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My name is Bishal Sharma and today I am excited to present to you the life and
groundbreaking achievements of one of the most influential scientists of the 20th
century, Albert Einstein.

I have always been fascinated by Einstein's contributions to physics and his

impact on our understanding of the universe. Through this presentation, I hope
to share some of his most significant discoveries and their lasting influence on
both science and society

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What Enstein Did

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• Birth: Ulm, Germany, 1879

• Childhood Ambition: Solve the riddle of the "huge world“

• Education: Struggled in school, left at 15, eventually graduated with a

degree in mathematics in 1900

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Early to edit Master title style

• Worked as a patent examiner

• Published four groundbreaking papers in 1905, known as his "Annus
Mirabilis" or "Miracle Year"

Key Papers of 1905

• Brownian Motion: Explained the motion of particles in liquid
• Photoelectric Effect: Proposed light is composed of photons,
explained liberation of electrons by light
• Special Theory of Relativity: Proposed time and motion are relative
to the observer
• Mass-Energy Equivalence: E=mc², linking mass and energy

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of Relativity & General Theory of Relativity

• Assumes the speed of light is constant

• Laws of nature are the same for all observers
• Time and motion are relative concepts

• Gravitation as a curved field in space-time, created by mass

• Tested by the deflection of starlight during a solar eclipse in 1919
• Experiment confirmed Einstein’s prediction, making him world-famous

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& Later Years and Legacy

• Energy (E) equals mass (m) times the speed of light squared (c²)
• Revealed the vast energy within matter
• Basis for nuclear energy and atomic bombs

• Fled to the United States in 1933, renounced German citizenship

• Advocated for world peace and global governance
• Alerted President Roosevelt about the potential of nuclear weapons,
leading to the Manhattan Project
• Continued working on unified field theory until his death in 1955

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Einstein’s Pacifism
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• Strong advocate for peace and opposed war

• Involved in efforts to promote international cooperation and prevent
future wars
• Struggled with the moral implications of his work on nuclear weapons

• Einstein's contributions reshaped modern physics
• E=mc² remains a pivotal scientific concept
• His legacy extends beyond science to his advocacy for peace

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