AIET-383 Lecture 1

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AIET-383 Automations and

Lecture 1: Robot Introduction

Dr. Sarfraz Hashim

Engr. Saqib Yaseen
 Definition of Robot
 Three Laws of Robot
 Different components of Robotic System
 Interdisciplinary areas in Robotics
 Connectivity/ Degree of freedom of a joint
robot, any automatically operated machine that replaces
human effort, though it may not resemble human beings
in appearance or perform functions in a humanlike
1. They Increase Production
2. They’re More Accurate Than Humans
3. They Reduce Wastage
4. They’re More Reliable Than Humans
5. They Can Work 24/7
6. They Save Time
7. They Don’t Complain
8. They’re Easy To Understand
9. They Help Out In Surgery
10. They Can Do The Dirty Work
11. They Can Do The Dangerous Work
12. They Can Do The Heavy Lifting
13. They’re Fast Too
14. They Can Do The Dull Stuff
15. They’re Versatile
16. They Prevent Human Accidents

1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction,

allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except
where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Mechanical Engineering
 Kinematics:

Motion of robot arm without considering the forces and or


 Dynamics:
Study of the forces and or momentums.

Collecting information of the environment.
Interdisciplinary areas in Robotics
Computer Science
Motion Planning: Planning the course of action
Artificial Intelligence: To design and develop suitable brain for
the robots.
Electrical and Electronics Engg
Control Schemes and hardware implementation
General Sciences
Maths and Physics
 Connectivity/ Degree of freedom of a joint

Revolute Joint
Connectivity/ Degree of freedom of a joint

2 degree of freedom
(02 DOF)

1. Linear Motion

2. Rotary Motion

Cylindrical Joint

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