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Transfer Of


Thermal Energy This picture shows a penguin

colony in Antarctica. How do
penguins adapt to the cold
Antarctica where the mean

2 temperature in winter can

drop to −70 °C?
Transfer of Thermal Energy

Think about it
A hot cup of coffee is left on the dining table.


Why does it eventually cool down?

By what processes does it cool down?

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy

Transfer of Thermal Energy
A hot object (at a temperature higher than its environment) cools down when placed in
an environment of lower temperature.
It loses thermal energy to its surrounding by the following processes:

(1) Radiation

(2) Convection

(3) Conduction

Eventually it will be at the same temperature as its environment.

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy
Thermal Transfer by Conduction
In conduction, the medium does not move. Instead, lattice vibrations of atoms and
movement of free electrons transfer the heat energy from point to point.

Metals are better thermal conductors

because they have free electrons which
are able to move freely between atoms.
In this experiment, we observe that the
on thetocopper
the conduction
rod meltsofthe
atoms by
fastest.the surrounding neighbours, the
free electrons in metals also contribute to
It has
the the highest
transfer heatenergy.
of thermal conductivity and
wood has the lowest.
Air is a poor conductor of heat. There
are a lot of air gaps in wood. As result,
its conductivity is not as good as glass.

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy

Thermal Transfer by Conduction
In solids, the molecules are more closely packed as compared to in liquids or gases.
As such, conduction is most effective in solids. Conduction does not take place in a

Solid Liquid Gas

Thermal Conductivity:
Solid > Liquid > Gas

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy

Thermal Transfer by Conduction
Everyday applications of conduction
 For parts that need to be heated up and cooled down quickly
- use of good conductors (e.g. metal materials)
 For parts that should NOT be heated up or cooled down quickly
- use of poor conductors or insulators which are non-metals (e.g.
wood, plastics or air-filled materials like styrofoam)

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy
Thermal Transfer by Convection
Convection is the transfer of thermal energy in a liquid or a gas. It does not occur
in a vacuum.

The air above a candle flame

becomes hot and rises.

The surrounding cooler air

moves in to take its space,
setting up convection

The direction of the arrows

indicates the flow of air

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy

Land and Sea Breezes
Land and sea breezes occur because of convection currents.

During the day, the

land is warmer than the

During the night, the

sea is warmer than the

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy
Thermal Transfer by Radiation
Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy without a medium.
It takes place in the form of waves, in the infrared region of the electromagnetic

Thermal energy from the sun reaches the

Earth, across 150 million km of vacuum,
through radiation.

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy

Thermal Transfer by Radiation
Factors affecting radiation
How fast an object can be heated up (absorb thermal energy) or cooled down (emit or
radiate energy) by radiation depends on the following factors:

Poor absorber/emitter
Factors Good absorber/emitter
(good reflector)

Colour of object Dark (e.g. black) Light (e.g. white)

Surface texture Rough Shiny
Surface temperature High Low
Surface area Big Small

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy

Applications in Daily Life
Many household appliances are designed to either reduce or encourage thermal
energy transfer.

Example – The Vacuum Flask

A vacuum flask is a simple appliance that can keep hot liquid hot (or cold) over a
prolonged period of time. The principle of how it works is based on the various
means thermal energy transfer to or from an environment.

Insulating cover reduces energy

transfer by conduction and convection.

Silvered inner and outer surfaces

reduce energy transfer by radiation.

Vacuum stops energy transfer by

conduction and convection.

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy

Applications in Daily Life
Example – Solar Water Heater

Solar water heaters use energy from the Sun to

heat water. The basic components of a solar
water heater are the solar collectors and the
storage tank.
Passive solar heaters do not require electricity to
Active solar water heaters depend on an
electrical pump to circulate the heated fluid
from the collector to the storage tank (or the
point where the hot water is required).

Chapter 12: Transfer of Thermal Energy

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