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Cloud Computing
The practice of using a network of remote servers
hosted on the internet to store, manage, and
process data, rather than a local server or a
personal computer.

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of

computer system resources, especially data
storage and computing power, without direct active
management by the user. Large clouds often have
functions distributed over multiple locations, each of
which is a data center.
• Cloud computing is the delivery of different
services through the Internet. These resources
include tools and applications like data storage,
servers, databases, networking, and software
Cloud computing is a popular option for people
and businesses for a number of reasons including
cost savings, increased productivity, speed and
efficiency, performance, and security.
Cloud Services can be public,private
or hybrid
• public services are provided online for a fee while
private services are hosted on a network to
specific clients
• There is also a hybrid option, which combines
elements of both the public and private services.
Types of Cloud Services

• Email
• Storage, backup, and data retrieval
• Creating and testing apps
• Analyzing data
• Audio and video streaming
• Delivering software on demand
Cloud-based software offers companies from all
sectors a number ofofbenefits
Cloud Computing
the ability to use software from any device either
via a native app or a browser.
users can check their email on any computer and
even store files using services such as Dropbox
and Google Drive
also make it possible for users to back up their
music, files, and photos
It also lets users upgrade software more quickly
because software companies can offer their
products via the web
Benefits of Cloud Computing
• Reduces IT Costs
• Managed by Experts
• Secure Environment
• 24/7 Monitoring
• Less Downtime
• Improved Speed & Bandwidth
• Scalable/Elastic Services
• Accessible from Anywhere
in the corporate computing sphere include:
Google Cloud
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Microsoft Azure
IBM Cloud
Alibaba Cloud
Amazon Web Services is 100% public and includes
a pay-as-you-go, outsourced model.8 Once you’re
on the platform you can sign up for apps and
additional services. Microsoft Azure allows clients to
keep some data at their own sites. Meanwhile,
Alibaba Cloud is a subsidiary of the Alibaba Group
Common characteristics a cloud should

• pay-per-use (no ongoing commitment, utility

• elastic capacity and the illusion of infinite
• self-service interface; and
• resources that are abstracted or virtualized.
Examples of Cloud Computing
• Health care:- Cloud computing allows doctors to
share information quickly from anywhere. It also
saves costs by allowing large data file transfers
instantly. This certainly increases efficiency.
• Education:-It offers various services for
universities, colleges, professors, and teachers to
reach thousands of students all around the world.
• Big data Analytics:- eg Cassandra, Hadoop, etc
• Communication:- tools like emails and social
What is IOT?

• The internet of things, or IoT, is a network of

interrelated devices that connect and exchange
data with other IoT devices and the cloud. IoT
devices are typically embedded with technology
such as sensors and software and can include
mechanical and digital machines and consumer
How does IoT work?

• An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart

devices that use embedded systems -- such as
processors, sensors and communication hardware
-- to collect, send and act on data they acquire
from their environments.
Why is IoT important?
• IOT is important for business for several
Here are the core benefits of IoT
Improved efficiency
Data-driven decision-making
Enhanced customer experience
The technologies that make IoT
Several technologies come together to make IoT
1. Sensors and actuators
2. Connectivity technologies:- To transmit IoT
data from sensors and actuators to the cloud,
IoT devices need to be connected to the
3. Cloud computing:- the cloud is where the vast
amounts of data generated by IoT devices are
stored, processed and analyzed.
4. Big data analytics: These tools can
include machine learning algorithms, data
visualization tools and predictive analytics models.
5. Security and privacy technologies:-
Technologies such as encryption, access controls
and intrusion detection systems are used to protect
IoT devices and the data they generate from cyber

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