DS Week 01

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Introduction to Data Science

Week 01
• What is Data?
• What is metadata?
• What is Big Data?
• What is Data Science?
• Skills set required for Data Science?
What is Data?
Data refers to a collection of facts, figures, statistics, measurements,
observations, or any other type of information that can be processed,
analyzed, and interpreted. Data can be in various formats, such as text,
numbers, images, videos, or sound, and it can be structured or unstructured.
• Structured Data:
Structured data is organized and formatted in a specific way, such as in a
database or spreadsheet, and can be easily processed and analyzed using
software tools.
• Unstructured Data:
Unstructured data, on the other hand, is not organized in a specific way and
can be more challenging to process and analyze. Examples of unstructured
data include text data from social media platforms, images, and videos.
What is metadata?
• Metadata refers to data that provides information about other data. It can be thought of as "data
about data." Metadata describes the attributes, characteristics, and properties of data, such as its
format, structure, content, source, and context.
• Metadata is used to help organize, manage, and make sense of large and complex data sets. It
provides a framework for understanding the meaning and significance of data, and it helps ensure
that data is accurate, consistent, and usable.
Examples of metadata include:
• File metadata: information about a file, such as its name, size, type, creation date, and last
modification date.
• Database metadata: information about a database, such as its schema, tables, columns, indexes,
and constraints.
• Web page metadata: information about a web page, such as its title, author, description,
keywords, and language.
• Image metadata: information about an image, such as its size, resolution, color depth, format,
and camera settings.
What is big data?
• Big data refers to extremely large, complex, and diverse data sets that
cannot be easily processed, managed, or analyzed using traditional data
processing tools and methods. Big data is characterized by the 3Vs:
Volume, Velocity, and Variety.
• Volume refers to the large amount of data that is generated and collected
every day from various sources such as sensors, social media,
transactions, and mobile devices. The size of big data sets can range
from terabytes to petabytes or even exabytes.
• Velocity refers to the speed at which data is generated and processed in
real-time. Big data requires real-time processing and analysis to extract
valuable insights and make timely decisions.
Big data (contd..)
• Variety refers to the different types of data formats and sources that are
part of big data, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured
• In addition to the 3Vs, big data also involves challenges related to data
privacy, security, quality, and governance.
• To process and analyze big data, organizations use advanced
technologies such as distributed computing, cloud computing, data
warehousing, data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
The insights gained from big data analysis can help organizations to
identify new opportunities, optimize their operations, improve
customer experience, and gain a competitive advantage in the market.
What is Data Science?
• Data science is a multidisciplinary field that involves the use of
scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract
insights and knowledge from structured and unstructured data. It
combines knowledge and skills from various fields, including
statistics, computer science, mathematics, and domain expertise, to
gather, process, analyze, and interpret large and complex data sets.
• The primary objective of data science is to provide valuable insights
and knowledge that can help organizations make data-driven decisions
and solve complex problems. Data scientists leverage advanced
analytics tools and techniques, such as machine learning, deep
learning, natural language processing, and data visualization, to
uncover hidden patterns, trends, and correlations in data.
• Data science plays a critical role in various industries, including
healthcare, finance, retail, marketing, and technology. It helps
organizations optimize their operations, improve customer experience,
enhance product development, and gain a competitive advantage in the
Data Science Skills Set
• Data science requires a broad range of technical and non-technical skills to extract
insights and knowledge from complex data sets. Some of the key skills required
for data science include:
1.Programming: proficiency in programming languages such as Python, R, Java, and
SQL is essential for data scientists to manipulate, process, and analyze large data
2.Statistics and mathematics: data scientists need a solid understanding of statistics,
probability theory, linear algebra, and calculus to develop statistical models and
3.Machine learning: knowledge of machine learning algorithms and techniques such
as linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, and neural
networks is essential to develop predictive models and extract insights from data.
4. Data visualization: proficiency in data visualization tools such as
Tableau, Power BI, and matplotlib is important for data scientists to
communicate their findings and insights effectively.
5.Domain expertise: data scientists need to have domain-specific
knowledge and expertise to understand the context of the data and
develop solutions that address the specific needs of the organization.
6.Communication: strong communication skills, including written and
verbal communication, are important for data scientists to collaborate
effectively with team members and stakeholders, and to communicate
their findings to non-technical audiences.
7. Problem-solving: data scientists need to be creative and analytical problem solvers,
capable of identifying and addressing complex data-related challenges and
developing innovative solutions.
8.Data management: knowledge of data management and database technologies such
as SQL, NoSQL, and Hadoop is important for data scientists to collect, store, and
retrieve data effectively.
9.Business acumen: understanding of business operations, industry trends, and market
dynamics is important for data scientists to develop solutions that align with the
organization's goals and objectives.

• No One Person can be perfect data Scientist. We need teams.

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