varlous processes ln declslon maklng requlres
lnformaLlon ln varlous forms
W 8aslcally lnformaLlon ls provlded by Lhe sysLems Lo Lhe
managemenL aL varlous levels llke sLraLeglc plannlng
managemenL conLrol operaLlonal conLrol
lnformaLlon naLure ls sLrucLured aL operaLlon level
unsLrucLured aL Lop level
lnformaLlon volume ls hlgh aL boLLom level and low aL Lop
ulfferenL luncLlons of ManagemenL
MarkeLlng llnance P8 9roducLlon CosLlng 9lannlng
MaLerlals eLc
ConcepL 8elaLlonshlp
W 1he concepLual framework and some of Lhe Lypes of
managemenL sysLems whlch are lnformaLlon based are
a) 1ransacLlon processlon sysLems (19S)
b) knowledge based sysLems (k8S)
c) Cn llne analyLlcal processlng sysLems (CLA9S)
d) LxecuLlve lnformaLlon sysLems (LlS)
e) ueclslon supporL sysLems (uSS)
f) 8uslness process sysLems (89S)
g) Cb[ecL orlenLed sysLems (CCS)
1ransact|on rocess|ng Systems
W A LransacLlon ls Lhe smallesL unlL of buslness
W Serve Lhe mosL elemenLary day Lo day
acLlvlLles of an organlzaLlon
W SupporL Lhe operaLlonal level of buslness
W Supplles daLa for hlgher level managemenL
W MosL sulLable for predeflne sLrucLured Lask
W usually has hlgh volume of lnpuL ouLpuL
W 9rovldes daLa whlch ls summarlzed lnLo
lnformaLlon by sysLem Lo be used by hlgher
level of managemenL
W MosLly repeLlLlve ln naLure
CharacLerlsLlcs of 19S
W 8ellablllLy
W 8apld processlng
W SLandardlzaLlon
W ConLrol access
now|edge based system S
W lL ls Lhe sysLem base on knowledge
W knowledge base ls Lhe daLabase malnLalned for
knowledge managemenL whlch provldes Lhe means
of daLa collecLlon organlzaLlon reLrleval of
W lL manages Lhe domaln where lL creaLes enables
organlzaLlon for adopLlon of lnslghL experlence
W umbrella Lerm for a collecLlon of dlsclpllnes
meLhods and Lools embedded ln an lnformaLlon
lnfrasLrucLure LhaL supporLs creaLlon and sharlng of
lnLellecLual aspecLs Langlble and lnLanglble Lo
achleve buslness goals
Cn||ne Ana|yt|ca| rocess|ng
W 9rocesslng LhaL enables a user Lo easlly
selecLlvely exLracL and vlew daLa from
dlfferenL polnL of vlew ( mulLl dlmenslon )
W CLA9 daLa ls sLored ln mulLldlmenslonal
W CLA9 can be used for daLa mlnlng buL noL daLa
ware house
W uslng Cu8C daLa can be lmporLed from
exlsLlng relaLlonal daLabase Lo creaL a mulLl
dlmenslonal daLa base for CLA9
W 1he querylng process of CLA9 ls very sLrong
lL helps Lhe managemenL Lo Lake declslons llke
whlch monLh would be approprlaLe Lo launch
a producL ln Lhe markeL whaL should be
producLlon quanLlLy Lo maxlmlze Lhe reLurns
Lxecut|ve Informat|on System LIS
W lL ls Lhe sysLem LhaL serve Lhe funcLlonlng of
plannlng conLrolllng and declslon maklng by
provldlng rouLlne summary and excepLlon
W lL malnly revolves around Lhe day Lo day
acLlvlLles of ManagemenL buL noL sLraLeglc
LIS Characterst|cs
W 8aLch orlenLed reporLlng
l) Summary reporLs
ll) LxcepLlon reporLs
lll) ueLalled reporLs
W CaLers Lo sllghLly changlng declslons or seml
sLrucLured declslons
W noL very sophlsLlcaLed analyLlcally
W 9rlmarlly uses lnLernal or corporaLe daLa flow
W CrlenLed Lo pasL daLa lnformaLlon
W LengLhy ln deslgn developmenL procedures
W 8lgld lnflexlble
LlS are of Lwo dlsLlncL Lypes
W 1he daLa drlven uaLa drlven sysLem lnLerface
wlLh daLabases and daLa warehouses 1he
collecL lnformaLlon from dlfferenL sources and
presenL Lhem Lo Lhe user ln an lnLegraLed dash
board sLyle screen
W 1he model drlven Model drlven sysLems use
forecasLlng slmulaLlons and declslon Lree llke
processes Lo presenL daLa
ec|s|on Support system SS
W uSS ls an lnLeracLlve compuLer based sysLem
deslgned Lo help Lhe declslon makers Lo use all
Lhe resources avallable and make use ln Lhe
declslon maklng
W lL ls used by Lop managemenL Lo have a
summary over Lhe enLlre organlzaLlon
SS Character|st|cs
W CaLers Lo Lop execuLlves
W Shows graphlcal orlenLaLlon
W use lnLernal corporaLe daLa flow (revenue
expenses eLc) as well as exLernal daLa flow
(economy compeLlLlon lndusLry lnformaLlon)
W 9rovldes user frlendly lnLerface
W Alds supporLs managemenL declslon
W Allow whaLlf analyses
SS Character|st|cs
W CaLers Lo rapldly changlng dynamlc and
unsLrucLured declslon
W CrlenLed Lo Lhe fuLure
W llexlble adapLable expandable
W ueslgned prlmarlly by end users wlLh some
asslsLance from l1 professlonals
SS |s a cons|stent dec|s|on mak|ng system and
|t benef|ts are
W Improves persona| eff|c|ency
W Lxped|tes prob|em so|v|ng
W Iac|||tates |nterpersona| commun|cat|on
W romotes |earn|ng tra|n|ng
W Increase organ|zat|on contro|
W Create compet|t|ve advantage over
W kevea|s new approaches to th|nk|ng about
the prob|em space
us|ness rocess System S
W 1he developmenL of a buslness process ls because of
Lhe need Lo solve a buslness problem
W A buslness process sysLem ls baslcally spread over
varlous levels of Lhe managemenL SLarLlng from Lhe
Lop Lo Lhe boLLom
W 1he processes aL Lhe Lop level are baslcally meanL Lo
handle sLraLeglc problems
W AL Lhe mlddle level Lhe process ls orlenLed Lowards
generaLlng lnformaLlon for plannlng schedullng eLc
W AL Lhe boLLom level processes are hlghly sLrucLured
and are malnly meanL for rouLlne LransacLlons
Cb[ect Cr|ented Systems CCS
W Cb[ecLs are absLracLlons of realworld or
sysLem enLlLles and manage Lhemselves
W Cb[ecLs are lndependenL and encapsulaLe
sLaLe and represenLaLlon lnformaLlon
W SysLem funcLlonallLy ls expressed ln Lerms of
ob[ecL servlces
W Shared daLa areas are ellmlnaLed Cb[ecLs
communlcaLe by message passlng
W Cb[ecLs may be dlsLrlbuLed and may execuLe
sequenLlally or ln parallel
W Lasler malnLenance Cb[ecLs may be
undersLood as sLandalone enLlLles
W Cb[ecLs are poLenLlally reusable componenLs
W lor some sysLems Lhere may be an obvlous
mapplng from real world enLlLles Lo sysLem
W Cb[ecLs are enLlLles ln a sofLware sysLem
whlch represenL lnsLances of realworld and
sysLem enLlLles
W Cb[ecL classes are LemplaLes for ob[ecLs 1hey
may be used Lo creaLe ob[ecLs
W Cb[ecL classes may lnherlL aLLrlbuLes and
servlces from oLher ob[ecL classes
CCS WeaLher sysLem
W A weaLher mapplng sysLem ls requlred Lo generaLe weaLher
maps on a regular basls uslng daLa collecLed from remoLe
unaLLended weaLher sLaLlons and oLher daLa sources such as
weaLher observers balloons and saLelllLes WeaLher sLaLlons
LransmlL Lhelr daLa Lo Lhe area compuLer ln response Lo a
requesL from LhaL machlne
W 1he area compuLer sysLem valldaLes Lhe collecLed daLa and
lnLegraLes lL wlLh Lhe daLa from dlfferenL sources 1he
lnLegraLed daLa ls archlved and uslng daLa from Lhls archlve
and a dlglLlsed map daLabase a seL of local weaLher maps ls
creaLed Maps may be prlnLed for dlsLrlbuLlon on a speclal
purpose map prlnLer or may be dlsplayed ln a number of
dlfferenL formaLs
ConcepLs of ManagemenL
W An organlzaLlon ls a sLrucLure LhaL uses Lhe resources
from Lhe envlronmenL llke manpower raw
maLerlals caplLal and reLurns Lhe ouLpuL llke
producLs and servlces Lo Lhe envlronmenL lL
consLlLuLes Lhe rules pollcles responslblllLles and
procedures LhaL are adopLed by Lhe organlzaLlon
W 1he funcLlonal subsysLems are caLegorlzed lnLo
operaLlons sub sysLems LransacLlon subsysLem and
conLrol subsysLem Lach one has a parLlcular seL of
daLa flles whlch are used only by LhaL subsysLem
1echn|ca| |mp|ementat|on |ssues
W Level of complexlLy (musL be low)
W SysLem response Llme and rellablllLy (musL be hlgh)
W lnadequaLe funcLlons (funcLlons are needed)
W Lack of equlpmenL (hardware and sofLware can
W Lack of sLandardlzaLlon (sLandard help lnLegraLlon
and dlssemlnaLlon)
W 9roblems wlLh Lhe neLworks (such as connecLlvlLy)
W MlsmaLch of hardware or sofLware
W Low level of Lhe Lechnlcal capaclLy of Lhe pro[ecL
8ehavloral lacLor
W 1he lmplemenLaLlon of MlS ls affecLed by Lhe way people
percelve Lhese sysLems and by how Lhey behave ln accepLlng
Lhem user reslsLance ls a ma[or behavloral facLor assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe adopLlon of new sysLems
8easons for resslsLance
W Change ln [ob conLenL
W Loss of sLaLus
W Change ln lnLerpersonal relaLlonshlps
W Loss of power
W Change ln declslon maklng approach
W uncerLalnLy or unfamlllarlLy or mlslnformaLlon
W !ob securlLy
Ma[or 8ehavloral lacLors
a) ueclslon sLyles
b) need for explanaLlon
c) CrganlzaLlonal cllmaLe
d) CrganlzaLlonal expecLaLlons
e) 8eslsLance Lo change

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