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ESL Revision

Unit 5 Revision
Using verbs + to
(Circle the correct choice to complete the sentence)
•1.Did you wanted to be / want to be an inventor
when you were little?
• Yes, I starting to / started to make new things
when I was six.

•2. Why did you create a new pencil holder?

• I decided invent / decided to invent a pencil holder
because I kept losing my pencils.

•3. How many pencils will it hold?

•I promising to / promised to make it big enough for
my whole class to use. It will hold 30 pencils.
Match the * *
Use for something you
words with ‘plan’ ... would like to

when they Use * * for a dream that is

are used: ‘want’ ..


Use * * if you have a clear

‘hope’ ... idea.
The plastic problem (Match problems
and solutions)

We use plastic wrap once and throw Boyan Slat invented a long net
it away. But it doesn’t break down * * that could catch plastic and
and ends up as rubbish. take it out of the sea.

Plastic bags create rubbish and Lucy Hughes invented a new

they don’t break down. * * plastic wrap out of fish skin
which does break down.

Plastic containers pollute the seas Daniel Burd discovered a way

and kill sea creatures. * * of breaking down plastic bags
using small microbes.
Unscramble the words
What word rhymes with spent? (nivnet)

What word in the sentence is the same as drawing a plan?


What word in the sentence means the same as to create?


What word means the same as ‘what I want to happen’?

Planning an invention
Match the questions with the correct information

Who is it for? * * A mobile phone

It sends and receives calls and

* *
What is it? messages using invisible radio waves
which travel through the air.

It was created to help people

* *
How does it work? communicate easily when on the

It is used by teenagers and adults

Why was it invented? * * that need to stay in communication
with others.
Jenny, Lenny and the Jumperoo
Choose if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:

Melting plastic creates harmful smoke which pollutes the air. TRUE FALSE

We can reduce plastic pollution by cutting it up really small. TRUE FALSE

Animals are eating bits of plastic in their environment. TRUE FALSE

Only plastic bottles can be recycled to make other things. TRUE FALSE
Match the rhyming words

crazy blink eye blue

* * * *

* * * *

sky lazy stink too

Unit 6 Revision
In the time of dinosaurs
Choose if the statements are true or false:

Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. TRUE FALSE

Dinosaurs were very tall. TRUE FALSE

Scientists watch videos of dinosaurs to learn about them. TRUE FALSE

Fossils of bones, nests and footprints have been found. TRUE FALSE
4. Match the words with their definitions

* *
Body fossils These are made when a dead dinosaur was
buried under mud or sand. After a long
time, the mud or sand turned into rock.
* *
Fossils These are made from parts of the
dinosaur, for example bones or teeth.
* *
Trace fossils These are made from things a dinosaur
left behind, for example footprints or
Put the words in order and add
punctuation to make a question

dinosaurs fast could run some

walk could on dinosaurs legs some two

Circle the correct word to complete
the sentence:
An Allosaurus can / could walk on two legs. This allowed
them to grab their prey.

A huge Apatosaurus couldn’t / can’t balance properly without

its tail.

Scientists could / can make discoveries about dinosaurs using

Using quantifiers

Circle the correct word to complete the sentence

__ of the butterflies are

___ of the flowers are small. ___ of the trees are tall. colorful

all some most all some most all some most

Circle the correct
words to complete
the sentence

There are _____apples There is ____ soup left There is ______ rice There were _____
in the basket in the bowl. on the plate. kinds of dinosaurs.

a lot of / some some / many a lot of / many many / some

Baby dinosaurs
Match the word with their definitions

dangerous * * broke open so the baby inside could come out

steal * * not safe

clues * * take something that is not yours

hatched * * facts that help you guess the answer

Match the question with the answer

Where did it live? * * It could walk on 4 legs, or run on 2


How big was it? * * It would lay 20-30 eggs.

How did it move? * * United States

What did it eat? * * Berries, leaves, seeds

Other interesting facts: * * 9 metres long, 2.5 metres tall.

Unit 7 Revision
Match the
picture to
big two yellow leaf five small yellow bugs with dots

two big yellow leaves five yellow big bugs with dots

the correct
yellow big leaves two small five yellow bugs with dots

small blue four jacks and a ball red three red small flowers with stripes

blue small four jacks and a red ball three small red flowers with stripes

four small blue jacks and a red ball red three small flowers with stripes
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences
______ you ever touched an earthworm? Have Has Is Are

Yes, I would like to order. Please bring ____ her me him

the menu.

Have you ever _____ that? do does done

Have ____ _____ Mount Everest yet? she climbs they climbed he climbed

Lisa is missing a shoe. Please find it for her him them

Matching What is the title of the * * In an expensive restaurant.

the story?

Who are the characters in

* *
The judge let the restaurant

question to
the story? owner hear the sound of the
poor man’s money.

Where did the story take A poor man, a rich restaurant

the answer. place?

What is the problem?

* * owner, Nasreddin

The rich owner wants the

* * poor man to pay him for
enjoying the smell of the
food outside his restaurant.

* *
What is the solution to the A fair solution
Unit 8 revision
Look at the pictures and write the correct word
Look at the pictures and write the missing letters

b_ n _ s h_ _ rt ex_ r_ise to_ na_ls m_ scl_s

Grammar-Finish the sentences using the word ‘will’.

a. Maria ______________ (brush) her teeth after lunch.

b. The students ______________ (study) hard for their exams this week.

c. I ______________ (sleep) at 9:00 pm tonight.

d. My parents _______________ (clean) the car this afternoon.

e. We ________________ (play) chess after school today.

How many basic tastes are there? ________

Read and Two Three Five Four

Coffee is ________

choose the bitter sweet sour salty

correct Honey is ________

salty sweet bitter sour

answer Vinegar is ________

sweet salty bitter sour

Salt is ________

salty sweet sour bitter

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