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Topic 7

The slope of a curve at a point P is the slope , if it exists , of the tangent line
at P.
The derivative of a function is defined by
(x)= provided that this limit exists . If (a) can be found is said to be
differential at a. (a) is called the derivative of with respect to x at a. The
process of finding the derivative is called differentiation.
Using the definition to find the derivatives of the following functions .
(1). (2). (3) (4) (5)1-3
7.1 Rules for Differentiation
1.Derivative of a constant:= 0
2.Derivative of :=where n is an integer or a rational number.
4.= where and are functions of x and C is a constant.
5.Chain rule: where n is an integer or a rational number.
6.Product rule:=+ where are functions of x.
7.Quotient rule: = - where are functions of x.
1. 2. -+5 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8+ 9.
10.+- 11. 12.
7.2The Derivative as a Rate of Change
= is the rate of change of with respect to over the interval
from to .
= is the instantaneous rate of change of
with respect to .
1. Find the rate of change of with respect to and evaluate it when =4
and when =-1.
2. Let be the demand function for a manufactures, product . Find the
rate of change of price, with respect to quantity , How fast is the
price changing with respect to when =5?Assume that is in dollars.
3.A spherical balloon is being filled with air. Find the rate of change of
the volume of air in the balloon with respect to its radius. Evaluate this
rate of change when the radius is 2ft.().
4.A sociologist is studying various suggested programs that can aid in
the education of preschool age children in a certain city sociologist
believes that x years after the beginning of a particular program.
thousand preschoolers will be enrolled , where
), At what rate would enrollment
change(a)after 3 years from the start of this program and (b)after 9
7.3 Marginal Functions
A manufacturer’s total-cost function,,gives the total cost, ,
of producing and marketing units of a product . The rate of change of
with respect to is called the marginal cost.
marginal cost =.
If is the total cost of producing units of a product ,then the average
cost per unit , is
= .
1.If a manufacturer’s average-cost equation is
=0.0001-0.02q+5+ind the marginal-cost function.What is the marginal-
cost function when 50 units are produced?
2.For the revenue function +to find the marginal-revenue function .
What is the marginal-revenue function when =50?
3.For the profit function +18+25 to find the marginal-profit
function.What is the marginal-profit function when =5.
7.4 Higher-Order Derivatives
The derivative of a function is itself a function, .If we differentiate ,the
resulting function is called the second derivative of f at x.
+6 -2.

7.5 The Second-Derivative Test for Relative Extrema

Suppose =0
If 0 ,then has a relative maximum at x.
If 0 ,then has a relative minimum at x.
1.Test the following for relative maxima and minima . Use the second-
derivative test , if possible.
(i) (ii)+1 (iii)-
(iv) 17 (v)- +3
7.6 Absolute Extrema on a closed interval
If -,determine when absolute extrema occur on the interval [0,3].
If +2 , determine when absolute extrema occur on the
Interval [-5,5]
7.7 Applied Maxima and Minima
1.A manufacturer’s total-cost function is given by
+ where is the total cost of producing units . At what level of output
will average per unit be a minimum? What is this
2.Suppose that the demand equation for a monopolist’s product is
and the average-cost function is =
where is number of units and both and are expressed in dollars per
(i)Determine the level of output at which profit is maximized.
(ii)Determined the price at which maximum profit occurs.
(iii)Determine the maximum profit.
3.A manufacturer finds that the total cost ,of producing a product is
given by the cost function
+5At which level of output will average cost per unit be a minimum?
4.The cost per hour (in dollars) of operating an automobile is given by
-0.4 +1 , 0 where is the speed in kilometers per hour . At what speed is
the cost per hour a minimum?
5.A manufacturer has determine that ,for a certain product , the average
cost( in dollars per unit) is given by
=-48 where At what level should production be fixed in ordered to
minimize total cost ? What is the minimum total cost?
6.An article in a sociology journal stated that if a particular health-care
program for the elderly were initiated ,then t years after its starts ,n
thousand elderly people would receive direct benefits , where
-6+32t [0,12].For what value of t does the maximum number receive

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