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CLASS: 11th - A
• Dual nature of matter Lewis de-Broglie proposed the theory of
Dual Nature of Matter. Just like radiation, matter also has dual
• According to the concept of De Broglie dual nature of matter,
light depends on Electromagnetic radiation and symmetry. Matter
waves also have dual properties; wave-like properties are
generally shown in moving matters.
• Waves that are linked with moving particles are known as “De-
Broglie waves” or “Matter waves”. A Dual nature of electrons
can be related to the dual nature of matter.
• The De Broglie equation is generally used for describing the
wave nature of electrons. Theory of a dual nature of matter is
based on angular momentum of a particle. De-Broglie defines a
relation between wavelength and momentum.
• A Mathematical equation of Wavelength is “λ= h/P where h is
Planck’s constant and P is the momentum of a matter or
• Planck’s quantum theory shows that if heat is applied to a
black body it causes an emission of thermal radiation that has
various frequencies and wavelengths.
• According to this theory, particles can radiate and absorb
energy and they take place in small chambers. Quantum is
nothing but a smallest packet of energy.
• In the case of light, quantum is referred to as photon and in
case of matter, quantum is referred to as particle. Radiation
frequency of a particle is directly proportional to quantum
• Discovery: The photoelectric effect was first observed by Heinrich
Hertz in 1887 and later explained by Albert Einstein in 1905.
• Phenomenon: When light shines on a metal surface, it ejects
electrons from the material.
• Photon Theory: Einstein proposed that light consists of particles
called photons, each with energy proportional to its frequency (E=hf).
• Energy Transfer: Photons transfer their energy to electrons in the
metal. If the photon's energy is greater than the metal's work function
(the energy needed to release an electron), the electron is ejected.
• Threshold Frequency: There is a minimum frequency of light below
which no electrons are emitted, regardless of the light's intensity.
• Quantum Mechanics Support: The photoelectric effect supports the
quantum theory of light, demonstrating its particle-like behavior.
• Applications: This effect is crucial in technologies like photovoltaic
cells, which convert light into electricity.
• Quantum numbers are values that describe the unique quantum state of an
electron in an atom. They arise from solutions to the Schrödinger equation
and include:1.
• Principal Quantum Number (n): Indicates the main energy level or
shell, with higher values representing higher energy levels and larger
• Angular Momentum Quantum Number (l): Defines the shape of the
orbital, with values ranging from 0 to (n-1). Each value corresponds to a
specific subshell (s, p, d, f).3.
• Magnetic Quantum Number (m_l): Specifies the orientation of the
orbital in space, with values ranging from -l to +l.4.
• Spin Quantum Number (m_s): Describes the electron's spin direction,
either +1/2 or -1/2, indicating two possible spin states.

• These quantum numbers collectively determine the electron’s position and

behavior in an atom, influencing atomic structure, chemical bonding, and
spectral lines. They ensure that no two electrons in an atom have the same
• Quantum orbitals describe regions around an atom's nucleus
where electrons are likely to be found. Their shapes are
determined by the angular momentum quantum number (l):
• S Orbitals (l=0): Spherical in
shape, centered around the nucleus.
Each energy level has one s orbital.

• P Orbitals (l=1): Dumbbell-shaped, oriented along the x, y, and

z axes. There are three p orbitals in each energy level from n=2
• D Orbitals (l=2): More complex,
typically cloverleaf-shaped with
four lobes. There are five d orbitals
per energy level from n=3 onwards,
with one having a unique shape
resembling a donut with a central lobe.

• F Orbitals (l=3): Even more complex, with intricate shapes.

Each energy level from n=4 has seven f orbitals.

These shapes influence the atom’s chemical bonding and

properties, as the spatial orientation of orbitals affects how atoms
interact and form molecules. The shapes also determine the
distribution of electron density around the nucleus.

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