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rizal life: higher

education and
life aborad

The education Ateneo & UST are among the factors that helped
shape his character and his person.

He was accompanied by his brother Paciano when he went in

Manila on June 10, 1872.

Rizal was an eleven years old taking an entrance exam and

enrolled in the Ateneo

Rizal also took an entrance exam at College of San Juan de Letran

and passed

His father wished him to study but later on change his mind Jose
send to Ateneo de Manila.

• Father Magin Ferrando, College Registrar

• Manuel Xerez Burgos, (nephew of Father Burgos)

■ He used Rizal as last name instead of Mercado

Jesuit System of Education
■ Promotes humanities , physical culture, and scientific studies
courses on

■ Vocational agriculture, commerce, mechanics and surveying

Religiously operate the school

mass every morning

classes/subjects are open & close with prayer

• Students were divided into two:

Roman Empire - Internos (boarders)

Carthaginian Empire -Externos non-boarders

Rizal's First Year in Ateneo (1872
■ June, 1872, first day of class in Ateneo

■ Fr. Jose Bech, first professor of Rizal

• He was assigned to Carthaginians - Emperor

■ He was the brightness pupil in the whole class

■ He took private lessons in Santa Isabel College and paid three pesos
for extra Spanish lessons

■ He placed seconds at the end of the year although his grades were
marked "Excellent"
Summer Vacation (1873)
• March 1873, Rizal returned to Calamba for summer vacation.

• His sister Neneng (Saturnina) brought him to Tanawan to cheer him up

• Visited his mother in prison at Santa Cruz without telling his father

• After vacation, he returned to Manila for his 2nd year term in Ateneo

• He boarded inside Intramuros at No. 6 Magallanes Street

Dona Pepay was his landlady, an old widow with a widowed daughter and 4 sons.
Prophecy of Mother's Release
• Rizal's dream about his mother
• The youthful Joseph in the Bible

Teenage Interest in Reading

During the summer vacation in Calamba (1874)

1st favorite novel of Rizal "The Count of Cristo" by Alexander Dumas

Cesar Cantu's historical work entitled "Universal XANDRE History" DUMAS

• "Travels in the Philippines" by Dr.Fooder Jagor a German scientist-traveler in (1850-1860)

3rd Year in Ateneo (1874–1875)

■ Shortly after of classes, the opening his mother was released from prison.

■ In the previous not years, Rizal did make an excellent showing in his studies

■ He failed to win the medal in Spanish because his spoken was not fluently sonorous March, 1875
Rizal returned to Calamba for summer vacation
4th Year in Ateneo (1875–1876)

■ June 16, 1875

■ He became an interno in Ateneo

• Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez inspired him to study harder and write poetry
"model of earnestness and love advancement of his pupils"

■ Rizal won five medals

Last Year in Ateneo (1876-1877)
■ June 1876, last year of Rizal in Ateneo

• He was truly "the pride of the Jesuits"

• Obtained highest grades in all subjects Graduation with Highest Honors

• "Excellent" scholastic records from 1872 to 1877

• March 23, 1877, Commencement Day

■ Received the Bachelor highest honors degree of of Arts with highest honor
Extra-Curricular Activities in Ateneo
■ An "emperor" inside the classroom and campus leader outside

Secretary of the Marian Congregation

■ Member of Academy of Spanish Literature and the Academy of Natural Science

■ Studied painting under the famous Spanish Agustin Saez

Extra-Curricular Activities in Ateneo
■ Sculpture under Romualdo de Jesus noted Filipino sculptor Engaged in
gymnastics and fencing

■ Father Jose Vilaclara advised him to stop communing with the muses and pay
more attention to practical studies such as philosophy and natural science
Sculptural Works in Ateneo

Carved an image of The Virgin Mary on a piece of "batikuling" (Philippine hardwood)

Father Lleonart requested him to carve an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus The old Jesuit forgot
to take the image with him to Spain

Ateneo boarding students placed the image on the door of the dormitory and remain there for many
Anecdotes of Rizal

• Felix Μ. Ramos- Rizal's contemporaries one of in Ateneo

• Manuel Xerex Burgos - Rizal boarded shortly before he became an interno in Ateneo
Poems Written in Ateneo
Mi Primera Inspiration (My First Inspiration)

the first poem Rizal probably wrote during his days in Ateneo.
In 1875, inspired by Father Sanchez, he wrote more poems such as:

. El Embarque: Himno a la Flota de Magallanes (The Departure Hymn to Magellan's fleet)

. Y Es Espanol: 日 cano, the first to circumnavigate the world)

. 日 Combate: Urbiztondo Terror de Jolo (The Battle: Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo) Filicitacion
In 1876, Rizal wrote poems on various topics:

Un Recuerdo a Mi Pueblu (In Memory of My Town)

Alianza Intima Entre la Region Y La Buena Educacion (Intimate Alliance Between Religion and
Good Education)

Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria (Through Education the Country Receive Light)

E Cultivero Y El Triunfo (The Captivity and the Triumph: Battle of Lucena and the Imprisonment of

La Entrada Triuntal de Los Reyes Catolices en Granada (The Triumphal Entry of The Catholic
Monarches into Granada)
A year later, in 1877 he wrote more poems: .

Heroismo de Colon (The heroism of Colombus) .

Colon y Juan II (Colombus and John II) .

Gran Consuelo en la Mayor Desdicha (Great Solace in Great Misfortune) .

Un Diarogo Alusivo a la Despedida de los Colegiales (A Farewell Dialogue of the Students)

"My First Inspiration"
Why falls so rich a spray of fragrance from the bowers of the balmy flowers upon this festive day?

Why from woods and vales do we hear sweet measures ringing that seem to be the singing of a choir of nightingales?

Why in the grass below do birds start at the wind's noises, unleashing their honeyed voices as they hop from bough to bough?

Why should the spring that glows its crystalline murmur be tuning to the zephyr's mellow crooning as among the flowers it flows?

Why seems to me more endearing. more fair than on other days, the dawn's enchanting face among red clouds appearing?

The reason, dear mother, is they feast your day of bloom: the rose with its perfume, the bird with its harmonies.

And the spring that rings with laughter upon this joyful day with its murmur seems to say. "Live happily ever after!"

And from that spring in the grove now turn to hear the first note that from my lute I emote to the impulse of my love.
Dramatic Work in Ateneo
Father Sanchez, his favorite teacher ask him to write a drama based on the prose story of St. Eustace the
Martyr .

Summer 1876 in Calamba, he wrote the religious drama in poetic verses

June 2 1876, finished the manuscript

He submitted the finished manuscript entitled "San Eustacio, Martir" (St. Eustace, the Martyr) to Father
Sanchez in his last academic year in Ateneo
First Romance of Rizal
• Segunda was already engaged to Manuel Luz

• His first romance was ruined by his own shyness and reserve

• Segunda returned to Lipa and later married Manuel Luz

• Rizal remained in Calamba, a frustrated lover, cherishing nostalgic memories of lost love
First Romance of Rizal
• Segunda was already engaged to Manuel Luz

• His first romance was ruined by his own shyness and reserve

• Segunda returned to Lipa and later married Manuel Luz

• Rizal remained in Calamba, a frustrated lover, cherishing nostalgic memories of lost love

Mother's Opposition to Higher Education

Bachelor of Arts is equivalent to high school and junior college courses

on Francisco and Paciano wanted Jose to pursue higher education
Doña Teodora opposed the idea and told her husband:
Don't send him to Manila again; he knows enough. If he gets to know more, the
Spaniards will cut off his head." izal was surprised about his mother's objection and
later wrote: D Did my mother perhaps have a foreboding of what would happen
Rizal Enters the University

Rizal entered UST in April 1877 and took up Philosophy and Letters
:reasons why he took it
His father liked it •

He was still uncertain as to what career to pursue
,t the first year, he also studied Cosmology, Metaphysics
Theodicy and Histo Screenshot has been saved to Pictures/Screenshot

Pablo Ramon, Rector of Ateneo, advised him to take up Medicine

Finishes Surveying Course in Ateneo

Vocational course leading to the title perito agrimensor (expert surveyor).

He excelled in all subjects in Ateneo, obtaining gold medals in agriculture and topography.

At 17, he passed the final examination in the surveying course and granted the title as surveyor in November 25, 1881.
His loyalty remains to Ateneo. He is also active in the extra curricular activities:
President of the Academy of Spanish Literature
Secretary of the Academy of Natural Sciences
Secretary of the Marian Congregation
Romances with Other Girls

Rizal paid court to a woman he simply referred to as "Miss L." who was "fair with seductive and
attractive eyes"

wo reasons for his change of heart:

• The sweet memory of Segunda Katigbak is still fresh in his heart
• His father did not like the family of "Miss L."
Leonor Valenzuela eonor Valenzuela, a tall girl with regal bearing, was courted by Rizal while staying at
Doña Concha Leyva's house in Intramuros.
Romances with Other Girls

Romances with Other Girls izal sends Leonor Valenzuela letters with invisible ink, a mixture of
table salt and water, and taught Orang (Leonor's pet name) how to read it.

Leonor Rivera, his cousin from Camiling, was a frail, pretty girl "tender as a budding flower with
kindly, wistful eyes.

" Leonor Rivera hey became engaged and in order to hide their relationship, Leonor signs her
letters as Taimis.
Victim of Spanish Officer's Brutality

Happened during the summer of 1878 while he was a first year at UST.

The man turned out to be a lieutenant of the Guardia Civil.

Brutally slashed the back of Rizal with a sword.
Rizal reported the incident to Gen. Primo de Rivera, but nothing happened with his complaint.
A letter dated March 21, 1887, addressed to Blumentritt, stated: "I went to the Captain-General but
I could not obtain justice;
my wound lasted two weeks."
To the Filipino Youth

iceo Artistico- Literario (Artistic-Literary Museum) of Manila held a literary contest.

Rizal submitted a poem entitled A La Inventud Filipina
Rizal won first prize and received a silver pen, feather-shaped and decorated with a gold ribbon.
he poem is a Philippine classic for two reasons:
• It was the first great poem in Spanish written by a Filipino, whose merit was recognized by
Spanish literary authorities
• It expressed for the first time the nationalistic concept that the
"The Council of the Gods"

nother literary contest to commemorate Cervantes' centennial death anniversary, was held in 1880.
Rizal submitted an allegorical poem entitled El Consejo de los Dioses
Rizal won first prize again but the Spanish community in Manila disapproves with the decision.
Rizal won a gold ring engraved with the bust of Cervantes and for the first time in history, an indio
excelled in a national literary contest.
was able to prove the fallacy of the alleged Spanish superiority over the Filipinos and revealed that
we could hold our own against other races.

izal was aided by the Father Rector of Ateneo to secure the needed references
. he allegory was based on Greek classics and established a parallel among Homer, Virgil and
Other Literary Works

n 1879, Rizal wrote Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma which was declaimed by Manuel Fernandez on Dec. 8
in honor of Ateneo's Patroness

Rizal wrote a zarzuela, Junto al Pasig (Beside the Pasig), which was staged by the Ateneans on Dec.
he zarzuela is mediocre but there are passages that express in subtle satire the author's nationalist
ideas. For instance, Rizal made Satan say that the Philippines
- Now without comfort adly groans in the power of a foreign people,
Rizal's Visit to Pakil and Pagsanjan

n the summer of May, 1881, Rizal went on a pilgrimage to the town of Pakil, the famous shrine of
the Birhen de los Dolores.

hey stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Regalado, whose son Nicolas is Rizal's friend in Manila.
urumba- people dancing in the streets during procession in honor of the miraculous Birhen de los
Champion of Filipino Students

Filipino students were called "Indio, Chongo" while Spanish students are called "Kastila, Bangus".

n 1880, Rizal founded a secret society called Compañerismo (Comradeship), whose members are
called "Companions of Jehu"
ehu- Hebrew general who fought the Armaeans and ruled Israel for 28 years.

izal was the Chief while his cousin Galicano Apacible was secretary. n one fight near Escolta, Rizal
ended up with a wound in his head.
Unhappy Days at UST

Rizal was unhappy at the UST because:

1. The Dominican professors were hostile to him
2. Filipino students were racially discriminated against by the Spaniards
3. The method of instruction was obsolete and repressive.
In his novel El Filibusterismo, he discussed how Filipinos were humiliated and insulted by
Dominican professors.
In Chapter XIII, "The Class In Physics", Rizal related how classes are held in UST.
Decision to Study Abroad

fter finishing Medicine in UST, he decided to study in Spain

aciano, Saturnina, Lucia, Uncle Antonio Rivera, the Valenzuela family and some friends approved of
his plans. or the first time, he did not seek his parents approval and blessings to go abroad.

e did not asked Leonor as well knowing that Leonor will not be able to keep a secret.
he Spanish authorities, his parents and Leonor know nothing

On May 3, 1882, Jose Rizal secretly left the Philippines aboard the S.S. Salvadora. Only his
brother Paciano, two sisters, and a few close friends knew about his departure.

Rizal knew that his parents would not approve of his decision to

leave, as they feared for his safety.

When Rizal's parents learned of his departure, they were heartbroken. His

father, especially, was devastated.


In a letter to Rizal, his brother Paciano wrote:

Jose's primary goal in leaving for Europe in 1882 was to complete

his education.

However, he also had a secret mission. His secret mission was to observe the

lives, cultures, laws, and governments of the countries in Europe, in preparation

for liberating the Philippines from Spain's tyrannical rule.


Rizal's journey took him through several countries, including Singapore, Sri Lanka, Italy, and

France. He arrived in Barcelona on June 16, 1882, after a month and a half of travel.

It was summer vacation, so he was able to meet and socialize with

acquaintances and former classmates from the Ateneo.

Jose Rizal went to Madrid in 1882, where his brother Paciano wanted him to stay

because it was the center of all the provinces of Spain and where he could learn

the most.

Rizal wasted no time in Madrid.

He began writing for the Diariong Tagalog under the pseudonym Laong Laan, which means

"ever prepared."
On August 20, 1882, his essay "El Amor Patrio" (Love of Country) was published.

This work focuses on the author's perceptions of the Philippines, both tangible and imagined. It

paints the Philippines as a homeland, worthy of love and protection.

After writing "El Amor Patrio," Rizal suspended writing articles about the country because of

his mother's opposition.

The essay had alerted Spanish officials to Rizal's nationalistic tendencies, and his mother feared

that he would be arrested.

Rizal also had a difficult time gaining fame, and he decided to focus on his studies instead.
rizal's education in madrid
in a nutshell
During his first year in Madrid, José Rizal joined the Circulo Hispano- Filipino, a Filipino
student organization that met regularly to discuss political issues and to voice out the
concerns of Filipinos.

The organization was able to publish the newspaper Revista del Circulo Hispano-
Filipino, which aimed to express thoughts about the abusive Spanish government.
However, the publication was short-lived due to lack of
funds and conflicting political issues.

This led to the dissolution of the organization.

Notable members of the organization included José Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar,
Juan Luna, and Graciano López Jaena.
Jose Rizal had a difficult time financially during his stay in Madrid.

His family's financial status had been declining due to crop failures and the
increase in rentals of the Dominican hacienda lands in his hometown.

As a result, the monthly allowance that Rizal received from the Philippines was
often delayed or not enough.
In fact, there were times when he attended his classes on an empty stomach. He skipped
many meals just to pay for his exam fees and to buy the required books and tools..

In his free time, he frequently visited museums and read books. He often walked
around restaurants and cafes, hungry, and satisfied his hunger with the smell of

He also complained about not being able to take a bath every day because every
bath had a fee. He quipped that he had not taken a bath for at least a month!
On the evening of June 25, 1884, after a day of

not eating, José Rizal attended a banquet in

Madrid to celebrate the success of two Filipino

painters, Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion

Hidalgo, at the Exposición Nacional de Bellas

Luna's painting "Spoliarium" won a gold medal, while Hidalgo's painting "Virgenes

Cristianas Expuestas al Populacho" won a silver medal.

At the banquet, Rizal gave a speech that would make history.

Rizal's speech was recorded by the reporters who attended the banquet,

and it was published in the magazine "Los Dos Mundos."

Despite the controversy caused by his speech, Rizal continued his studies for a

doctorate in medicine.

At the age of 24, José also finished his licentiate in

Philosophy and Letters in 1885.

• In November 1885, Rizal moved to Paris to

specialize in ophthalmology.

He worked as an assistant to Dr. Louis de Wecker, a renowned French

ophthalmologist who was known for using a pair of scissors in
performing surgeries.
Rizal also took the time to meet up with friends, including
painter Juan Luna and fellow writer and medical student Maximo

During his stay with Luna, Rizal became a model and posed for two
historical paintings.
Due to the high cost of living in Paris, Rizal left for Germany in
February 1886.

Rizal mastered the techniques of diagnosing eye ailments under
Dr. Becker, which he had first learned from Dr. Louis de Wecker.
However, the program placed less emphasis on actual operations.
Rizal's experience with actual patient operations in Paris helped
him become one of Dr. Becker's best students.

While studying in Germany, Rizal heard of an Austrian scholar

who was interested in the Philippines. He had never seen the
country, but he was eager to learn more about it.
Rizal was eager to share his knowledge about his motherland
with the curious Austrian scholar. Upon learning that Blumentritt
was studying the Tagalog language, Rizal sent him a letter.

In his letter, Rizal expressed his gratitude for Blumentritt's

interest in the Philippines and sent him a Spanish-Tagalog
arithmetic book as a gift. He wrote,
Blumentritt was delighted to receive Rizal's letter and gift, and he
reciprocated by sending Rizal two books.

Rizal and Blumentritt became close friends, and they corresponded

regularly for many years.

After four months of correspondence, Rizal mustered the courage to suggest

that they exchange photographs.
He quickly mastered German, which is a difficult language to learn. He not only
learned the language, but also translated some German works into Tagalog.
Rizal translated William Tell into Tagalog so that his countrymen would know of, and
perhaps draw inspiration from, the tale of independence.
He was not satisfied with simply translating one
work, however. He went on to translate several fairy
tales of Hans Christian Andersen.

Jose Rizal moved to Berlin, the capital of Germany,

in November 1886.

and attended classes at the University of Berlin in

the evening.
He intended to publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere, but he was sick, sad, and
His brother Paciano was unable to send him his monthly allowance due to crop
failures in Calamba.
Rizal had to pawn his diamond ring and sell his books to bookstores in order to
When he learned of Rizal's troubles, he lent him money for allowance and 300
pesos, a huge sum of money at that time, for the printing of Noli Me Tangere.
He intended to publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere, but he was sick, sad, and penniless.
His brother Paciano was unable to send him his monthly allowance due to crop failures in Calamba.
Rizal had to pawn his diamond ring and sell his books to bookstores in order to eat.
When he learned of Rizal's troubles, he lent him money for allowance and 300 pesos, a huge sum of
money at that time, for the printing of Noli Me Tangere.
In 1887, two thousand copies of Noli Me Tangere were produced and distributed to Filipinos in
Europe, including Dr. Blumentritt.
Rizal took a ship from Marseilles and started home on July 5, 1887. He was finally ready to operate
on his mother's cataracts.
Jose Rizal returned to the Philippines in August 1887 after five years of living abroad.
He was greeted by controversy, as the Jesuits at the Ateneo attempted to get him to return to his old

He was greeted by controversy, as the Jesuits at the Ateneo attempted to get him to return to his old
The novel had already caused a stir in the Philippines, and the friars were determined to silence
They preached sermons against him in church and wrote pamphlets denouncing him and his work.
Rizal's brother, Paciano, accompanied him everywhere he went, and even their father, Don
Francisco, was hesitant to let him leave the house.
He cured the sick, and soon he was known as an eye specialist and surgeon. In the town, Rizal was
called Doctor Uliman, because he was mistaken for a German.
On August 30, 1887, Rizal left Calamba for Manila to meet with Governor-General Emilio Terrero,
a liberal-minded Spanish official.

At about the same time, Governor-General Terrero ordered an investigation into the Calamba
agrarian problems.
He also visited the botanical garden, casino, cathedral and churches, pagodas, and bazaars.
He even became friends with some leading Spaniards, including the Governor General's secretary,
Jose Joaquin Barranda.

Rizal's ship was quarantined in San Francisco when it arrived on April 28. 1888.
The ship was suspected of carrying cholera, but Rizal knew that the real reason was because it was
carrying Chinese and Japanese laborers, who were seen as a threat to American jobs.
The ship was suspected of carrying cholera, but Rizal knew that the real reason was because it was
carrying Chinese and Japanese Isboners, who were seen as a threat to American jobs
After a week of quarantine, some passengers were allowed to disembark, but the Chinese and
Japanese passengers were quarantined for a longer period

Rizal was able to leave the ship and travel to different cities in the United States, including Reno.
Utah, Colorado Nebraska, Chicago Albany, and New York City
After his trip to the United States. Rizal arrived in London on May 24, 1888.
Rizal met Dr. Reinhold Rost, the librarian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in England
Dr. Rost allowed Rizal to undertake research at the British Museum, where he had the opportunity
to read Morga's Sucesos.

Reluctantly. Rizal left the wonderful library of the British Museum and departed for Paris in the
middle of March 1889 to continue working on El Filibusterismo.
In January 1890, Jose Rizal moved to Brussels, Belgium, to escape the high cost of living in Paris
and the distractions of social life.
He was concerned that the social life in Brussels would interfere with his writing, so he limited his
social engagements.
Rizal was troubled by reports that some Filipinos in Spain were gambling too much, and he feared that this was giving the
friars in the Philippines ammunition to discredit the Propaganda Movement.
He wrote to Marcelo H. del Pilar, asking him to remind the Filipinos in Madrid that they were not in Europe to gamble, but
to work for the freedom of the Philippines.
He wrote a poem entitled "A Mi Musa" (To My Muse) that was published on La Solidaridad to express his disappointment
and to call for justice.

Rizal tried to defend his family in court, but he was unsuccessful. The friars won the case, and the Rizals were forced to
leave Calamba.
Luna felt that he had the first claim on Boustead, but she was clearly infatuated with Rizal.
After they had been drinking, Luna made some nasty comments about Boustead
When Luna regained his sobriety, he realized his mistake and apologized to Rizal.
In another incident, Rizal was offended by an article written by the historian Wenceslao Retana.
In the article, Retana hinted that the Rizals had been ejected from their ancestral property in Biñan for non-payment of

Rizal left Madrid and went to Hong Kong after publishing El Filibusterismo in Europe.
He was unhappy with the political situation there, especially his disagreements with del Pilar and other Filipino

Rizal then left Madrid and no longer contributed to La Solidaridad. He arrived in Hong Kong on November 20, 1891.
While in Hong Kong, Jose Rizal began writing the constitution of La Liga Filipina, with the help of Jose Maria Basa.
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