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Program: Diploma (Electrical)

Class: TY
Course: EEC – Electrical
Estimation and Contracting
Unit I: Electrical Wiring Diagrams
Lecture 01 :
1.1: Electrical symbols used in
electrical diagrams as per Indian
1.1:Electrical symbols used in electrical diagrams as per Indian Standards 01

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.1:Electrical symbols used in electrical diagrams as per Indian Standards 01

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.1:Electrical symbols used in electrical diagrams as per Indian Standards 01

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.1:Electrical symbols used in electrical diagrams as per Indian Standards 01

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.1:Electrical symbols used in electrical diagrams as per Indian Standards 01

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.1:Electrical symbols used in electrical diagrams as per Indian Standards 01

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.1:Electrical symbols used in electrical diagrams as per Indian Standards 01

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.1:Electrical symbols used in electrical diagrams as per Indian Standards 01

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.2:Electrical Diagrams 02

 Electrical diagrams can be classified as per following

1. Wiring Diagram
2. Single line diagram
3. Multi line diagram
4. Schematic diagram
5. Pictorial Diagram
6. Electrical Floor plan

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.2:Electrical Diagrams 03

 Electrical diagrams can be classified as per

1. Wiring Diagram
The wiring diagram is used for the representation of
electrical components in their approximate physical location
using their specific symbols and their interconnections
using lines.
 Vertical and horizontal lines are used to represent wires
and each line represents a single wire that connects between
electrical components.
 Wiring diagram shows a pictorial view of the components
such that it resembles its electrical connection, arrangement
and position in real circuit.
It really helps in showing the interconnections in different
equipment such as electrical panel and distribution boxes etc.
they are mostly used for wiring installation in home and

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.2:Electrical Diagrams 04

 Electrical diagrams can be classified as per following

2. Single line diagram
one-line diagram is the representation of an electrical circuit using
a single line. As the name suggests, a single line is used to denote
the multiple power lines such as in 3 phase system.
Single line diagram does not show the electrical connections of the
component but it may show the size and ratings of the
components being used. it simplify complex 3 phase power circuits
by showing all the electrical components and their
They are used for determining and isolating any
faulty equipment in any power system during troubleshooting.
The SLD diagram uses dedicated
electrical symbols and icon for different components.
A common example of a 3 phase power circuit to represent using a
single line diagram would be the
power transmission and distribution to the consumers.
Department of Electrical Engineering
1.2:Electrical Diagrams 05

 Electrical diagrams can be classified as per following

3. Multi line diagram
A three-line diagram is, however, a more detailed presentation of
an electric system with actual cabling information involving
positive, negative, ground cables for DC, L1, L2, L3, Neutral and
Ground cables on an AC system.
A 3 Line Diagram use for actual implementation during the wiring
phase of the project and is often provided to electricians who
actually do the cabling.

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.2:Electrical Diagrams 06

 Electrical diagrams can be classified as per

4. Schematic diagram
A schematic is defined as a picture that shows
something in a simple way, using symbols. A schematic
diagram is a picture that represents the components of
a process, device, or other object using abstract, often
standardized symbols and lines. Schematic diagrams
only depict the significant components of a system,
though some details in the diagram may also be
exaggerated or introduced to facilitate the
understanding of the system.
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM The schematic diagram shows,
by means of graphic symbols, the electrical connections
and functions of a specific circuit arrangement. The
schematic diagram is used to trace the circuit and its
functions without regard to the actual physical size,
shape, or location of the component devices or parts.
Department of Electrical Engineering
1.2:Electrical Diagrams 06

 Electrical diagrams can be classified as per

5. Pictorial diagram
The pictorial diagram does not necessarily represent
the actual circuit. In fact it shows the visual appearance
of the circuit in real time. it cannot be used to
understand or troubleshoot the actual circuit and for
this reason alone, it is not commonly used. For
someone with less knowledge of electrical, it is
impossible to understand how the circuit works and
diagnose it.

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.2:Electrical Diagrams 06

 Electrical diagrams can be classified as per

6. Electrical Floor plan
It is a vertical representation of various appliances
such as light, switch and fans etc in a building. It
specifies their exact location with their size and
distance from each wall and ceiling. It shows scaled
version of each room from above. It usually contains
legend that provides a visual explanation of the
symbols used in it.
Individual Floor plan is designed for each floor in a
multi-level building and it is used by electrical for wiring
in a newly constructed building or during the rewiring
of a building. it helps in locating the cables layout inside
the walls.

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.3:Conversion of multiline into single line diagram 06

Multiline diagram for 2 motors from main Single line diagram for 2 motors from main
distribution board distribution board

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.3:Conversion of multiline into single line diagram 06

11KV/400 V Pole mounted Substation Single line diagram of 11KV/400 V Pole

mounted Substation

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1.3:Conversion of multiline into single line diagram 06

Convert Single bus bar arrangement into multiline diagram

Single Bus bar arrangement

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.3:Conversion of multiline into single line diagram 06

Single Line Diagram Vs Three Line Diagram

A) Single Line Diagram (SLD)
1.Single line diagrams provide a basic road-map to the interconnections of the electrical system and serve as a
building block from which all types of systems analyses are based.
2.SLD is a part of initial part of electrical design
3.SLD is mainly used for working out panel schedules ,load schedules ,fault analysis, protection system design.
4.A single line diagram is a simplified notation for representing a three-phase power system. Since the loads on three
phase are identical, any one phase can be used for representing either of the phases.
B) Three-Line Diagram
1.Three-line diagram are prepared as a result of further working on the basis of a SLD as they provide details for
electrical wiring connections.
2.Three-Line diagram is a part of the detailed design document.
3.Used for control designing circuit diagrams,control circuit, phase sequencing, differential relay setting, metering
transformer connection.
4.Here all three conductors of the three phase systems are shown individually. Details of the power and the control
circuits are also shown as per actual field connection.

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.4: Fundamental Principals for Electrical Installation 06

Electrical Safety

Approved equipments and safety devices should be used to protect from electric shock while working on Live mains,
rubber gloves and rubber shoes shall be compulsorily used.
During working on live mains , second person be with the main person.
Use of safety belt and helmet while working on electrical towers and pole.
Don’t allowed to work without work permit.
On completion of work remove all earthing devices.
Accidents shall be immediately attained and inform to higher authorized officer, call the doctor at site.
Stop working in the near approach of lightening storm.
Look on danger plates before starting the work.
Wear a perfect fitting dress.
Watch, metal keys, Chains be avoided.
Treat everything is live.
Think before act.
Keep in mind all voltages are dangerous.
Read all warning boards and keep safe.
Don’t all un-authorized persons to enter into working area.
All safety tools shall be examined properly.
Earthing systems shall be checked periodically.

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.4: Fundamental Principals for Electrical Installation 06

General Requirements in Installation

Follow the Indian Electricity act-1956 (IE act-1956).

Use conventional symbols into the drawings to identify the electrical components.
Use materials as per standard specifications.
Lighting and power wiring should be design separately.
Work should be examined by supervisors periodically.
Positions of Main distribution board, Sub-distribution board, Vertical wiring and horizontal wiring should be as per IE.
Drawing prepared and approved by expert engineer.
Use Aluminum and copper conductors.
For power wiring Aluminum conductor should be 2.5 mm2. (Not less than this value).
For power wiring copper conductor should be 1.5 mm2 to 2.5 mm2. (Not less than this value).

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.4: Fundamental Principals for Electrical Installation 06

 Permit to work
Rules listed in IE act should be followed by each and every person working on electrical installation for his own
safety, safety of others working with him and also for the safety of equipment on which a person in working.
IE ACTS and Rules.
I. Regarding permit to work
 Nobody shall start working on electrical installation without prior permission of work from higher authority.
 Type of work and time required for that work details shall be explained by permit issuing authority to higher
 The higher authority confirms the work and issues the written permission “Permit to Work”.
 If the line is to be shut down for the work then the notice is to be published in the news papers for awareness
to the peoples.
II. Power of Higher authority for issuing “Permit to Work”
The higher authority shall not issue the permit in case of following cases.
 Unless the switches, isolators have been withdrawn and completely isolated from both sides of the section to
be repaired.
 Earth rod use to discharge the “Shut off line”.
 Related live parts adequately protected.
 If the facility of locker for main switch then lock the switch box and display the notice on it, the key is handover
to the person who will keep them safe till the work is over.
 At the adequate palaces the danger plates is provided with notice of work.
Department of Electrical Engineering
1.4: Fundamental Principals for Electrical Installation 06

 The log book entry shall be made in time properly by the supervisors.
 After issuing the work permit the authority should call the team and provide the details of work also provide the
instruction regarding the safety tools and details of material required.
 Attendance shall be taken regularly by the authority.
 Authority shall observe the work periodically.
 Restrict the entry of local peoples in the work zone.

III. Work on live lines

 The authority or supervisor shall insure the condition of safety equipments before given to the workers.
 Allot the work to 2 persons instead of a single person for facilitating the work on live lines. This is for the help and
safe working and emergency conditions if required.
 While working on the live pole the person shall use safety belt, rubber highly insulated gloves. Other persons shall
stand on the ground provide any help to him, to instruct him and supervise the work.

IV. After completion of Work.

 Remove earthing devices.
 Keep all apparatus in tool box or keep for carrying away.
 Call all workers and take their attendance so that no person is left in that area.
 To return the keys.
 To prepare duty discharged permit to be handover to the permit issuing authority.
 Note the completion of work into the work book.
Department of Electrical Engineering
1.4: Fundamental Principals for Electrical Installation 06

V. Accidents
 In case of accidents the detail inform to higher authority to take immediate action to sent the person for
first-aid, doctor, hospital for treatment.
 Call the doctor on site if required.
 Police authorities shall also be intimated for the severe case or death of a person if any. Don’t remove the
body without the permission of police.

VI. Relevant notices in the languages (English/Hindi/Local) shall be displaced. If worker are illiterate then prior
to start work, the necessary instructions shall be given to them orally in their languages.

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.4: Fundamental Principals for Electrical Installation 06

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.5: Scope & Features of National Electric Code 2011 (NEC-2011 ) 06


Standard good practices for selection of various items of electrical equipment forming part of power systems;
Recommendations concerning safety and related matter in the wiring of electrical installations of buildings or industrial
structures, promoting compatibility between such recommendations and those concerning the equipment installed;
General safety procedures and practices in electrical work; and
Additional precautions to be taken for use of electrical equipment for special environmental conditions like explosive
and active atmosphere.
The Code applies to electrical installations such as those in:
 Standby/emergency generating plants and building substations;
 Domestic dwellings;
 Office buildings, shopping and commercial centres and institutions;
 Recreation and other public premises;
 Medical establishments;
 Hotels;
 Sports buildings;
 Industrial premises;
 Temporary and permanent outdoor installations;
 Agricultural premises;
 Installations in hazardous areas; and
 Solar photovoltaic installations.
Department of Electrical Engineering
1.5: Scope & Features of National Electric Code 2011 (NEC-2011 ) 06


Standard values of voltages and their limits.

For the sake of completeness, all the standard values given in Indian Standard Code IS-585-1962 relating to AC
transmission and distribution systems are reproduce3d in this section.

For single phase 2 wire system the standard voltage shall be 240 volts.
The standard voltage for 3 phase system shall be as under.

415 V Voltage to neutral 240V

3.3 kV 11kv 66kv 220kv
6.6kV 22kv 110kV 400kV
33kV 132kv

The standard distribution voltage shall be 220/440V.

Voltage limits for AC system.
1. 6% in case of low or medium voltage
2. 6 % on the higher side or 9 % on the lower side in case of high voltage.
3. 12.5% in the case of extra high voltage.

Department of Electrical Engineering

1.5: Scope & Features of National Electric Code 2011 (NEC-2011 ) 06

For installation design purpose, the limits of voltage between the system and the equipments used in the system shall
be capable of operating continuously are as under.

Department of Electrical Engineering

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