Nutritional Disorders

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Nutrition : Nutrition is a method in which the food is
consumed by the organisms and utilizing the nutrients
from the food.

Nutrients are chemical in food that are used by the

body for growth maintenance & energy. They include
vitamins, minerals some Amino acids & some fatty
◦ Nutrients: There are 2 type of nutrients.

1) Macronutrients: The three main categories include Carbohydrates, Proteins and

Fat. They are required by the body in relatively large amounts.
2) Micronutrients : The Two types categories Vitamins & Minerals. They are
required in minute amounts.
 Lack of nutrients can result in under nutrition, which can be lead to deficiency
syndromes (e.g. Kwashiorkor, Pellagra)
 Excess intake of macronutrients can lead to obesity & related disorders. Excess
intake of micronutrients can be toxic.
So according to nutrients in diet, can be grouped into essential and
Essential Nutrients- Protein: 1gm of protein provides 4
– These are 6 Basic groups of essential nutrients.
1) Fats: Fat & fatty acids should comprise about 35% of diet.
2) Carbohydrates : Dietary carbohydrates are the major source of calories.
3) Vitamins :
4) Minerals : Iron, Calcium phosphorus and certain trace elements are
essential for Health.
5) Water :
Non- Essential nutrients – Dietary fiber composed to cellulose,
hemicellulose and Pectin considered non-essential.
Nutritional Deficiency
◦ Definition : An inadequate supply of essential
nutrients ( as vitamins and minerals) in the diet
resulting in malnutrition or disease
Classify Nutrition Deficiency Diseases
◦ The Nutrition Deficiency Diseases develops when the essential
nutrients are not provided to the cells adequately. The nutritional
deficiency may be of 2 Type:
1) Primary deficiency : This is due to either the lack or decreased
amounts of essential nutrients in diet.
2) Secondary or conditional deficiency: conditional deficiency is
malnutrition occurring as a result of various factors.
Nutritional disease consist some disease like-
a) Nutritional imbalance (e.g. Obesity)
b) Multiple or mixed deficiencies (e.g Starvation, Protein Energy
◦ Dietary imbalance and overnutrition may lead to disease like
Etiology Factors:
Over eating
Genetic constitution
Inactivity & sedentary life style
Secondary obesity may results from number of underlying
disease- Hypothyroidism, caushing’s disease etc.
◦ Starvation is a state of overall deprivation of nutrients.
◦ Body responds to reduced energy intake by burning fat reserve &
consuming muscles and other tissue.
◦ The body burns fat after prolonged period of starvation.
◦ The body source will utilize the proteins within muscle tissue as a
Protein Energy Malnutrition
◦ The inadequate consumption of protein and energy as a result of a
primary dietary deficiency or conditioned deficiency may cause
loss of body mass and adipose tissue, resulting in protein energy
or protein calorie malnutrition (PEM OR PCM)
The spectrum of clinical syndromes produced as a result of PEM
includes the following.
1) Kwashiorkor: It is a form of malnutrition caused by not getting
enough protein in the diet.
2) Marasmus: It is starvation in infants occurring due to overall lack
of calories. It is one of the most serious forms of PEM in the world.
Difference B/W Kwashiorkor & Marasmus
Kwashiorkor Marasmus
Protein deficiency with Starvation in infants with overall
sufficient calories intake lack of calories
Occur in Children B/W 6 month Common in infants under 1 year of
& 3 years of age age
Wasting of muscles but Wasting of all tissues including
preserved adipose tissues muscles & adipose tissues
Edema present Edema absent
Flag sign- Alternate bands of Monkey- like face, protuberant
light and dark hair abdomen, thin limbs
Enlarged fatty liver No fatty liver
◦ Vitamins are not synthesized inside the body, so they need to be
supplied via diet. Vitamins also act as co-factor in many enzyme
systems so essential for various body function. Any type of lowered
supply of vitamin may lead towards the various disease.
◦ Type: 1) Fat soluble vitamins: Vitamins A, D,E K
2) Water soluble vitamins: Vitamins B complex and Vitamin C
◦ Fat soluble vitamins: They are absorbed from intestine in the presence of bile
salts and intact pancreatic function. They are found in many plant and animals
foods and in dietary supplements. Vitamins: A, D, E and k .


Vitamin A (Retinol) Xerophthalmia An abnormal dryness of the eyeball
produced usually by long continued
inflammation and subsequent atrophy of
the conjunctiva and cornea

Night Blindness Inability to see in dim light

Bitot’s Spot Bitot’s spot appear as greyish white
triangular plaques, firmly adherent to the
conjunctive due to increased thickness of
conjunctiva in certain areas
Vitamin D (Calcitriol) Rickets Disease of infant and childhood ,
characterized by softening of the
bones, leading to abnormal bone
growth and caused by a lack of
vitamin D in the body. When the
disorders occurs in adults, it is
known as Osteomalacia.

Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Sterility Sterility in male and female.

It is also known Anti sterility
Vitamin K Chronic diarrhea, It is also known as
(Napthoquinone) Malabsorption ‘Antihaemorrgaic’ vitamin.
Worm infestation
Water soluble vitamins
Vitamin B1 Beriberi A disease causing inflammation of
(Thiamine) the nerves and heart failure,
Wernicke- Korsak off It is also Wernicke Encephalopathy,
syndrome is a neurological disease
Vitamin B2 Angular stomatitis Inflammation at the corners of the
(Riboflavin) mouth
Vitamin B3 ( Niacin) Dermatitis It is common skin condition marked
by itchy and inflamed patches of skin
Pellagra Pellagra is a disorder, it is called the
disease of 3 Ds.
(Dermatitis, Diarrhea and Dementia)
Vitamin B6 ( Pyridoxine) Dermatitis Dermatitis is a general term
for skin inflammation

Sideroblastic anemia

Vitamin B7 Heart abnormalities Heart conditions that include

disease vessels, structural
problems and blood clots
Vitamin B9 Diarrhea Diarrhea is defined as passage
of abnormally liquid or unformed
stools at an increased
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) Neurological disorders,
Pernicious anemia

Vitamin C ( Ascorbic acid) Scurvy disease Scurvy disease can lead to

bleeding gums, loosened teeth
and rashes.

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