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…Expanding Lending Horizons

Who we
To be the Digital Banking
To Digitize and
Platform dominating the new
Automate Banking
era of fully Digital Banks in
in Africa
Our Vision For Financial

Digital First Tech Ready Expend Less Profitability

Become fully Be Instantly Battle ready Function as lean Be Profitable Digital
digital and for all Tech Initiatives and agile tech Institutions
automated and Collaborations companies
Financial Inclusion
Our technology platforms enable financial institutions
deliver fit-for-purpose services to the under-banked
informal sector in a profitable way.

We are deploying disruptive digital

technologies to enable financial Digital Banking
We are on track to digitize and fully automate Banking
inclusion, aut omat e banking and as we transition African Banks from brick and mortar to
fintech and digital.
facilitate payments.
Digital Payments
We are dis-intermediating and proliferating digital
payments thereby laying the foundations for a truly
cashless economy.
Business Statistics

more Managing Processing
N25 N115 120
1 470+
billion billion billion
9 Microfinance in
Commercial in loans in sitting
Banks transactions
Banks monthly balances




…Current Realities

Techfiology/ Customer Evolvifig Retail Huge

Fifitechs Experiefice Lefidifig
Ecosyste Refocus Credit
Rapid evolution of Redefined m Lendtech space
Growing Retail as a strategic Gap
technology and consumer behavior/ - innovative business focus for financial Relatively low “Access
the new domain demands/ models and new institutions - diverse to Credit” as funds
of fintechs awareness customer target market opportunities are being circled
segments for revenue growth around the
“seemingly” eligible
…Industry Challenges

Absence of credit
Manual credit decisioning tools
processing resulting in
resulting in long subjective and
TAT inconsistent credit

Dearth of efficient Inefficiencies
Collections & and increased
Recovery errors

Limited adaptability
ofautomation of
available credit
systems to lending
market dynamics
Recova Solution
Customer Objective Collaboration
Centric Analysis
Easy, fast and cost-
End-t o - end Credit ‘Process-Oriented’ effective
processes designed instead of ‘Person- collaborations with
with the customer’s Dependent’ credit 3rd party applications
immediate & future decisions, powered to offer an integrated
preferences in mind by d a t a - driven experience
Flexibility & Readiness
Guarantee future
Flexible enough to
readiness and
scale fast and
address evolving
advantage in an
compliance and
evolving financial
expansion needs

“Optimizing the Digital Lending Ecosystem….”

Decisiofiifig &

Customer Collectiofis &

Acquisitiofi Credit
Introducing Recova…

The Recova® platform is afi efid-to-efid

lefidifig solutiofi built ofi afi advaficed Credit
Credit Appraisal
Data System Loafi
techfiology ififrastructure that digitizes Loafi
Referefice Collectiofis
the efitire credit lifecycle from
customer walk-ifi/request to credit
decisiofiifig, automated disbursemefit,
loafi collectiofis afid delifiqueficy Loan Multi-Bank
mafiagemefit. Origination Direct
& Debit
The Solutiofis complemefit each other
but cafi be adopted afid implemefited
ifi isolatiofi as their value propositiofis
are distifict afid ifidepefidefitly
Recova Product
Credit Credit
D6t6 Appr6is6l
Referefice System
Digital Lending Solution that
Recov6 Lo6fi Origifi6tiofi & Credit assessment engine which
leverages machine learning &
automates the entire credit
process from application
Appr6is6l proprietary scorecard
algorithms to analyze customer
capture, document upload,
customer eligibility and risk
behavioral & transactional data assessment, approval, pre-
from multiple sources and disbursement check and
determines eligible limit, tenor & disbursement, from a unified
pricing b a s e d on the customer’s platform.
risk profile, in minutes.

Lo6fi Collectiofis Lo6fi Recovery

Recov6 Multi-B6fik Direct Automated loan overdue
Automated periodic loan
Debit repayment collections from
recovery from customer’s other
BVN linked accounts, where the
customer’s primary Bank primary repayment account is
account. unfunded.
Credit Data
Reference (CDR)
Credit D6t6
Credit assessment engine that facilitates
decisioning for Micro/Nano Lending, in

The solution leverages machine learning &

proprietary scorecard algorithms to analyze
customer’s behavioral & transactional data
from multiple sources and determines eligible
limit, tenor & pricing b a s e d on the customer’s
risk profile.
Customer profilifig from multiple D6t6 sources
• Leverages customer data from multiple sources to run eligibility checks
• Analyzes customer’s demographic, behavioral and transactional data history
• Profiles borrowing customers’ risk based on data analysis

Predictive Afi6lytics
• Strong analytics capability identifies patterns, trends and customer’s
behaviour from data
• Determines customer eligibility for credit in minutes
• Facilitates fair and consistent credit assessment

M6chifie Le6rfiifig/Scorec6rd Algorithms

• Proprietary scorecard algorithms for credit risk assessment
• Dynamic scorecard methodology which adapts to changing customer

Re6l-Time Credit Decisiofiifig

• Facilitates real-time credit decision making
• Provides instant eligibility determination
• Can be used to drive Micro Loans, Nano Lending and BNPL loan
How the CDR
works… Customer dials USSD
code or logs into
Institution’s mobile
banking app
How is the
credit score calculated?

Check Credit Score on

CDR to determine
eligibility - Loan amount,
tenor and pricing


Credit D6t6
Customer gets loan
You are
offer and clicks to Tr6fis6ctiofi6l D6t6
for a
accept or decline Spending habits, payment patterns, Account
loan of
management, Financial Stability
for 30
Telco D6t6
Call spend, Data spend, Social network

Customer receives cash
in minutes!
Digit6l Footprifit
The scoring model is constantly evolving to adapt to
changing market conditions and risk assessment practices
Use Case/ Customer Journey

Micro Loan Offers To proceed with you

Request Micro Loan
Get an instant loan in minutes loan request, My
Payday Loan MFB needs to access
your personal Kindly enter BVN
My MFB. Request Personal Loan Urgent 10K information. Kindly Note that this will be validated
Get a personal loan in 24 hours grant consent by
clicking the accept
No Stress Loan button
Request Business Loan Please have your BVN
Get a business loan for your SME information on hand to apply
Accept Decline

Wallet Balance
Approved Loan Offer
N 10,000
Select Bank Account
You are eligible for Approved Loan Amount: N8,000 Your Loan has been
for Disbursement Enter Account Number Loan History
a loan of up to Note that this will be validated approved!
N8000 for 14 days Approved Loan Tenor: 14 Days 1. First Bank Loan Requests
2. Union Bank
Loan Repayment Amount: N9,500 3. Access Bank
Loans Approved

Enter Loan Amount

4. Zenith Bank Loans Disbursed
Loan Repayment Date: 03/08/2023 5. Sterling Bank
6. Fidelity Bank Next Repayment
7. FCMB Your bank account will
Accept Decline
8. UBA be credited shortly Repay Loan
9. GTB
Click to view details Recent transactions
1 2 3

Robust Credit Decisioning & Real time decisioning to facilitate Data referencing leveraging
Eligibility determination engine/ disbursement of instant loans integrations to multiple 3rd party
Dynamic scorecard methodology databases

4 5 6

Convenient digital loan Automated disbursement to loan ML Based Lending Analytics

origination across multiple digital beneficiaries once loan is ensures continuous adaptation of
touchpoints - USSD, Mobile, Web, approved scorecards to changing customer
POS behavior
Credit Appraisal
System (CAS)
Credit Appr6is6l
Digital Work-flow based Lending Solution that
automates the entire credit process from
application capture, document upload,
customer eligibility and risk assessment,
approval, pre-disbursement check and
disbursement, from a unified platform.
Omfii Ch6fifiel Lo6fi
 Enable borrowers to apply for loans
through multiple channels
 Seamless integration with Web, Mobile
and In-branch platforms
 Expand customer reach and provide
convenient loan experience

Det6iled D6t6 Efitry

Customer  Seamless spool of the
Address &personal
Idefitity Verific6tiofi
customer’s basic
 Verify any
details from CBS/CRMS government ID in real-time
Onboarding &  Authenticate
 Capture comprehensive Identity
and with biometrics
 Verify
accurate customers’
borrower address in real time using device GPS coordinates
Loan  Streamline the data entry
process for loan applications
Origination Documefit M6fi6gemefit
 Upload and manage loan documents for ease of credit review
 Centralize document storage for easy access and retrieval

D6t6 V6lid6tiofi
 Second level data review, post data entry
 Minimize errors and improve data quality
Credit History Afi6lysis
 Carry out credit history checks on Institution’s internal database.
 Run customer credit history checks on external credit bureaus.
 Run customer credit history checks on Bankone.

Product RAC Afi6lysis (Policy Check)

 Easily configurable product specific credit policies for application.
screening in line with the minimum risk acceptance criteria for the product.
 Enhanced risk management and decision-making processes.

Dyfi6mic Scorec6rd Methodology

Loan Appraisal  Evaluate risks associated with the loan application by assigning scores
based on application/applicant attributes.
& Eligibility  Easily adaptable scoring models based on changing market dynamics.

Determination B6fik St6temefit Afi6lysis

 Automated Bank Statement generation from multiple financial
institutions or upload of received Bank statement from the customer.
 Detailed analysis of key financial information based on defined
algorithms to determine customer’s financial eligibility.

Fifi6fici6l St6temefit Afi6lysis - SMEs/Corpor6tes

 Obtain comprehensive understanding of a company's financial
position using a range of financial indicators - balance sheets,
income statements, cash flow statements & other key financial
metrics, to evaluate the stability and creditworthiness of a
corporate borrower.
Solution Features

Approv6l Limit Deleg6tiofi

 Delegate approval limits by product, based on credit approval levels
 Empower teams and expedite the approval process
 Enhance efficiency and reduce bottlenecks

Multi-level Lo6fi 6ppr6is6l workflow

 Implement flexible and customizable loan appraisal workflow by product
 Define multiple levels of review and approval
 Streamline collaboration and ensure compliance

Approvals, Autom6ted Offer Letter Gefier6tiofi

 Generate offer letters automatically based on approved loan terms
Controls &  Customize offer letters with borrower-specific information
 Improve turnaround time and enhance customer experience
Pre-Disbursemefit Cofitrol Checks
 Perform automated checks before loan disbursement
 Validate compliance - collateral, fees, legal and documentation
 Ensure accuracy and minimize risks pre-disbursement

Autom6ted Lo6fi Disbursemefit

 Automated loan set-up on CBS for approved loans
 Facilitate seamless and timely fund transfers to borrowers
 Enhance operational efficiency and improve customer satisfaction
How the C A S works…

New Application Detailed Data Entry

(Web, Mobile, CBS, & Document
In-branch) Upload
Loan Origination Start
Address & Identity
Verification Data Validation

Financial Eligibility
Check (Bank & Financial Product Policy
Loan Appraisal & Statements) Check

Product Score Credit History
Check Check

Offer Letter Pre-Disbursement/

Generation Control Checks
Post Approval & End
Disbursement Post Approval Loan
Document Disbursement
Solution Capabilities

Configurations/ Loan Loan Loan

Engines Origination Appraisal Decisioning

• • Self Service - Digit6l

Product • D6t6 V6lid6tiofi • Credit Bure6us
Ch6fifiels • Autom6ted & Hybrid
• Workflow • Scorifig Checks
• Biometric & Idefitity
• Ifi Br6fich Origifi6tiofi • Policy Checks Verific6tiofi
• Screefis • Exceptiofi H6fidlifig
• D6t6 Efitry • Credit History Afi6lysis • B6fik St6temefits
• Autom6ted Offer Letter
• D6t6 Fields • Ifiterfi6l Credit Checks Providers
• Documefit • Pre-Disbursemefit
• Approv6l M6trix
• B6fik St6temefit Afi6lysis
• Neg6tive DBs
• Fifi6fici6l St6temefit (Ifiterfi6l)
• Pricifig
• B6fik St6temefit • Autom6ted
Afi6lysis • Core B6fikifig
• Policy Rules Uplo6d • Group Afi6lysis •
Ifiterfi6l CRMS
• Scorifig Rules • Fifi6fici6l St6temefit
• Documefit Set-up Uplo6d

• Employer/Supplier
• Ificome/Li6bility
• Rep6ymefits/
Solution Benefits

Swift reaction to changing Higher productivity and Pre-defined rules, algorithms,

market dynamics & customer improved customer workflows and approval

demands, driven by speedy experience with faster, limits, ensuring standardized

deployment of new innovative automated loan processing credit processes across

products and reduced TAT products & branches

Streamlined automated credit Scalable architecture facilitates Configurable parameters

operations, reducing manual seamless implementation of tailored to specific lending
effort, eliminating errors and customizations and integration requirements and enhanced
reducing operational & credit with 3rd-party apps to credit decisioning
risks. accommodate future growth

Supports a wide range of loan

Revenue growth through Lower implementation cost types - Personal, Vehicle,
optimized business decision and annual subscription fees Asset, IPPIS, Mortgage,
and increased customer in local currency, eliminating Business, LPO, IDF, Education,
patronage. foreign exchange risks. Market, Group loans
Multi-Bank Direct
Debit Solution
Multi-B6fik Direct
Direct debit solution that facilitates loan Loan Collections
repayment collections and recovery on behalf Automated periodic loan repayment collections from
customer’s primary Ba nk account
of Financial Institutions (FIs), across multiple
accounts and banks based on a single
customer mandate.

The solution leverages technology that

Loan Recovery
connects to an ecosystem of
Automated loan overdue recovery from customer’s other
financial institutions and uses a unique
BVN linked accounts, where the primary repayment
identification mandate management system - account is unfunded
BVN, to identify and link all accounts of a
borrower for loan repayment and recovery.

Efficient Seamless Digital Mandate Robust Dispute Automated Extensive Bank

Collections Integration & Collection & Management Settlement & Network Coverage -
& Recovery Onboarding Management Platform Reconciliation Commercial Banks, MFB,
Finance Houses, Fintechs
How the Multi-Bank Direct

Lo6fi M6fid6te Lo6fi

Origifi6tiofi Set-up Rep6ymefit
Commence periodic
Once loan is Trigger consent collections from
approved - Obtain request to customer primary account
primary repayment and set-up (partial or full), till full
account Collections & loan payment is
Recovery Mandate received

Settlemefit/Lo6fi Lo6f Lo6f
B6l6fice i
Recovery i

upd6te Commence recovery Move to Recovery
Sweep funds from across linked bank queue once set
linked accounts to accounts using recovery DPD trigger
clear overdue customer’s BVN is reached
Solution Benefits

Reduced loan
defaults and

Increased loan
repayment 03 Increased profitability
collections/ recovery given significant
efficacy 0 04 reduction in credit

Seamless loan repayment Drive safe and

collections/ recovery across
multiple bank accounts
0 05 sustainable loan
portfolio growth
based on single customer 1
Partner Financial Institutions

Collections All Commerci6l


250+ MFBs/
Recovery Fifitechs/
Your automation
in 4 e a s y steps…
1 Presefit6tiofi
& Demo


2 (MOU Executiofi &



3 Scopifig


4 UAT/ Go-live
Thank You

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