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Disease control

1. Surveillance
2. Eradication
3. Control
4. Quarantine
5. Segregation
6. Isolation
7. Disinfections
8. sterilization
Surveillance of disease is the continuous scrutiny of all aspects of
occurrence and spread of disease.
This modern concept includes three main features:
1. The systematic collection of all relevant data.
2. The orderly consolidation and evaluation of these data.
3. The prompt dissemination of the results to those who need to know,
particularly those who are in a position to take action.
• As applied to patients, it represents separation for the period of
communicability to prevent or limit the direct or indirect transmission
of the infectious agent from those infected to those who are
susceptible or who may spread the disease to others.
• This refers to the separation of a healthy person from an
infected person.

• Restriction of the activities of well person or animals who have

been exposed to a case of communicable disease during its
period of communicability (i.e. contacts) for maximum
incubation period to prevent disease transmission during the
incubation period, if the infection should occur.
• It means ending the transmission of the disease and elimination of
reservoirs of infection, in a campaign limited in time and carried out
to such a degree of perfection that when it comes to an end, there is
no resumption of transmission.
• It refers to the destruction of the pathogenic micro- organisms.
• It refers to the destruction of pathogenic as well as non-pathogenic
microorganisms and it includes destruction of spores also.

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