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 Education can be variedly defined depending on
the purpose it is meant to serve and the discipline
in perspective
 In Sociology, education can be simply explained
as an activity which goes on in a society where its
aims and methods depend on the nature of the
society in which it takes place.

 Education is everything which comprises the

way of life of a society or group of people is
 Nothing of it is biologically inherited.

 Therefore, education is the process by which

the individual acquires physical, moral social
capacities demanded of him by the group into
which he is born and within which he must
 This process has been described by
sociologists as Socialization.

 Socialization as a social process has been

defined by various authorities in the field of
 It thus occurs on account of the individual’s
interaction with others and the expression of
the culture which operates through them

 Socialization is the development of “we-feeling” in

the ways and manners individuals behave in the

 Also; Socialization is the process whereby persons

learn to behave dependably together on behalf of
human welfare and by so doing experience social
self control, social responsibility and balanced

 Therefore; Socialization is the process by

which people learn characteristics of their
group's norms, values, attitudes, and
 Through socialization we learn the culture of
the society into which we have been born
 Socialization is the process by which the individual learn to b
according to the social traditions and conformity of his enviro
as a result of the remarkable capabilities in human beings.
 It focuses on early socialization of the child in the transmiss
the societal culture as a major part of education right fro
family to the school.

 The socialization of the child is done through

the family, school, peer group, religious
houses and mass media to intimate the child
with the happenings in his environment.
 A school is an educational institution designed
to provide learning spaces and learning
environments for the teaching of students
under the direction of teachers.
 The school is another important agent of
socialization. After the home, the child is exposed
to the school which also influences him.

 It socializes the child, gives him the

opportunity to manifest his qualities,
potentialities, capabilities, instincts, drives and
motives and helps to develop his personality
 For the child, the teacher’s personality and
character provide a mode which he strives to
copy, thereby consciously moulding his

 This is true only of those teachers who

succeed in arousing in the child’s mind an
attachment and love of themselves.
 Every little action, every movement, speech
made by the teacher impresses itself on the
child’s mind.

 Apart from the teacher, the child is also influenced by

his school mates or groups.
 These mates or groups play a significant role in
determining the status and role the child will occupy
in the society later in life.
 During the process of education, the child’s
personality develops under the impact of the other
personalities with whom he comes in contact

 Besides, the cultural programmes of the school

also help to refine his attitudes. The school is also
expected to transmit knowledge and skills into the
learners to be able to face life challenges and for

Schools are at the frontline of child in

socialization due to roles assigned since they

have the potential to both teach behaviors
effectively and to a greater number of children
than any other system, including parental

 Society is a concept used to describe the

structured relations and institutions among a
large community of people which cannot be
reduced to a simple collection or aggregation
of individuals.

 Societies are characterized by patterns of

relationships (social relations) between individuals
who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a
given society may be described as the sum total of
such relationships among its constituent of members.

 Society also influences a lot the development of

surrounding children’s growth.

 Every society has its own changing socio – cultural

needs and requires an education to meet these
 Today‘s needs are conservation of resources,
environmental protection, global citizenship etc.
Therefore education caters towards meeting of
these different needs.

 Since the needs of the society change

education also changes. Hence there is need
for having school because it helps in
understanding the society.

 Assimilation and transmission of culture/traditions:

This needs to be done consciously and selectively
because traditions need to be selected for
transmission as well as omission depending on
their value and desirability in today‘s democratic

 Acquisition/clarification of personal value

 Acquisition/clarification of values related to
the physical environment
 Self-realization/self-reflection: awareness of
one‘s abilities and goals

 Development of new social patterns: Today the

world is changing very fast due to development of
technology and communication.
 So along with preservation of traditional values,
new values, social patterns need to be developed

 Produce Citizens who can evaluate information

and predict future outcomes are developed –
in short who can take part in decision-making.
 Who have the capacity/ability to seek out
alternative solutions and evaluate them are
trained – those who are trained in problem

 Develop mental and physical skills: motor,

thinking, communication and social
 Produce citizens who can adapt, adjust according
to social environment
 Produce citizens who can contribute towards the
progress of society

 Promote knowledge of moral practices and ethical

standards acceptable by society/culture
 Train individuals to adapt to change or prepare for
change, better still initiate change in the society,

 Adult learning is a practice in which adults engage

in systematic and sustained self–educating
activities in order to gain new forms of knowledge,
skills, attitudes, or values.
 It can mean any form of learning adults engage in
beyond traditional schooling, encompassing basic
literacy to personal fulfilment as a lifelong learner.

 In particular, adult learning reflects a specific

philosophy about learning and teaching based
on the assumption that adults can and want
to learn, that they are able and willing to take
responsibility for that learning, and that the
learning itself should respond to their needs.
 Driven by what one needs or wants to learn,
the available opportunities, and the manner in
which one learns

 Adult learning is affected by demographics,

globalization and technology.
 The learning happens in many ways and in
many contexts just as all adults' lives differ.
 Adult learning can be in any of the three
contexts, i.e

 Formal: Structured learning that typically

takes place in an education or training
ernest usually with a set curriculum and
carries credentials
 Non-formal: Learning that is organized by
educational institutions but non qualification.

 Non-formal learning opportunities may be

provided in the workplace and through the
activities of civil society organizations and groups
 Informal Education: Learning that goes on all the
time, resulting from daily life activities related to
work, family, community or leisure (e.g. community
baking class)

 Non-formal Education is organized (even if it
is only loosely organized), may or may not be
guided by a formal curriculum.
 This type of education may be led by a
qualified teacher or by a leader with more

 Though it doesn’t result in a formal degree or

diploma, non-formal education is highly
enriching and builds an individual’s skills and
 Continuing education courses are an example
for adults.

 Gender refers to the different roles that are

assigned to males and females within society,
and the socially constructed relationship
between men and women.
 It is the cultural, socially constructed
differences between the two sexes.

 Also, it refers to the way society encourages

and teaches the two sexes to behave in
different through socialization.
 Moreover gender is a culture-specific construct
- there are significant differences in what
women and men can or cannot do in one
culture as compared to another.

 Gender identities and associated expectations

of roles and responsibilities are therefore
changeable between and within cultures
 Gender’ and the hierarchical power relations
between women and men based on this are
socially constructed, and not derived directly
from biology.

 Education is a process by which society deliberately

transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and value

from one generation to another
 It plays a vital role in understanding and participating

in day to day activities of todays world includes


 Due to the amount of time that children spend

in school, "teachers are influential role models
for many aspects of children's educational
experiences, including more the ten years of

 Teachers who endorse the culturally dominant

gender-role stereotype regarding the
distribution of talent between males and
females distort their perception of their
students' mathematical abilities and effort
resources in mathematics, in a manner that is
consistent with their gender-role stereotype
and to a greater extent than teachers who do
not endorse the stereotype.

 Due to key role the school play to shape the

children, the following elements should be
included in school so as to ensure gender
equality in education.

 Undertaking gender sensitization of parents,

community leaders and members, teachers,
girls and boys in order to raise their
awareness and understanding of the need to
support girls’ education.
 Training teachers in the skills for making
teaching and learning processes responsive to
the specific needs of girls and boys.

 Training the school community to manage

sexual maturation issues of both girls and
boys with particular emphasis on
menstruation management.
 Training teachers and students in guidance
and counselling skills.

 Establishing guidance and counselling desks in

order to provide services for the social and
psychological development of girls and boys.
 Empowering girls with skills for self-
confidence, speaking out, decision making and
negotiation in order for them to overcome
gender-based constraints to their education

 Empowering boys with skills to de-link from

gender oppressive attitudes and practices, and
to develop the self confidence needed to
accept gender equality positively

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