Little Women - by Louisa May Alcott

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Little Women - by Louisa May


Hila Derin
The setting of the story
Little Women is about the life of the March
family. They lived in Concord
Massachusetts, and the story begins form
Christmas, 1861, during the Civil War.
‘Little women’ is a book about the four March sisters;
Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. These four sisters are the
main characters of the book, as shown in the story.
The March sisters lived in New England. Their dad
was away on war, so they staid with their mum. The
family became victim to a great loss of wealth, and
they were having challenges getting used to their new
The story is about the girls’ lives as they grow up and
work to make their lives better and achieve their
Main characters in the story
Margaret "Meg" March
Meg is 16 and the oldest sister. She is described as beautiful, and manages the
household when her mother is gone. She has long brown hair and blue eyes, and
counts as the prettiest one of the sisters. Meg acts like a nearly perfect “little
woman” from the time the story is set. Meg remembers a time when the family had
more money, so now she has to battle her weakness for luxury and money, and at the
.end she ends up marrying a poor man that she loves - John Brooke

Josephine "Jo" March

Jo, 15 years old at the beginning of the book, second oldest of the four sisters, is a
strong young woman, struggling to handle her hot temper and stubborn personality.
;Jo is very boy-like, smart, and the most creative one in the family
Jo loves literature, both reading and writing. She composes plays for her sisters to
perform and writes short stories. While pursuing a literary career in New York City,
.she meets Friedrich Bhaer, a German professor, who in time she marries
Elizabeth "Beth" March
Beth, 13 when the story starts, is described as kind, sweet, quiet, honest and
musical. She is the shyest March sister gifted with quiet wisdom, and the
peacemaker of the family when her sisters argue. As her sisters grow up, they
begin to leave home, but Beth has no desire to leave her house or family. She
developed scarlet fever, and recovered from it but her health was permanently
As she grows, Beth begins to realize that her time with her loved ones is coming to
an end. Finally, the family accepts that Beth will not live much longer. Beth's final
.sickness has a strong effect on her sisters, and at the end she dies from it

Amy Curtis March

Amy is the youngest sister and baby of the family; she is 12 when the story begins.
She is very interested in art, has curly golden hair and blue eyes. Because she is
the youngest Amy often behaved in a spoiled and self-centered way, though she
,very much loves her family
She is chosen by her aunt to travel in Europe with her, where she grows and
develops her artistic talent and learns how to manage her adult life. She encounters
."Laurie" Laurence a close friend of the family who she later marries
My favorite character – Jo March
When we first meet Jo she is outspoken, often loud, and quite stubborn girl. Jo
desperately wants to accomplish something important before she settles down,
something for which she will be remembered for long after dying. She does not see
herself as a type of girl who would ever grow up to be a wife or a mother. At a
time when women's lives were all about staying at home and doing chores, Jo
represented the possibility of another kind of life.

Jo is willing to sacrifice, help others for no gain, and remain loyal and loving to
everyone throughout her life. Jo, as well as, her entire family, are fine examples
that living without much wealth, status, and social approval does not mean that joy,
happiness, and hope are not out of reach. Jo always makes you think anything is
possible and anything is possible for a woman
Jo always speaks her mind and she doesn't care what other people may think. I
really admire her and wish I could live up to her standards.

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