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Letter/Email Writing

Name of receiver
Address of receiver

Dear (receiver),
Writing Emails
What are the main parts of the emails?
• Begin with a greeting
• Thank the recipient
• State your purpose
• Add your closing remarks
• End with a complimentary close
1. Begin with a greeting

Dear Firstname Lastname

Dear Mr./Ms. Lastname
Dear Mr./Ms. Firstname Lastname
Dear Dr. Lastname
To whom it may concern
Dear Sir/Madam
2. Thank the recipient
• If you are replying to a client’s email, you should begin
with a line of thanks.
• If you start email communication for the first time, OMIT
this part.

For example, if someone has a question about your company,

you can say: “Thank you for contacting Vinfast”.

If someone has replied to one of your emails, be sure to

say: “Thank you for your prompt reply” or “Thanks for getting
back to me”.
3. State the purpose
3.1 Purpose: Clear/ Concise
• I am writing in reference to [subject]
• I am writing to inquire about [subject]
• I am writing to inform you that [subject]
3.2 Main text of emails
- Keep sentences short and clear
- Pay careful attention to grammar, spelling and
punctuation to present a professional image
- Each main point will be presented in a paragraph
3. State the purpose
3.1 Purpose: Clear/ Concise
• I am writing in reference/response to [subject]
• I am writing to inquire about [subject]
• I am writing to inform you that [subject]
Ex: I am writing in reference/response to your
concerns about the situation in…..
3. State the purpose

• I am writing…
• to (formally) complain about the service at ABC
• to express my strong/total
dissatisfaction/disappointment with the quality of
the products…
3. State the purpose

• I am writing (on behalf of ABC company) to (sincerely)
apologize for the mistakes/errors in our service.
• - I am writing to express my sincere apologies for… (+V-
3. State the purpose

• I am writing to enquire about the service at….
3. State the purpose
Giving information/advice
• I am writing in response to your letter requesting
information about our product
• I am writing in response to your letter asking for suggestions
about the company’s marketing strategy.
3. Main content
- Each points should be presented in a
- Use transition signals
Firstly, about the marketing strategy, I think….
Secondly, regarding the content, I believe….
Finally, since you ask about the….., I am glad to
inform that….
Add your closing remarks

Before you end your email, it’s polite to thank your

reader one more time and add some polite closing

Thank you for your patience and cooperation/ Thank

you for your consideration and then follow up with, “If
you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to
let me know” and “I look forward to hearing from
• Kind Regards, (Best Regards)
• Sincerely,
• Best wishes
- Do not use contractions (don’t  do not, aren’t  are not)
- Try to use high-level vocabulary
Buy  purchase
Good  excellent
• Your letter should have ~200 words
• Each main points should be supported with

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