Social Media Overview and FB

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Social Media Marketing

How Social Media is impacting Businesses Today

● Its disrupting
● First source of

● Early adopters come from

Social media platform
What is Social Media?
What is Social Media?

● Social Media today is one of the biggest

connectors for businesses to

● Social Media is a way of life

● Social Media is addiction for customers,

once who comes in, it is difficult to
leave them
Social Media is not just

• Facebook
• Twitter
• YouTube
• Linkedin
• Quora
• Instagram
• or any other platform
Social Media is not just

• It is a change that businesses have to adopt

• Social media is way that consumers are talking to
the brand
• Social media is a tool from where one can do
business sitting in India anywhere in the world
• Social media is a powerful weapon to create a brand
If Social Media wasn't there
• We wouldn't have got Uber

Uber’s former CEO Travis Kalanick hired its first employee via Twitter
If Social Media wasn’t there
You wouldn’t have access to leaders and stakeholders easily

Most of the B2B Companies use Linkedin or Twitter to do their

outreach Thought Leaders couldn't have built a personal brand

Some Social Media stats

• There were 624.0 million internet users in India

in January 2021.
• India has the largest social media userbase in the
• There were 448.0 million social media users in India
in January 2021.
• The number of social media users in
India increased by 78 million (+21%) between 2020
and 2021.
• The number of social media users in India was
equivalent to 32.3% of the total population in

January 2021
Examples of Social Media
There are many social media platforms that are used for communication. Facebook for example is
the largest in the world followed by Twitter &Instagram. Here’s some data from 2021:

Facebook (2.74 billion users)

YouTube (2.29 billion users)

WhatsApp (2 billion users)

Instagram (1.22 billion users)

Linkedin (740 million users)

Twitter (77.75 million users)

How The Social Media Landscape Has Changed?
How The Social Media Landscape Has Changed?
In 2021, there were 4.48 billion active social media
users across the globe which was an increase of
13.13% as compared to 3.69 billion in the year 2020.
Social media today is a lifeline for both b2b and b2c
Social media has also become like an action word. Just like we say Google
We also say Facebook me, Instagram it, Linkedin it, Quora it, etc.

Please Linkedin it!

Lately, Linkedin has gained a great amount of popularity among b2b companies. It’s one of
the most widely used social media platforms by b2b companies.
Quora is also quite popular among b2b companies. It’s by b2b companies to target qualified
How To Build Social Media Presence?
You Start Off by Building Pages for your Brand on
each of the Social Media Platforms

✔ Build a Facebook ✔ Create an account ✔ Create a page ✔ Create an account

Page. ✔ Put engaging ✔ Put engaging ✔ Put engaging
✔ Put engaging content. content. content.
content ✔ Build a ✔ Build a following & ✔ Build a
✔ Run ads for following connections following
marketing goals ✔ Run ads for ✔ Run ads for ✔ Run ads for
marketing goals marketing goals marketing goals
Why invest in Social Media?

● Gives you branding

● Positive ROI
● Cost Effective
● Your audience is spending most of the time here
● Measurable
● Competitors are catching up
Social Media insights in 2022
Which Platform is suitable for what audience
No. Platform Audience Type

1 Facebook General, large audience with varied interests in travel, B2B/B2C

lifestyle, health, food, beverages, sports, fitness etc.
2 Twitter Small & specific intellectual audience with interest B2B/B2C
in trending news and updates.
3 Instagram Audience which is more inclined towards B2C
lifestyle, glamour and fitness
4 Youtube A large audience with interests in consuming loads B2C &
of video content to be aware about brands, B2B
products, services
5 Linkedin A professional set of audience interested in B2B
networking, career building, finding opportunities etc.
6 Quora An intellectual audience looking for answers to specific B2B
Facebook Marketing

• Target Audience- Facebook has mainly audience today who are online 35+ and it is mainly popular for its communities
• Organic reach on Facebook is dying today it stands at less than a percentage
• But it still commands highest monthly users with a tune of almost 420+ million audience online each month in India
• Target business segment - It is suitable for both B2B and B2C
Instagram Marketing

• Target Audience- Instagram the most active users are 18-30+ and it is mainly for teenagers
• Its mainly suitable for B2C Brands and those who are in FMCG, Fashion, Lifestyle, Entertainment niche
• The platform has gained hughest monthly active users and now its surpassing Facebook as well
• Reels and Videos are the most popular form and hashtags drive higher reach
• Target business segment - It is suitable for B2C
Linkedin Marketing

• Target Audience- Linkedin is suitable for working professionals

• Organic reach on Linkedin is still decent on line of 5% of your base
• It has the highest number of professionals online in the world, almost 500M worldwide users
• Target business segment - It is suitable for B2B
YouTube Marketing

• Target Audience- YouTube appeals to all kind of age groups

• Organic reach on YouTube is great, once you make 30 videos and audience stick to your content, YouTube provides
your content higher reach via SEO
• It has the highest number of people in the world watching content ranging from educational, informational, ads, movies
to behind the scenes, professional videos and interesting trivia around companies etc.
• Target business segment - It is suitable for both B2B & B2C
Social Media Marketing Strategy

A social media marketing strategy is a summary of everything you plan to do and hope to achieve using social media. It
guides your actions and lets you know whether you’re succeeding or failing. Every post, reply, like, and comment should be
driving toward clearly defined goals.

It is a written document that maps out how your organization plans to use certain social networks on a regular basis to
achieve results. The document acts as a roadmap for the overall step by step process your company will take when using
social media as well as specific details of how to best use each channel.
Social Media Marketing Strategy – Best Practices

A comprehensive social media strategy should not only include the goals you're after but also cover who your customer is,
the channels you'll focus on, and what types of content to share with them. A good social media marketing strategy:

• should be informed by research you conduct on your industry, target audience and how these channels operate.
• should address your business goals.
• should reflect resource availability.
• company leadership and stakeholders should agree with it.
Defining Your Target Audience

“A comprehensive social media strategy should not only include the goals you're
after but also cover who your customer is, the channels you'll focus on, and what
types of content to share with them.” - Susan Chritton

A clear understanding of your target audience will let you focus on prioritizing the
right channels, messaging, and content types.

To establish who your audience is:

• start by relying on what you know from your existing experience with your
company and its customer base.
• ask yourself: who are your services or products created for?
• look at feedback have you received from customers, both positive and
• take into account the following questions:
• Have you met your customers in person?

• How would you define who they are and what motivates them to

• Where do they hang out online?

Create an Editorial Calendar

Managing social media content can be overwhelming without a content calendar. Almost anyone who doesn’t use a social
media content calendar can probably relate to these statements:

• “I’m constantly stressed out trying to keep up with all my social networks.”
• “We’re never prepared for anything on social media.”
• “This sucks.”

An editorial calendar is a document (a spreadsheet or a specialized marketing software) that helps you organize what
you're sharing on social media, on which channels, and when.
Reasons to Use an Editorial Calendar

1. Never miss out on important events and dates

2. Manage and organize content better
3. Collaborate with teams easily
4. Save time
5. Allocate resources more efficiently
6. Gain a deeper understanding of content that performs better than others
Facebook Marketing
Facebook Marketing

Facebook – easily the world’s most popular social network, where people from all demographics and professions come
together to stay in touch and share ideas and media (photos, videos…) with friends, present and former colleagues, old
classmates, and family.
Define your Business Objective

First step while stating your Facebook and Instagram Journey is to define your Business Objective
Facebook caters to all types of business objectives



Raising Brand Awareness


• Reach to as many people as you want with
Facebook network
• Deliver your message to the right
audience at the
right time through right brand story
• Drive awareness of your business and reach people
throughout customer journey

Raising Brand Awareness

• Case study
• P&G made a brand
awareness video for one
of their Hair dying line
with help of story telling

Generate leads with Facebook


• Facebook lets you generate leads for any
• you can customize your questions, forms and
integrate with any CRM you wish
• It is best suited for real estate, Jobs,
business development, webinar attendees &

Increase local sales with Facebook


• You can create campaigns as per your
demographics and interests, & drive them to
your local stores
• Best suited for generation of footfalls for your
stores and franchisees
• Mostly the ads here will be geo targeted

Drive online sales with Facebook


• Reach out to people who have done shopping in the
past, you get to target people on specific devices
• You can get people to your ecommerce site to
purchase directly
• Measure, analyse and tweak your ad results

Promote your app with Facebook


• Reach all the right people with targeted ads based on their
gender, age, interests and devices
• You can drive app installs and also engage existing users

are there on the app

Lets Match the following

Raise Brand Awareness I want more sales

Generate Leads I want more people to enquire about my product and service

Increase Local Sales I want installs on my app

Drive Online Sales I want to drive more visibility, people should know my product

Promote Your App I want more walkins to my store

Source: Placeholder text. 41

List down what is the Key Value Proposition for your

Why should someone come to you and not go to your

Which one do you prefer and why?


Which one do you prefer and why?


Why is the USP for each brand so important?

Allows you to Creates Differentiates Gives you a

understand preference your unique
who is your in business identity and
TG people's stands out

Different types of USP

Source: Placeholder text.


Define the target

audience for one of
your Business &
Define USP 47

Review and wrap up

Facebook can help your marketing needs across
the spectrum



Facebook has tools to build awareness

Video ad

Facebook has tools to influence consideration



Facebook has tools to drive leads and sales

Lead ad


Why do People Follow Brands on Facebook? Customer’s POV

• They may be looking for offers

• They are looking for news and updates
• They are looking to interact with other people
• Because their friends are doing it.
• Because of a recommendation:
• They are looking to express their gratitude/loyalty
• They may have a question
• They want to offer a feedback
Business has to first start with a page
Profile vs Page

A Facebook profile is a personal account assigned to you when you sign up with Facebook. You’re only able to create one
profile, which includes only your personal information – no business information.

A Facebook Page, on the other hand, is a business account that represents a company or organization. A Facebook page
allows businesses to promote specials and contests to followers who have engaged with their page by “liking” it.

Important: Facebook’s tools are primarily designed to favor business via Pages, and not profiles. For example:

• Pages are public and profiles are layered with privacy settings.
• Pages can boost posts, profiles can’t.
• Pages have analytics and intelligence measurement, profiles don’t.
Components of a Page

A Facebook page has several components, which you’ll want to be familiar with before launching your own page:
• Profile Photo
• Cover Photo
• About
• Contact Info
• Visitor Posts
• Liked by this page
• Settings Page
• Timeline
• Pinned Posts
• Tabs
Making most from your page

Setting up your timeline is simple and should be the first thing to do right after creating a page. It can take as little or as
much time as you want, depending on how many bells and whistles you add to the page.
Timeline is very visual, use it as the perfect opportunity to share your company’s story.
The timeline allows you to go back in time to your brand’s beginning and share milestones, articles, photographs, videos,
and more — all in chronological order.
Some interesting features of the timeline include:

• Private Messaging
• Setting up notifications
• Ability to pin key events and photos
• Receiving posts from fans
Content Strategy

Creating a Facebook Content Strategy

Take some time to put together a plan before you get started. If you already have a Facebook account for your brand and
it needs an overhaul, assume you’re starting from scratch and plan a strategy anyway. Think about your goals which could
• Generating more sales
• Building a responsive community
• Growing an email list
• Creating brand awareness
• Establishing yourself as an influencer
• Generating traffic
• Getting a better pulse on the competition
Creating and Sharing Content on Facebook

Creating a Facebook Content Strategy

Plan the types of content that will help realize your goals. Some ideas to be aware of:
• Share your brand story.
• Visual storytelling is always better.
• Leverage the power of videos.
• Keep things in a light vein: don’t make everything serious and deep.
• Be short and precise.
• Stay on topic.
• Try to create open-ended content.
• Let the comments guide you.
• Always proof-read before posting.
• Take content ideas from your website/blog.
• Don’t shy away from courting controversy (at times!)
Facebook Algorithms – How to Make Facebook Work for You

On January 11th, 2018, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would be changing its News Feed algorithm to
prioritize content from “friends, family and groups.”

Top ranking factors for the Facebook algorithm

1. Comments: users will be more likely to see your Facebook posts if their friends and family are commenting on it.
2. Reactions: if users hit the “love” icon vs. the “like” icon, your content will receive a minor boost in the News Feed.
3. Comment Replies: the algorithm not only favors comments, but also replies to comments.
4. Sharing links over Messenger to a group of friends: if a user shares a piece of content to a friend (or a group of
friends) over Facebook messenger, it’s even better!
5. Engagement on shares: Simply getting shares is not enough. Your post must be shared and get engagement on that
share to be prioritized in the algorithm.
Facebook Algorithms – Other (Less Important) Signals

The following ranking signals are less important, but still worth noting:

• Average time spent on content: Presumably, longer is better, but this is a mere assumption. Facebook hasn’t released
any clear info on this.
• Time of the post: a post is more likely to get engagement if you post it at a time that users are likely to be online.
• Story type: Is your post a status update, photo, link, video, or live video? (Facebook’s press release specifically
mentioned live video as often “leading to discussion among viewers.” But that is the only clue about what story types
the algorithm might prioritize.)
• Profile completeness: The more fields you fill out on your Facebook business page, the better.
• How informative is the post: Facebook tweaked its algorithm to highlight “informative posts” back in 2016. But, the
term “informative” was based on a survey of users’ personal interpretation.
Tips to increase organic reach on Facebook

1. Focus on video—and especially on live video

2. Avoid “Engagement Bait” (No more “COMMENT on this post if you like ice cream!!” posts)
3. Focus on community building through Facebook groups
4. Keep creating quality content that resonates with your audience
5. Invest in your ads budget
6. Connect with Facebook influencers
7. Localize (shift priority to local news)
8. Encourage customers to follow your Page
Advertising on Facebook

With the recent changes in Facebook’s algorithm, there has been a significant decrease in traffic and engagement on
Facebook pages. Facebook advertising, therefore, is a great way to get your business in front of the right people, and
connect them with your business or brand.

Facebook has made several changes to the way brands operate for a few reasons:
1. They don’t want brands to spam the Facebook community. So, although they don’t mind brands selling on Facebook,
they don’t want sales pitches and pleas for interaction to make for an unpleasant experience for users.
2. They are committed to best serve the needs of their users.
3. Facebook is a free service and they have to make money in some way.

Brands that pay for advertising on Facebook can find they reach more people, achieve more interaction, and even drive
traffic to their websites.
Advertising on Facebook

The most common Facebook ads appear on the right side of the page when you log in to Facebook. These are typically
referred to as RHS ads or Right Column ads. Here are some examples:
Advertising on Facebook

Another type of ad appears directly in the newsfeed, alongside posts from your friends and from Facebook pages that you
have liked. At the very top, it says “Sponsored”:
Should You Invest in a Facebook Ad?

Yes, you should if you respond with an emphatic “Yes” to any of these:

• Do you want more engagement on your Facebook Page?

• Do you want more likes on your brand page?
• Do you want more social shares for your posts?
• Do you want to send more traffic to your website?
• Do you want to generate more leads?
• Do you want more event signups?
• Do you want more app downloads?
Facebook Analytics – Insights

Facebook Insights is where you'll see all your analytical data from your Facebook page and this is
where you'll want to visit on a regular basis.
LIVE Demo on Facebook ads

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