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The Dangers of Drug Misuse

Drug misuse can have serious and far-reaching consequences, both

physically and mentally. It's important to understand the risks and seek
help if needed.

Physical Risks
1 Organ Damage
Long-term drug use can severely damage vital organs like the
liver, kidneys, and heart.

2 Overdose
Taking too much of a drug, whether intentional or accidental,
can lead to overdose and even death.

3 Addiction
Drug misuse often leads to addiction, causing intense cravings
and withdrawal symptoms.
Mental Health Risks
Anxiety and Depression Cognitive Impairment Psychosis

Drug use can worsen existing Drugs can affect brain function, Some drugs can induce psychotic
mental health issues or trigger new causing problems with memory, episodes, leading to hallucinations,
ones like anxiety and depression. concentration, and decision-making. delusions, and paranoia.
Social Consequences
Drug misuse can damage or destroy important relationships with family and friends.

Education and Career

Drug use often leads to poor academic performance and difficulties in the workplace.

Legal Troubles
Possession or distribution of illegal drugs can result in criminal charges and incarceration.

Financial Strain
Maintaining a drug habit can be extremely costly and drain financial resources.
Signs of Drug Misuse

Behavioral Changes
Sudden changes in mood, sleep patterns, or social interactions may indicate drug use.

Physical Changes
Signs like bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, and poor hygiene may point to drug misuse.

Financial Changes
Unexplained financial difficulties or attempts to obtain money may signal a drug problem.

Relationship Changes
Strained or broken relationships with friends and family are common with drug use.
Seeking Help
Recognize the Problem
The first step is acknowledging that you or a loved one
has a drug problem.

Find Support
Reach out to trusted friends, family, or professionals for
guidance and support.

Explore Treatment Options

There are various treatment programs and therapies
available to address drug misuse.
Prevention Strategies
Education 1
Learn about the risks and consequences of drug
misuse to make informed decisions.
2 Positive Coping Mechanisms
Develop healthy habits and find constructive
ways to manage stress and emotions.
Building Resilience 3
Cultivate strong support systems and the ability
to withstand peer pressure and temptation.
Resources and Support
National Helplines 1-800-222-1222 (Poison
Control Center)
1-800-273-8255 (National
Suicide Prevention Lifeline)

Local Treatment Centers Find a treatment center near y


Educational Resources DrugFacts from the National

Institute on Drug Abuse

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