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ET 6312

Unit I

Data and Communications Networks

Data Communications
 Communication means sharing information
 This sharing can be local or remote
 Data refers to information presented in whatever form is
agreed upon by the parties creating and using the data
 Data communications are the exchange of data between two
devices via some form of transmission medium such as a
wire cable
 data communications to occur = hardware + software
Data Communications
 Fundamental characteristics of effective data communications

• Delivery: The system must deliver data to the correct

• Data must be received by the intended device or user
and only by that device or user

• Accuracy: The system must deliver the data accurately

Data that have been altered in transmission and left
uncorrected are unusable
Data Communications
• Timeliness: The system must deliver data in a
timely manner. Data delivered late are useless
• In the case of video and audio, timely delivery
means delivering data as they are produced

• Jitter: Jitter refers to the variation in the packet

arrival time. It is the uneven delay in the delivery
of audio or video packets
Components of data communications
 Message: The message is the information (data) to be
communicated. Popular forms of information include text,
numbers, pictures, audio, and video

 Sender: The sender is the device that sends the data

message. It can be a computer, workstation, telephone
handset, video camera, and so on
 Receiver: The receiver is the device that receives the message
Components of data communications
 Transmission medium: The transmission medium is the
physical path by which a message travels from sender to

 Protocol: A protocol is a set of rules that govern data

communications. It represents an agreement between the
communicating devices.
Data Representation
 Text: In data communications, text is represented as a bit
pattern, a sequence of bits (0s or 1s)

• Each set is called a code, and the process of representing

symbols is called coding

• Today, the prevalent coding system is called Unicode,

which uses 32 bits to represent a symbol or character
used in any language in the world
Data Representation
 Numbers: are also represented by bit patterns. the
number is directly converted to a binary number to
simplify mathematical operations
 Images: Images are also represented by bit patterns.
In its simplest form, an image is composed of a
matrix of pixels (picture elements), where each pixel
is a small dot
• The size of the pixel depends on the resolution
Data Representation
 Audio: Audio refers to the recording or broadcasting of
sound or music.

• Audio is by nature different from text, numbers, or

images. It is continuous, not discrete

 Video: Video refers to the recording or broadcasting of a

picture or movie
• Video can either be produced as a continuous entity (e.g., by
a TV camera), or it can be a combination of images, each a
discrete entity, arranged to convey the idea of motion
Types of communication
 Simplex communication: In simplex communication,
communication is possible only in one direction

• There is one sender and one receiver; the sender and

receiver cannot change roles
 Half-duplex communication: Half-duplex communication is
possible in both directions between two entities but one at a
time example a walkie-talkie
 Full-Duplex: In full-duplex mode (also called duplex), both
stations can transmit and receive simultaneously
 A network refers to two or more connected computers that
can share resources such as data, a printer, an Internet
connection, applications, or a combination of these
These devices
in a network
are connected
using wired or
media such as
cable or air
Network Criteria
 Performance: Performance can be measured in many ways,
including transit time and response time

• Transit time is the amount of time required for a message

to travel from one device to another

• Response time is the elapsed time between an inquiry

and a response
 Reliability: network reliability is measured by the frequency
of failure, the time it takes a link to recover from a failure,
and the network’s robustness in a catastrophe
Network Criteria
 Network security issues include protecting data from
unauthorized access, protecting data from damage and
development, and implementing policies and procedures for
recovery from breaches and data losses

Do we have a network that is one hundred percent

Network Models
Peer-to-Peer Model
mobile network
 In a peer-to-peer model there is no national or global ISP
special station that holds shared
files and a network operating
 Each station can access the
local or
resources of the other stations in regional ISP

the network
home network content
 Individual stations can act as a provider
server and/or as a client
 In this model, each user is
responsible for administrating and enterprise
upgrading the software of his or
her station
Communication and Resource Sharing

1. Discovery: Peers typically rely on a discovery service to locate other

peers on the network

 This service could involve a central directory server (partially

centralized) or distributed hash tables (completely decentralized)
to help peers find each other based on the resources they seek

2. Direct Communication: Once peers find each other, they establish

direct connections to share resources or data

 This communication can be facilitated by specific P2P protocols

designed for efficient data transfer between devices
Communication and Resource Sharing

3. Data Distribution: Data can be shared in various ways:

 Entire files can be transferred from one peer to another

 For large files, the data might be broken down into

smaller chunks, and different peers can contribute
different pieces, allowing for parallel downloads and
faster transfers
Common P2P Applications

 File Sharing: P2P file sharing networks are popular for

distributing large files like movies or music
 Collaboration Tools: Collaborative software can leverage
P2P principles for data synchronization or communication
between devices
 Blockchain Technology: Cryptocurrencies and blockchain
technology often rely on P2P networks for distributed
ledger maintenance and verification
Network Models
Client/server model
mobile network
 Clients: These are software programs running
on user devices like desktops, laptops, or mobile national or global ISP
 These clients initiate requests for resources or
services residing on servers over the network
 Web browsers, email clients, and file transfer
applications are all examples of client software
local or
regional ISP
 Servers: Servers are programs running on
dedicated computers within the network or home network content
even on powerful machines across the internet provider
 These servers listen for incoming requests network
from clients, perform the requested tasks
(accessing data, processing information), and
send back responses containing the data or
results enterprise
 Web servers, email servers, and file servers network
are all common types of network servers
Client/server model Communication
1. Client initiates request: The client software on a user
device initiates communication by sending a request
message across the network to the designated server

 This request specifies the service or resource needed,

often including details like URLs, filenames, or login
2. Network carries request: The network protocols (like TCP/IP)
ensure the request message is routed correctly over the network
infrastructure (cables, routers, switches) to reach the specific
Client/server model Communication
3. Server processes request: Once the request reaches the server,
the server program interprets it and performs the necessary

 This might involve retrieving data from a database, running

calculations, or fetching web content

4. Server sends response: The server then formulates a response

message containing the requested data or the results of the
performed action.

 This response message is sent back over the network

Client/server model Communication
5. Network delivers response: The network protocols again route
the response message back to the client device that initiated the

6. Client displays response: The client software receives the

response message and interprets it. It then displays the
information to the user (like a webpage) or uses the data for
further processing within the application
Benefits of Client-Server in Networks:
 Centralized Management: Data, applications, and security
configurations are stored and managed on the server

• This simplifies administration and updates since

changes can be made in one central location
 Scalability: Servers can be powerful machines designed to
handle numerous client requests simultaneously

• This allows the network to grow by adding more clients

without significantly impacting performance
Benefits of Client-Server in Networks:
 Security: By keeping sensitive data on secure
servers with access controls, it's generally more
secure than storing data on individual client
 Resource Sharing: Network resources like printers,
storage, and software licenses can be efficiently
shared among multiple clients through a
centralized server
Network classifications
 Network classification can be done based on various factors
that define the network's characteristics. Here are the types of
computer networks focuses on the physical area covered by
the network
 Local Area Network (LANs)

• A LAN is a private network that spans a limited

geographical area, typically a home, office building, or school

• LANs connect devices like computers, printers, and servers

Wireless LAN (WLAN)  These access points act as base
A wireless LAN (WLAN), also
stations, transmitting and
known as Wi-Fi (a trademarked receiving wireless signals that
term), is a type of local area network devices can use to
network (LAN) that uses wireless connect
radio communication instead of  WLAN enabled devices like
cables to connect devices laptops, smartphones, tablets,
This allows users to move around
and printers can connect to the
within a specific area and still be access point and access the
connected to the network network resources or the internet
Functionality: WLANs extend
(if the WLAN has a gateway)
wired LANs using devices called  Standards: WLANs are based
access points (APs) on the IEEE 802.11 family of
standards, which specify the
protocols and technologies for
wireless communication
Wired LAN Wireless LAN (WLAN)
 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

• A MAN covers a larger area than a LAN, encompassing

a city or town

• It typically interconnects multiple LANs within a

metropolitan area

• The best-known examples of MANs are the cable

television networks available in many cities
 Wide Area Network (WAN):
• WANs span vast geographical distances, often covering
entire countries or continents. The internet is the largest
WAN, connecting billions of devices worldwide
Network Components
 Network Interlace Card (NIC): Each computer in a network
requires a network interface card, which allows the stations
on the network to communicate with each other
 Transmission Medium: The transmission medium connects
the computers together and provides a communication link
between the computers on the network
 Some of the more common types are twisted pair cable,
coaxial cable, fiber optic cable, and wireless
Network Components
 Network Operating System (NOS): The NOS runs on the
server and provides services to the client such as login,
password, print file, network administration, and file
 Most modern computer operating systems have NOS
That’s all for today

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