Periodic Table

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The Structure of an

The Periodic Table
“The Atom”
I. Atom- The building blocks of matter.

A. Atoms have three parts:

1. Protons (Positive Charge)
2. Neutrons (Neutral Charge)
3. Electrons (Negative Charge)
B. Protons and Neutrons are in the center of the
atom. This is called the nucleus.
C. Protons and Neutrons determine a substances
identity, and an electron determines its reactivity.
Periodic Table of Elements
I. The Periodic Table of Elements is the collection of
all known substances in the world.
A. Element- a substance that can not be
broken down into a simpler substance.
B. The elements on the periodic table are
arranged according to their proton, neutron, and
electron make-up.
C. There are 4 characteristics of each element
that you need to understand.
1. Atomic # - This defines what the element
is or how many protons the element has.
* Atoms of different elements have different
atomic numbers.

* Since elements are electrically neutral, the

# of protons equals the # of electrons.
2. Atomic Symbol – This is the symbol for the
element. Could be English or Latin letters.
* Why English or Latin letters?
3. Atomic Mass – Average Mass of the
element or the total number of neutrons and
protons in an element.
* The mass – the atomic # = the number
neutrons the element has.
* All atoms of a given element have the
same number of protons & electrons.

* Atoms of the same element can have

different numbers of neutrons. These are
called isotopes.
* Isotopes have the same atomic number,
but a different mass number.
4. Electron Configuration – Often Called groups.
* Electron Configuration tells you where an
elements electrons are.
* This determines what an element will react
* Every atom goal is to have its outer energy
level (Shell) filled with electrons. If it is filled this
element is said to be stable (not likely to react).

* Group 18 (8A) are stable.

Periodic Table Group
Alkali metals – Group 1 (I) 1

Alkaline earth metals – Group 2 (II) 2

Boron group – Group 13 (III) 3

Carbon group – Group 14 (IV) 4

Nitrogen group – Group 15 (V) 5

Oxygen group – Group 16 (VI) 6

Halogens – Group 17 (VII) 7

Noble gases – Group 18 (VIII or 0) 8

Reading Information on Periodic
16 Electron
6A Configuration
Atomic Number
C Atomic # = # of protons
# of protons = # of electrons
Atomic mass = # of protons + # of
Name neutrons
Electron Configuration = # of
Average Atomic Mass electrons in outer most energy
level (shell).
Why is the mass of carbon a
What is the atomic number of
3 How may electrons are in Li?
What is the mass number?
Li How many neutrons are in Li?
Lithium How many electrons are in Li’s
6 outer shell?
What will Li react with easily?

Look at the periodic table in your notes:

What is the name of an element that has 47 protons?
With your partner:
 Choose an element from the periodic table.
 Create a practice set of questions similar to
the questions on slide 8 of your notes.
 Have your partner complete the questions.
 Turn in both question sets when finished.
 Period – horizontal row
 Group – vertical columns; they are numbered 1
– 18
 Family – specific name describing one or more
groups; ex: Column 18 is the noble gases
 Elements in the same group have the same
number of valence electrons (electrons in their
outer shell)
 Metals – left and center part of periodic table
 Conduct heat and electricity

 Have Luster

 Malleable

 Ductile

 All are solid at

room temperature
(except mercury)

 Nonmetals – right side of the periodic table

 Very abundant in nature
 Poor conductors of electricity and heat, brittle, many are
 Hydrogen is the only exception
 Metalloids – some properties of metals and some
properties of nonmetals
 They are found along the border between metals and
 They are semiconductors
Groups Activity:
 You will be assigned one of the following groups:
 Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Transition
Metals, Boron Family, Carbon Family, Notrogen
Family, Oxygen Family, The Halogens, & The
Noble Gases
 Create a poster that has at least 5 facts about the family
or group assigned
 At the completion of the activity all students will vote for
one poster in each group
 The winners will be hung outside in the hall
Periodic Table Group
Alkali metals – Group 1 (I) 1

Alkaline earth metals – Group 2 (II) 2

Boron group – Group 13 (III) 3

Carbon group – Group 14 (IV) 4

Nitrogen group – Group 15 (V) 5

Oxygen group – Group 16 (VI) 6

Halogens – Group 17 (VII) 7

Noble gases – Group 18 (VIII or 0) 8

Electron configurations describe
where electrons are located around
the nucleus of an atom. For
example, the electron configuration
of lithium, 1s²2s¹, tells us that
lithium has two electrons in the 1s
subshell and one electron in the 2s

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