Presentation - Law & Order SDG

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Application of the Law & Enforcement Agencies in Pakistan

Presented By:
Erum Shaukat
Maria Shaheen
Ilma Iqbal
Rafia Muhammad Sohail
Najia Minhas

Welcome and Overview

Title: "Advancing Sustainable Development Goals through
Transformative Law Enforcement Practices in Pakistan"
Brief introduction to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
their global significance
A glance at the 2023 Global Sustainable
Development Goals
Center for American
Assessment / Identification of Hurdle in Implementing SDG

1. Lack of Awareness and Understanding: Many HR professionals may not be fully aware of the
SDGs or their specific implications for their work. (10%)
2. Skills Gap: Implementing the SDGs often requires skills and expertise that may not be readily
available within HR teams. (10%)
3. Limited Resources: Integrating the SDGs into HR can require additional resources, such as budget,
technology, and personnel. (15%)
4. Resistance to Change: Existing HR practices and policies may not be aligned with the SDGs, and
some stakeholders might resist changes needed for implementation. (20%)
5. Measurement and Reporting Challenges: Tracking progress towards SDG targets within HR can
be complex, requiring the development of relevant metrics and data collection systems. (10%)
6. Lack of Inclusivity and Equity: HR practices should contribute to achieving SDG targets for all
employees, not just privileged groups. (35 Percent)
Relevance to Law Enforcement in Pakistan

• SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: This goal

directly aligns with the core objectives of law
enforcement, promoting accountable and transparent
institutions, reducing violence, and upholding human
rights. By embracing SDG 16, Pakistani law enforcement can
move away from outdated methods and build trust with the
communities they serve.

• Beyond SDG 16: Other goals, like SDG 5 (Gender

Equality), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities), and SDG 17
(Partnerships for the Goals), also provide valuable
frameworks. Addressing gender-based violence, promoting
equal access to justice for marginalized groups, and fostering
collaboration with civil society are crucial for comprehensive
societal progress.
Addressing societal
• Community-oriented policing: Moving beyond a purely
reactive approach, law enforcement can proactively
engage with communities, understand their
concerns, and address issues like poverty, crime, and
discrimination at their root causes. This fosters a sense
of partnership and builds trust.

• Data-driven decision-making: Analyzing crime data can

identify patterns and hotspots, allowing for targeted
interventions and resource allocation. This avoids over-
policing certain areas and ensures resources are directed
towards areas with the most pressing needs.

• Investing in rehabilitation and prevention: Focusing

solely on punishment often fails to address the
underlying factors that contribute to crime. By investing
in education, job creation, and mental health
services, law enforcement can play a vital role in
breaking the cycle of crime and promoting societal well-
Ensuring Justice:
• Accountability and transparency: Robust
mechanisms for investigating and addressing
misconduct within law enforcement are
essential. This builds public trust and ensures
that all citizens are treated fairly and equally.

• Access to justice: Legal aid and support

systems should be accessible to all, especially
marginalized communities. This ensures that
everyone has the opportunity to seek justice
and hold law enforcement accountable.

• Alternative dispute resolution: Implementing

non-violent and restorative justice practices
can reduce reliance on incarceration and
promote healing within communities. This
approach can be particularly effective in cases
involving domestic violence, minor
offenses, and conflicts within communities.
Ten Benchmarks for sustainable law enforcement
practices in Pakistan

1. Community Engagement
2. Gender Equality in Policing
3. Access to Justice
4. Anti-Corruption Measures
5. Use of Technology for Efficiency
6. Training and Capacity Building
7. Environmental Responsibility
8. Human Rights Protection
9. Transparency and Accountability
10. Collaboration with NGOs and Civil Society
Reduced Crime Rate:
• Prevention-focused strategies: Investing in social
programs, youth development initiatives, and mental
health support can address underlying issues that
contribute to crime.

• Data-driven approaches: Utilizing crime data to identify

trends and allocate resources efficiently can lead to
targeted interventions and crime reduction.

• Restorative justice practices: Focusing on rehabilitation

and reintegration of offenders can prevent recidivism and
contribute to safer communities.
Improved public trust:
• Community-oriented policing: Shifting focus from
reactive to proactive measures, fostering
collaboration with communities, and addressing
root causes of crime can build trust and legitimacy.

• Transparency and accountability: Open

communication about policies, data, and resource
allocation can foster trust and reduce perceptions of

• Environmental stewardship: Demonstrating

commitment to environmental sustainability
through resource conservation and responsible
waste management can resonate with
environmentally conscious citizens.
Benefits of SDG Integration
into Pakistani Law & Order

• Economic benefits
• Social cohesion and
• Environmental sustainability
• International reputation and
Major Issues of Law & Order Agencies in Pakistan
Incorporating new SDG action and
scientific knowledge governance
We have new science-based tools and data:
SDG interlinkages • Broad awareness – the
• Which SDGs are particularly synergistic or involve SDG framework is robust
• Increasing commitments,
International spillovers
partnerships and
• How are we interdependent?
institutional mechanisms
Scenario modelling
• links
• Where are we heading, and what if we change?
• Financing and budgeting
• International cooperation
Need for accelerated and intensified science-policy- • Accountability
society collaboration, with a clear focus on action and
Transformative change and key interventions
• New lever: Capacity-building
• Example key interventions:

Policy & Reforms

Training & Development
Perks & Benefits
Universal social insurance

• Take an integrated and dynamic

Accelerating Transformations to SDGs
Can we strategically enable SDG solutions to move from emergence to
acceleration to stabilization – tracing an S-curve?
The Measurement of SDG Prosperity Index
Outputs of research,
• …we see an emerging SCIENCE- OPEN SCIENCE metadata, should be freely
POLICY-SOCIETY INTERFACE that accessible with no borders –
leads to enhanced global geographical, temporal,
cooperation and multilateralism social or cultural,  expands
use of science towards the
BUT progress depends on sharing attainment of the SDGs
knowledge openly and equitably

• A shift to open science can change
how research is done, who is
involved, and how it is valued.
Public interest groups,
policymakers, industry and
• Mobilizing knowledge to influence teachers should have access
public policy, the education to all underlying scientific
system and public understanding. research including
publications, data and
Trust and Integrity
BY adopting SGD in Law & Order, Pakistan will be Agenda 2030
able to Fake News

• States, media outlets and regulatory bodies

should explore a GLOBAL CODE OF CONDUCT
that promotes integrity in public information,
facilitated by the United Nations

• Time to better manage and regulate the digital

commons as a global public good
Learning Outcome
Inclusive Workforce and Diversity:
Promotion of diversity and inclusion, fostering a workplace culture that values and
celebrates differences, contributing to the achievement of SDGs related to equality and

Integration of SDGs in Performance Metrics:

Inclusion of sustainable development goals in performance metrics, allowing for the
measurement and evaluation of employees' contributions to the organization's
sustainability objectives.

Communication and Employee Engagement:

Improved communication channels to inform and engage employees in the
organization's sustainable initiatives, creating a sense of purpose and shared

Adaptation of Policies and Procedures:

Modification and integration of HR policies and procedures to ensure alignment with
sustainable practices, compliance with SDGs, and fostering a responsible corporate
Integration of SDGs into National Policies:
Advocate for the integration of SDGs into national security and law enforcement policies. Ensure that the
goals are considered in the development and implementation of strategies, plans, and programs.

Capacity Building and Training:

Provide comprehensive training programs for law enforcement personnel to enhance their understanding
of the SDGs and how their work contributes to achieving these goals.
Include modules on human rights, community engagement, and sustainable development in law
enforcement training curricula.

Community Policing and Engagement:

Promote community-oriented policing approaches to build trust between law enforcement agencies and
local communities.
Establish community liaison officers to facilitate communication and collaboration between law
enforcement and the public.
Technology and Data Integration:
Invest in technology to enhance law enforcement capabilities, such as advanced analytics, data
management systems, and predictive policing tools.
Ensure that data collection and analysis include indicators related to the SDGs, allowing for better
monitoring and evaluation of progress.

Human Rights Protection:

Strengthen mechanisms for protecting human rights within law enforcement agencies. This includes
establishing independent oversight bodies to investigate allegations of misconduct and abuse.
Incorporate human rights training into the regular curriculum for law enforcement personnel.

Gender Sensitivity and Inclusivity:

Implement policies that promote gender equality within law enforcement agencies. Encourage the
recruitment and advancement of women in the force.
Sensitize law enforcement personnel to issues of gender-based violence and discrimination.
Legislative Reforms:
Review and update existing laws to align with international human rights standards and sustainable development
Ensure that laws support the protection of vulnerable populations and promote inclusive and fair justice systems.

Resource Allocation and Budgeting:

Advocate for increased budget allocations to law enforcement agencies, particularly in areas that contribute to
achieving the SDGs.
Prioritize resource allocation for community-based initiatives, training programs, and the adoption of sustainable

International Collaboration:
Foster collaboration with international organizations and law enforcement agencies from other countries to share
best practices, expertise, and resources.
Participate actively in regional and international forums to stay updated on global trends in law enforcement and
sustainable development.
Thank you Sir!

Prof. Mirza Dilshad Baig

Most Interactive Class Ever

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