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What is an Exception

• Exceptions are error that occur during run

time. (Run time anomalies)
Exception Handling

• It is a way of transferring the control and

information to a caller that handle
exception of a given type.
Use of Exception Handling

• Throwing an exception allows user to

gather information about the error that can
be used for finding which led to the error.
Exception Types

Synchronous exception
Asynchronous Exception
Synchronous exception

• Out of range(array index)

• Overflow
• Underflow
• Divide By Zero
Asyncronous Exception


• Keyboard interrupts
• Hardware Malfunction
• Disk failure
Exception handing constructs
• Try
• Catch
• Throw
• Exception class
Try Construct
It defines a boundary with which an
exception occur.
//code raising exception
Catch construct
• It has an exception handler
• It should be immediately followed

by try block.
• There can be more than one catch for
a try block
• The exception handler in catch block

will be invoked with respect to their

throw expression.
Throw construct
• It is used to raise an exception when an error is

• It calls a exception class constructor with nameless

temporary object/catch.

• The constructor will be called with arguments also

• All the thrown exception should be caught if not then

terminate function will be called which intern calls the
library function abort()
Exception class
#include<iostream> main()
using namespace std; {
class Aclass try
{ {
public: Aclass obj1;
class Anerror obj1.func();
{}; }
void func() catch(Aclass::Anerror)
{ {
if(/*error condition"*/) cout<<"exception";
throw Anerror(); }
Example program for exception
#include<iostream> main()
using namespace std; {
class number number num1,num2;
{ int num; int result;
void read()
class DIVIDE {}; result=num1.div(num2);
int div(number n2) }
{ catch(number::DIVIDE)
if(n2.num==0) {
throw DIVIDE(); cout<<"Exception:DIVIDE
else BYZERO";
return num/n2.num;
}}; }
Exception with arguments
#include<iostream> DIVIDE(string str,int nu)
#include<string> {
using namespace std;] name=str;
class number n=nu;
{int num
void read() int div(number n2)
{cin>>num;} {
class DIVIDE if(n2.num==0)
{public: throw
string name; DIVIDE("divfunction",n2.num);
int n; else
return num/n2.num;
number num1,num2;
int result;;;
catch(number :: DIVIDE D)
cout<<"Error occured"<<;
cout<<"The value is"<<D.n;
Catch all exception
• The three dots indicate that it catches all
types of exception raised in its preceding
try block
Example for multiple exception
#include<iostream> main()
using namespace std; {
const int ARR_SIZE=10; try{
class array array a1(5);
{ a1[3]=10;
public: cout<<"suceeded";
int *arr; int size; cout<<"accessing a1[15]";
class SIZE{}; class RANGE{}; a1[15]=10;
array(int sizereq) }
{ if((sizereq<0)||(sizereq>ARR_SIZE)) catch(array::SIZE)
throw SIZE(); {cout<<"SIZE EXCEEDS
size=sizereq; ALLOWABLE LIMIT"<<endl;}
arr=new int[size]; } catch(array::RANGE)
~array(){delete arr;} {cout<<"ARRAY REFERENCE OUT
int & operator [](int i)
{ if(i<0||i>size)
throw RANGE();
return arr[i]; }};
List of Exception
• A user can specify a list of exception that a function can throw.

• functionname throw(type id1,type id2 ..){ }

eg: void f2()throw(DIVIDE){}

• If any exception other that DIVIDE is thrown by f2() then control will be
transferred to predefined unexpected function even though there is catch
block for that throw.
Exception in a no-exception
• Eg:
Void func() throw()
Since the exception are not specified the
control is transferred to library function
Handling uncaught exception
For exceptions raised and not handled in
• terminate()—calls abort()
• set_terminate()
For exceptions not in throw list:
• unexpected()—calls abort()
• set_unexpected()
Exception in inheritance
#include<iostream> class son:public father
using namespace std; {
class WRONG_AGE protected:
{}; int sage;
class father public:
{ son(int n,int m):father(n)
protected: {
int fage; if(m>=n)
public: throw WRONG_AGE();
father(int n) sage=m;
{ }
if(n<0) int getage()
throw WRONG_AGE(); {
fage=n; return sage;
} }
virtual int getage() };
return fage;
main() try
{ {
int fatherage; ptr=new son(fatherage,sonage);
int sonage; }
father *ptr; catch(WRONG_AGE)
cin>>fatherage; {
try cout<<"Father age should not be less that
{ sons";
ptr=new father(fatherage); exit(1);
} }
catch(WRONG_AGE) cout<<"sons age"<<ptr->getage()<<endl;
{ delete ptr;
cout<<"father age is less than zero"; }
delete ptr;
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