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Mobile Application

Course Project
Dr. Taimur Hassan
Take My Stuff
Computer Engineering Students
Take My Stuff
For this project, you are required to develop a mobile application that allows users to
give away items they no longer need, promoting a community of recycling and reuse.

Key Features of the Application:

• Item Listing and Discovery: Users will be able to post listings for items they wish
to give away, including details such as item descriptions, availability times, and
location (automatically through
On the other hand, users seeking specific
items can post their requirements.
Computer Engineering Students
Take My Stuff
• Daily Feed and Notifications: The application will feature a daily feed that alerts
users to new listings that match their needs. This ensures that users are
informed of the latest items available for reuse that meet their needs, enhancing
the efficiency of the sharing process.
• Privacy and Communication: To maintain users' privacy, the app does not
share personal contact details between users.
• Logistics and Scheduling: Users who wish to give away items will specify
their availability so others can select a suitable time slot for pick-up. You are
also required to integrate Google Maps to provide users with the route to the
pick-up locations.
Computer Engineering Students
Take My Stuff
The app aims to create a zero-cost sharing economy where items are freely
exchanged. It thus contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing waste and
promoting the reutilization of goods within the community.

Required Services:
• Firebase
• Geolocation
• Google Maps

Make sure you use ionic platform to develop your app.

Power Outage Map
Electrical Engineering Students
Power Outage Map
In this project, you are required to develop an application that aims to enhance the
efficiency of maintenance teams tasked with resolving power outages, especially
during disaster situations.

The main feature of this app is an interactive power outage

heat map that visually represents the areas affected by
power outages. The intensity of the heat map increases
based on two main factors:

(1) the duration of the power outage

(2) the importance of the location affected, focusing on
schools, hospitals, and emergency services.
Electrical Engineering Students
Power Outage Map
From the user's perspective, the application is designed to be simple and user-
friendly. Individuals experiencing an power outage can report the incident directly
through the app. The app should automatically detect and transmit the user's
current location (through Geolocation) at the time of the report.

To further support maintenance teams, the application should include alert

systems that notify them of new and ongoing outages, prioritized by the severity
and necessity of the situation. Once the maintenance team selects a location, the
app should show the route to the affected locations.
Electrical Engineering Students
Power Outage Map
Required Services:

• Firebase
• Geolocation
• Google Maps

Make sure you use our ionic platform to

develop your app.
AI Glucometer
Biomedical Engineering Students
AI Glucometer
In this project, you are required to develop an AI
Glucometer app that assists individuals with diabetes
in managing their condition more effectively.

First-time users begin by entering their demographic


They are then prompted to regularly log health

metrics, including carbohydrate intake, activity
level, medication type and dose, and glucose
readings, with the app automatically recording the
time of each entry.
Biomedical Engineering Students
AI Glucometer
This data feeds into a polynomial regression model to predict future glucose levels
based on the user's inputs. With each new glucose reading, the model updates to
integrate the latest information, ensuring predictions remain accurate.

The app features two prediction models:

(1) a general model that utilizes data collected from all users
(2) a personalized model that uses the specific user's data.

The results are visualized in a stacked vertical bar chart (4 bars) that includes
recent carbohydrate intake, activity levels, medication types, and doses, along
with line plots (on the same figure) for actual glucose readings and predictions
from both models. The y-axis of the chart shows normalized values as
percentages, providing users with an informative view of their data over time.
Biomedical Engineering Students
AI Glucometer
Polynomial regression is a form of regression analysis in which the relationship
between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y is modeled as an
nth degree polynomial in x. Use MathJS library to implement it.
To train your AI Polynomial
Model you will need to:
1. Build the X Matrix based on
the data and degree
2. Build the Y Vector based on
the data
3. Find β

Then predict the y value based

on the trained model and a given
Biomedical Engineering Students
AI Glucometer
The app also includes a feature designed to assist users in emergencies, such as a
hypoglycemic coma while driving. It offers two options: locating the nearest hospital
for users capable of driving themselves or enabling users to alert nearby app users
of their location and type of diabetes for immediate assistance. This project aims to
improve daily diabetes management through a data-driven approach and introduces
a feature for emergency support, enhancing safety for users in urgent conditions.

Required Services:

• Firebase
• Geolocation
• Google Maps

Make sure you use our m-framework to develop your app.

Rules and
Rules and Deliverables
• This project should be done individually or in
groups of 2-3.
• At the end of the semester, during the last week
of classes, a competition will be held where
each team will have the opportunity to showcase
their app. The competition will be judged based
on the app’s functionality, user interface,
creativity, number of features, and overall
effectiveness in solving the problem.
• All members of the winning team for each idea
will receive 5 bonus marks towards their overall
Rules and Deliverables
• Two days before the competition, we kindly
request a 3-minute video showcasing the
features of your app, without going into code
explanation. If your group consists of three
members, each individual should speak for
approximately one minute. In the video, you
need to appear with the screen recording. You
can use Teams to do so.
• We will be sharing a YouTube playlist for you to
upload your videos.
• Project reports are due on the last Thursday (6th
of June). The deadline is final. No late
submissions will be considered.
Project Grading Rubric

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