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Avocado is an important multipurpose tree crop in

tropical and subtropical area,the origin of this crop
in central part of Mexico passing through
Guatemala to Central America
The country that growing in Tanzania like
Moshi, Arusha and some part of

Family: lauraceae
Species:Americana mill
Scientific name:Persea americana

• A fat contained in the avocado is easily digested

due to the large quantity of unsaturated fatty acid.
• Avocado oil also can be used for skin care products
such as screen lotions
• Oil extracted from avocado can be used for cooking
and preparation of salard,sauces.
Botanical distribution
Plant characteristics
• Plant
• The avocado tree is evergreen tree that attain
heights of 10m to 15m and has many braches
• Leaves
• The leaves are oval in shape and 3 to 10 inches long
Plant characteristics

• Flowers
• Pollination is done by honeybee
• Fruits
• The avocado fruits may be round ,pear shaped or
oblong and the skin of the fruit may vary in texture
and color.
• Roots
• Avocado is shallow rooted,the root is composed of
large , lateral roots and Depth is 1.2 to 2.4m

• Avocado are adopted to a wide range of soils with

PH 6.7.5
• Avocado should grow well where there is fairly
good drainage.

• Altitude and temperature

• It grow well from 43S to 43N
• Temperature is 15 to 29c
• Soil requirement
• Avocado plant prefer well draining fertike soil
with PH range of 6-7.5.

Seed propagation
• Avocado can be grown from seeds but fruit quality
and yield will be quite variable,it takes longer for
the plant to bear fruit but it fun and simple way to
study growing an avocado tree.

Vegetative propagation
• Commercial avocado trees are propagated by
grafting method by using scions and root stock.
Grafting method
Propagation method control

• Do not use seed from windfall fruits picked up

from the ground
• Propagate seedling root stocks on sterilized,free

Land preparation
• Should take into consideration method to ensure
soil conservation , before planting avocado it's very
important to prepare a land properly and it involves
clearing any vegetation.
• Planting distances depend on soil type and fertility.
Agronomic practices

• When the avocado seedling are transplanted into
the field complete fertizer containing Nitrogen N,
phosphorus P, Potassium K ,should mixed with the
soil in he planting hole
• Weeds are problems mainly available in avocado
and will support to remove the weeds in order to
control the pest and diseases.
 Pruning

• Pruning is important in avocado to control tree

size,shape,density and it helps to maintain
vegetative growth.
• Harvesting avocado at the appropriate stage of
maturity is crucial to ensure optimal flavor,texture
and shelf life.

• Insect pest
Avocado thrips
• These pests can cause the significant damage to
the fruits resulting in reduced yields and quality
Avocado lace bug
• These pests can affect the leaves of the avocado
tree causing them to curl and turn brown.
Avocado lace bug insect pests
 Avocado leafroller(Amorbia Spp)

The larval stage of these moths feed internally on

avocado leaves causing leaf rolling also bore into the
fruit, leading the rot and fruit drops.

Phytophthora root rot

• These are fungal disease affect the roots of the
avocado tree causing them to rot and die,this
resulting to stunted growth, yellowing of leaves.
 Anthracnose

• Fungal disease affect the fruit and causing it to rot and

turn back.and it reduce the yield and decrease in fruit.
 Symptoms
• Dead leaf tip
• Brown or purple lesions on new shoots.
• Chlorotic and necrotic spots.
• Control
• Spraying with fungicide such as copper
Anthracnose disease affect
 Avocado
brown spots
This fungal
disease caused
parum affect
fruits causing
brown, corky
 Avocado black streak

• This diseases caused by fungus Ramularia Spp it

cause black streak and lesionon the fruit and
reduce it market value

• Avocado are typically harvested by hand

when they have reached maturity,the fruits
carefully cut from the tree using a pickling
pole or ladder to reach higher braches.
• The fruits are allowed to ripen off the tree,
softening of the fruit indicates ripeness.

• Involves several types depending on product

for fresh avocados is peeled, pitted and
sliced before being packages for sale and to
get avocado oil.

• Avocado production has provided sustainable

livehood opportunities to millions of farmers
• Avocado production can bring the benefits to
health of human being.
• Avocado also can increase the economic
development and environmental conservation.

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