English for meeting and presentation

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 Agenda (n)
a plan/list of topics that need to be covered in meeting.
What’s on the agenda?

 Address (v)
deal with, speak on
I think we need to address this problem immediately.
 Adjourn (v)
break off a meeting with the intention resuming it later.
We’re going to adjourn this meeting until next week.

 Bring up (v)
start discussing about something.
That’s a very important point. I’m glad you bring it up.
 Consider (v)
think about something carefully.
We have to consider all the options before making decisions.

 Clarify (v)
make something clearer or easier to understand.
Could you clarify the first point, please?
 Comment
express an opinion about someone or something.
Would anyone else like to comment on this?

 Move on (v)
start talking about a new subject.
Before we move on, does anybody have anything to add?
 Minutes (n)
Notes or summary of a meeting.
Before we begin this meeting, let’s review quickly the minutes of
last month.

 Wrap up (v)
finish a meeting.
Before we wrap up, I’d like to thank everyone for being here today.
 Hello everybody and welcome!
 Good morning/afternoon/evening, I’d like to thank
everyone for coming today.
 Since everyone is here, let’s get started.

Start A Meeting
Introduce yourself:
 My name is . . . . And I work as . . . . OR I work in . . .

Introduce others:
 I know some of you but I see a few unfamiliar faces. Let’s do a round of
 Before we get started, let’s go around the table and introduce ourselves.
Please just say your name, your role, and the company you are from.

 We’re here today to discuss about . . . .
 There are some items on the agenda.
First, _____.
Second, _____.
Next, _______.
After that, ______.
Then, ______.
Finally, _______.

Setting An Agenda
Let me briefly summarise what we discussed today.
Thank you so much for your time and your participation today.
Have a great day everyone!

Summarise and End A Meeting

 If nobody else has anything to add, let’s move on.
 I’m sorry but I have to stop you there.
 We’re running out of time, so we have to move on.

Keep Meeting On Track

 What does everyone else think?
 What are your thoughts on . . . . . . . ?
 I’d like to get your input on . . . . . . .
 What do you think about that, (mention a name of
 Are there anymore comments?

Ask for Opinion

 Can you explain that in a bit more detail?
 Would you mind going over that again, please?
 Just to be clear, do you mean this (repeat the explained

Ask for Clarification

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