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Sentiment Analysis of

Social Media Presence

By, Under the guidance of,

Yogesh Maurya Harilakshmi V M
1DT22MC060 Dept. Of MCA
In the era of digital communication, social media platforms have become
pivotal channels for individuals and organizations to express opinions, share
experiences, and interact with a global audience. Understanding the sentiment
behind these online interactions is crucial for businesses, brands, and
researchers to gauge public perception, respond effectively, and derive
meaningful insights.
Project Objectives
1 Data Collection 2 Sentiment Analysis Model
Aggregating data from various social Utilizing cutting-edge NLP models to
media platforms to create a discern nuanced sentiments and
comprehensive dataset. training the model on a labeled

3 Real-time Monitoring
Developing a real-time monitoring system for live analysis of social media content and
visualizing sentiment trends over time.
Brand Monitoring and Reputation Management:
Companies use sentiment analysis to monitor how their brand is perceived on
social media.
Identify positive and negative sentiments expressed by customers and address
issues promptly.
Gauge the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and product launches.

Customer Feedback and Support:

Analyze customer comments and feedback on social media to understand their
Provide timely and targeted responses to customer inquiries or concerns.
Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Market Research:
Gain insights into public opinions and trends related to products, services, or
industry-related topics.
Identify emerging issues or areas of concern within the target market.
Inform product development and marketing strategies based on consumer

Algorithm:- Random forest, Logistic Regression

• Dataset:- Kaggle
Hardware & Software Requirements
Hardware Software
Computer System or Laptop, Microsoft Anaconda Navigator (Jupyter notebook),
Windows 7/8/10, Minimum Intel i3 7th Gen Python, Pandas, matplotlib, numpy, sklearn.
system, Minimum 4GB RAM, Minimum 4GB
system disc space.
1 Project Impact
The project's impact extends to influencing strategic decision-making processes and
fostering a more informed, adaptive, and socially responsive approach in the digital age.

2 Insights Potential
The insights derived from this project have the potential to shape the way entities
perceive and interact with their online audience, ultimately contributing to a more
connected and responsive digital ecosystem.

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