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Module 5 模块检测题
WY 版八年级上册

一、 听力理解 ( 本大题分为 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四部分,共 30

小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分 )( 见《听力随身听》 )
二、 语法选择 ( 本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分 )
What could a poem writer and a filmmaker share? More
than you think!
Langston Hughes began writing poems in high school and
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soon became one of America's __31__ writers. Most of his

writings are about __32__ experiences as an African American.
He wrote poems about people who worked hard through life but
still found things to be happy about. He wrote plays and books
( B )31.A.greater B . greatest C . the greater
( )32.A.he B . himself C . his
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about justice( 正义 ) for all people, and he wrote kids' __33__ ,

too. The Sweet and Sour Animal Book is __34__ book of his
animal poems. Pictures and photos were used in the book. “Hold
fast to dreams” is a line in one of his famous poems. That's what
( A )33.A.books B . book C . book's
( A )34.A. a B . the C . an
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he __35__ in his life.

When Steven Spielberg was in middle school, he wanted
__36__ a film. He had an idea for a movie, __37__ no money. He
started a tree­planting business and made his film with the
( C )35.A.was doing B . do C . does
( B )36.A.making B . to make C . made
( B ) B . but C . and
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money he made. Spielberg never stopped making films, even

__38__ many film schools refused( 拒绝 ) him. Today he is one
of the most popular and important filmmakers in the world. His
movies are about people who are brave( 勇敢的 ) and kind. His
characters( 角色 ) often try to do __39__ is good. Some of his
( A )38.A. After B . until C . before
( B )39.A.which B . what C . that
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films are about his Jewish background, such as Schindler's List.

Spielberg once said, “I don't dream that much at night because
I dream for a living.”
__40__ different ways, both Hughes and Spielberg have
encouraged( 鼓 励 ) people of all ages to reach for their

( )40.A.With B . By C . In
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三、 完形填空 ( 本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分 )

Miguel is a 12­year­old boy living in a small village in Mexico.
He loves a great guitar player called Ernesto de la Cruz. Miguel
dreams to become a __41__ like him. However, his family is
against it. When he joins a talent show, his grandmother __42__
( B )41.A.manager B . musician C . visitor
CD . teacher
( )42.A.puts out B . goes out C . finds out
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his guitar and destroys( 破坏 ) it. He is __43__ and steals( 偷 )

an old guitar to play in the show.
Then something magical __44__ ! The guitar brings him
to a __45__ world. Everyone who has ever died lives there. He
( D )43.A.happy B . funny C . excited D . angry
( C )44.A.improves B . beats C . finishes D . happens
( ) B . basic C . new D . relaxing
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his __46__ members( 成员 ) like his aunts and uncles. They say
they can help Miguel go back, but he has to __47__ his musical
dream. Miguel doesn't want to. He meets a friend called Hector
who helps him __48__ a guitar. They go to a music contest
( A ) B . school C . club D . city
( D )47.A.warm up B . turn up C . wake up D . give
( )48.A.describe B . shake C . find
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together. What happens next?

The __49__ is in the movie Coco. It came out on the Chinese
mainland on Nov.24th. There are no ghosts( 鬼 ) in the real
__50__. But the movie's world is full of imagination( 想象 ).
( C )49.A.idea B . chance C . answer
DD . question
( )50.A.home B . building C . park
D . world
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四、 阅读理解 ( 本大题共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分 )


First appearance: October 4, 1950

Created by: Charles M . Schulz
Snoopy can be smart and lazy at times and
sometimes fools his owner( 主 人 ), but he shows
great love and care to his owner even though he
cannot even remember his name. The owner
always calls him “The Round­headed Kid” .
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First appearance: May 15, 1928 (Plane Crazy)

Created by: Walt Disney
Mickey is a nice and brave boy. This mouse
always wears red shorts, large yellow shoes, and
white gloves. Mickey is one of the world's most
famous cartoon( 卡通 ) characters.
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First appearance: June 9, 1934 (The Wise Little

Created by: Walt Disney
People like Donald Duck although he is lazy
and greedy( 贪 婪 的 ). And they love his voice
when he becomes angry with Mickey's eight
nephews( 侄 子 ). Soon he's more popular than
Mickey Mouse.
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First appearance: June 24, 1995

Created by: Alice Mak & Brian Tse
Mcdull is a pig. He has a heart of gold, but he
isn't very smart and is common in every way. He
has many dreams. However, every time he tries,
he never succeeds. He is disappointed( 沮 丧 的 ),
but tries again. In this way, he creates his own
colourful world. He is not perfect, but his
attitude( 态度 ) towards life makes him a popular
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( C )51.Which of the following is Snoopy's personality( 性

格 )?
A . Stupid.
B . Able.
C . Lazy.
D . Polite.
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( B )52.What can we know about Mcdull from the passage?

A.He is colourful.
B . He is very common but has many dreams.
C . He is perfect.
D . He gives up easily.
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( C )53.Which two characters were created by Walt Disney?

A . Mickey and Mcdull.
B . Donald Duck and Mcdull.
C . Donald Duck and Mickey.
D . Mickey and Snoopy.
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( C )54.What can we learn from the passage?

A . People don't like Donald Duck because he is greedy.
B . Donald Duck and Mcdull were created in the same year.
C . Donald Duck was created earlier than Snoopy.
D . Mickey Mouse first appeared in the film called The Wise
Little Hen.
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( D )55.Where can we probably read this passage?

A . From a notice.
B . From a storybook.
C . From a guidebook.
D . From a cartoon magazine.
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Do you know the movie I, Robot? It tells us a story about the
The year is 2035 and robots are just as common as mobile
phones. People depend on their robots to do lots of things, such
as cooking, doing chores and taking their dogs for a walk.
Robots have to obey( 听从 ) humans' orders, because they're
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created to do so. A police officer called Spooner doesn't like

robots. He doesn't think humans can get on well with their robots
at all! But the scientist Susan doesn't agree with him. Susan
works on robots' mind and she thinks one day robots will become
more powerful than humans and help humans to make
progress( 进步 ).
When Spooner and Susan work together, they find that
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something is wrong with the world's robots. A few robots have

their own thoughts and they're trying to get out of humans'
control( 控 制 )! Of course these robots' dream doesn't come
true. Humans work hard to control their robots again and they
succeed at last.
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( C )56.The story happens in ________.

A . 2025
B . 2052
C . 2035
D . 2053
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( A )57.The underlined phrase “depend on” in this passage

means “________” in Chinese.
A .依靠
B .悬挂
C .拒绝
D .厌烦
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( D )58.Spooner is a ________ and Susan is a ________.

A . scientist; doctor
B . teacher; police officer
C . policeman; doctor
D . police officer; scientist
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( B )59.Susan thinks that one day ________.

A . robots can't get on well with humans
B . robots will help humans to make progress
C . robots will have their own thoughts
D . robots will control the world
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( D )60.The passage is mainly about ________.

A . a famous police officer
B . the love between humans and robots
C . the future life
D . a movie
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(C )61.Tony is a successful
A.Movie World
businessman. He loves watching movies,
The movies there are fun. What interests people most is the delicious snacks, such as
but he doesn't like waiting for a long time.
popcorn and grilled sausages.
(D )62.Tina is a big movie fan. She is
outgoing and always likes sharing the
B.Screen City
The cinema is the newest one in the city. It has the biggest screens and best sound. I'm
stories of the new movies with friends
sure you will have a wonderful experience there.
after watching them.
C.Blue Moon Theater
A )63.Lisa wants to watch movies
with her 6­year­old daughter. The little girl
It has the shortest waiting time. There is no need for you to line up with the crowd to
buy tickets or enter the theater.
enjoys eating something like popcorn or
D.Movie Centre
grilled sausages( 烤 肠 ) while watching
It always has the newest movies there. If you want to see the movies first, the theater will
be your best choice.
( )64.Thomas always likes watching
movies with his classmates. But as
E.Dream Cinema
It has the most comfortable seats. The seats are very soft and spacious( 宽敞的 ).You'll
students, they don't have much money to
feel relaxed there after working long hours.
buy movie tickets.
F.Vera's Movie
( )65.Jack is an office worker. He
The tickets there are very cheap. You can buy tickets at very low prices. It's a good way
often goes to the cinema after work. He
thinks watching movies can help him
for you to save money.
G.Town Cinema
relax. He hopes that the seats there are
It is close to the bus station. It is really convenient( 便利的 ) for you to get to the cinema.
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( C )61.Tony is a successful businessman. He loves watching

movies, but he doesn't like waiting for a long time.
( D )62.Tina is a big movie fan. She is outgoing and always
likes sharing the stories of the new movies with friends
after watching them.
( A )63.Lisa wants to watch movies with her 6­year­old
daughter. The little girl enjoys eating something like
popcorn or grilled sausages( 烤 肠 ) while watching
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( F )64.Thomas always likes watching movies with his

classmates. But as students, they don't have much
money to buy movie tickets.
( E )65.Jack is an office worker. He often goes to the cinema
after work. He thinks watching movies can help him
relax. He hopes that the seats there are comfortable.
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A.Movie World
The movies there are fun. What interests people most is the
delicious snacks, such as popcorn and grilled sausages.
B.Screen City
The cinema is the newest one in the city. It has the biggest
screens and best sound. I'm sure you will have a wonderful
experience there.
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C.Blue Moon Theater

It has the shortest waiting time. There is no need for you to line
up with the crowd to buy tickets or enter the theater.
D.Movie Centre
It always has the newest movies there. If you want to see the
movies first, the theater will be your best choice.
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E.Dream Cinema
It has the most comfortable seats. The seats are very soft and
spacious( 宽敞的 ).You'll feel relaxed there after working long
F.Vera's Movie
The tickets there are very cheap. You can buy tickets at very
low prices. It's a good way for you to save money.
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G.Town Cinema
It is close to the bus station. It is really convenient( 便利的 ) for
you to get to the cinema.
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五、 短文填空 ( 本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分 )

We all know and love the black mouse with two large round
ears — Mickey Mouse. Over 80 years __66__ , he first
appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. When this cartoon
__67__ out in New York on November 18, 1928, it was the first
66 . __________
ago 67.__________
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cartoon __68__ sound and music. The man behind Mickey was
Walt Disney. He __69__ very rich and successful because of
Mickey. In the 1930s, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. Some
people might ask why this cartoon animal became so __70__.
One of the main reasons( 原因 ) is that Mickey was only __71__
common man, but he always tried to face any danger. In his
with 69.__________
popular/ 71.__________
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early films, Mickey was unlucky and had many problems

__72__ as losing his house or girlfriend, Minnie. __73__ he was
always ready to try his best. People went to the cinema to see the
“little man” win. Most of __74__ wanted to be like Mickey.
Today's cartoons are usually not __75__ simple as the little
Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves him.
such 73.__________
them 75.__________
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六、 读写综合 ( 本大题分为 A 、 B 两部分,共 25 分 )

A. 回答问题 ( 本题共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分 )
Charlie Chaplin was born in London on April 16, 1889.His
parents were musical actors.The Chaplin family was very poor,
and life was difficult in London. Chaplin used to do his mother's
job in the theatre when she was ill.
When he was only 17 years old, Chaplin got his first real job
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as an actor. What he did was to do silly things to make people

laugh in the theatre. Seven years later, he went to the USA.And
over the next four years, he formed his own way of acting. He
played the character of a homeless gentleman, which became
very popular.
From the 1920s to the 1950s, Chaplin made many films.
One of the most famous films, Modern Times (1936), shows his
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about the modern industry( 工 业 ) workers. Many of his films

describe the poor life and hard time of the working people
during that time.
Although Charlie Chaplin was British, he lived in the US
until 1953.But he never got the US nationality( 国 籍 ).Then
Chaplin, his wife and his five children had to move to
Switzerland where he lived until he died. When he was 83 years
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old, he won an Oscar for the music he wrote for the film
Limelight. He was named Sir Charlie Chaplin at the age of
85.Charlie Chaplin died in Switzerland on December 25th,
1975.People all over the world were sad because of his death( 逝
世 ).
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76 . How was Chaplin's life in London when he was little?

His life in London was difficult.
77 . How old was Chaplin when he went to America?
He was 24.
78 . What do many of Chaplin's films describe?
They describe the poor life and hard time of the
working people.
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79 . When did Chaplin win an Oscar for the music he wrote?

He won an Oscar for the music he wrote when he was
80 .83.
Where did Chaplin die?
He died in Switzerland.
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B. 书面表达 ( 共 15 分 )
假如你是李华,你的笔友大卫 (David) 发来邮件,想了解中
(1) 出生在一个富裕家庭,但是放弃了舒适的生活;
(2) 对写作感兴趣, 1927 年去法国学习并完成了第一部小
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Dear David ,
I'm glad to introduce Ba Jin to you. He was born in a rich
family, but he gave up the comfortable life. He was very
interested in writing. He went to study in France in 1927 and
wrote his first novel there. Then he continued to write lots of
books. Many of his works are famous, such as Family, Spring
and Autumn.
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Ba Jin was very kind to others and he often sent his books
_to the readers for free. In 2003, he was named “The People's
Writer” .
Yours ,
Li Hua
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感 谢 观 看
感 谢 观 看

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